Vic’s Weight Loss

Thank god that’s over with. They did clean up after themselves.

Anyway, ended up eating late last night. Had oatmeal with milk.

156.0 lbs

I’m feeling so lazy today. So I’m just sitting at Panera even though I can do some cleaning and laundry at home. Just waiting to get my mom some breakfast. Hopefully the laziness passes by the time I go back home.

Breakfast was 3 slices of raisin bread. Late lunch was a slice of pepperoni pizza. Dinner was some sweet potato and pan fried chicken with onions and peppers.

Went to PP beach this afternoon.
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Workers who clean up after they finish are worth their weight in gold. You have been very busy lately, Vic. I doubt that you're lazy xo
155.0 lbs!!! Yay!!

Breakfast was leftover slice of pepperoni pizza. Had a little boiled sweet potato.

Afternoon snack was half an almond cookie. And a few almonds.

Friday dinner was at Li’s. Had a Godzilla roll and one frozen watermelon margarita.
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154.8 lbs

Skipping breakfast. About to take my bro to visit our mom. Right now at the dispensary.

Drinking an iced coffee with almond milk and Splenda. Lunch was cucumber, tomato, red onion, and yellow pepper. And a beef teriyaki and one pizza crust. Had some corn chips and Cheetos. Stopping myself from eating more.

Dinner I had one Johnny cake, some curry cauliflower with potato, and a piece of pork. Had 2 mojitos.

Went in the hot tub this evening. Tomorrow going early to the beach. The kids have a martial art class or something there.
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Thanks, Cate!

153.8 lbs

At the chilly beach today. High of 78 degrees F at Hampton beach.

Skipping breakfast this morning. Next GW is under 153 lbs.

Early dinner (midafternoon) was bbq pork, a Johnny cake, and half a cornbread.

11 more days till camping trip.
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I had to look up Johnny cakes. I'm not a big bread fan, but I really disliked the bread in the US, especially corn bread. I'm glad I don't much like it (or pancakes). 78oF sounds good to me too :)
You'll be back down again soon, Vic xo
Yeah, I would like high 80s*F. This summer (here in the northeast) hasn’t had many high temp days like the rest of the US.

The beach water was freezing but I still went in.

I love Johnny cake (fried dough). Cornbread, I just started liking. The local ones are sweet.
Hey Vic, just a quick check-in, sounds like you are doing alright. I know you'd like to lose a few pounds, but it doesn't seem to me you are in a terrible place weight or healthwise.
11 more days till camping trip.
Where are you going? I enjoy camping, its a nice change of pace.
I love Johnny cake (fried dough).
Never lived where these were common. I always assumed it was just another name for a pancake, is that right?
The beach water was freezing but I still went in.
Good for you, I love swimming but prefer warmer water. Still I would probably have gone in with you, hard to resist a beach swim.
Hello, Rob! I’m going to NH, the White Mountains for our camping trip. Just a long weekend. On Lake Winnipesaukee.

The fried dough (Johnny cake) is what u get at the fair. It’s like a bread that’s fried. Not a pancake! But it can be sweet too. With the toppings like brown sugar and cinnamon. I love both- sweet and savory. My mom makes hers fluffy and soft on inside.
The fried dough (Johnny cake) is what u get at the fair. It’s like a bread that’s fried. Not a pancake! But it can be sweet too. With the toppings like brown sugar and cinnamon. I love both- sweet and savory. My mom makes hers fluffy and soft on inside.

The only similar food we have is langos, which is deepfried and then brushed with garlic. The first two bites are delicious but after that it's generally cooled enough that it's just greasy. But that may have something to do with the Austrian inability to get deepfried stuff properly crispy, which kind of defeats the purpose of deepfrying if you ask me...
I will start back going to the gym when my mom leaves on the 24th of this month.

For lunch I had a Johnny cake, some tomato choka, shrimp and one glazed donut. Really late dinner because I couldn’t sleep was my leftover, 2 steamed chicken tenders and steamed pumpkin.
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153.2 lbs

Up early today. Cleaned my kitchen and my living room. Still have laundry to put away!

Period ended. Only had it for 3 days. I just hope it doesn’t come back next week for our camping trip.

Skipped breakfast.

Lunch was 2 steamed chicken soup dumplings. And a piece of Sabou bread with butter. And one grilled shrimp. Some Cheetos. And a piece of lemon cake.

Dinner I had a sausage. I also had a cucumber, tomato, orange bell pepper, and red onion salad. Tossed in a sg poppyseed dressing.

Before bed I had oatmeal with almond milk and Splenda.
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152.7 lbs

Up early. Today I have an appt in the afternoon for a condo showing. In the pictures it looks good. I’m thinking about upgrading but there is nothing good on the market and everything’s is expensive. I’ll just go look and I’m curious about what their HOA fees offer. Probably won’t put an offer in because right now I’m not paying for anything except HOA. But I still have expensive stuff like my roof repairs and such. Yet it still will be cheaper than getting a new place. My mom says no to getting another condo and to wait for a house in my price range.

Then I’m going to the pond afterwards.

Breakfast was a protein smoothie of protein powder, almond milk, and ice. 1.5 cups. Went by my sis and had a chocolate chip scone. And some almonds.

8 more days. I want to be 149 lbs or lower by then.
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Checking it out shouldn't hurt, Vic. You don't seem like a person who would make rash decisions.