Vic’s Weight Loss

Breakfast was 2 thin pancakes and 2 bacon. Lunch was a slice of pepperoni pizza. Slice of chocolate cake. Dinner will be pasta and shrimp.
Hope you're having fun, Vic xo
Thanks, Cate! I am having fun. At the beach early this morning. It’s about a 5 min walk to the pier at Old Orchard beach. We saw the fireworks last night.

My eating is okay. My sleep is great. Not really worrying about my weight since I don’t have a scale!

It’s nice having the kids around!
Thanks, Cate and Llama!

Skipped breakfast. Lunch I had 2 slices of pepperoni pizza. Alcoholic beverages. Dinner my mom made. Rice, dal, curry chicken with potatoe and avocado. A little flaming hot ruffles.

I’m stuffed. Hopefully I can fall asleep without eating anything else!
Thanks, Rob, Llama, and Cate!

Last full day at the beach. Then back to reality tomorrow after check out.

I’m skipping breakfast. Lunch I had 6 mini donuts. Tonight i had ribs and Mac and cheese. And a small bowl of cherry vanilla ice cream.
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Today I am heading back. Of course, now I’m dreading to weigh myself.

Had an egg, sausage, and tomato on bread for breakfast. Had 12 mini donuts at the beach. Yum! Going to smuttynose brewery for lunch. I’m still stuffed. Might just get a cocktail. Ended up getting one pulled pork taco and some tater tots.

Planning on having a salad when I get home either for lunch or dinner. This week I’ll focus on protein and veggies.

Will have pumpkin and chicken tenders- will probably steam them later for dinner.

Came home. First thing I stepped on the scale and was shocked. I went straight to the gym and walked/ran for 15 min. Then I went and hiked at Castle trail for 30 min. Of course weight is with everything I already ate today but still it is a lot of higher than I expected. Tomorrow I’m planning on getting up early to go to the gym. The roofer is coming early.
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I hope so, Cate! I only have 2.5 weeks until my next vaca. So I’ll try to eat healthy and exercise as much as I can till then.
158.8 lbs!!! Wow!!! Way too high!

Today I’m going to fast as long as I can. 5 lbs!!! I guess I should not had all those mini donuts!!!

Drinking Chrystal light. No soda in my house. Will go and get some cheap ones.

Ended up having a wing with sweet and sour sauce. Had one piece of sushi roll. And 4 small pieces of chocolate. A little rice with sausage. Dinner late was an egg and a bun.

Well my roof repair is a lot more money than expected. Going to take several days to fix it.

Brought my mom breakfast this morning and then I got her some sushi mid afternoon.
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Stupid scale, creeping up like that. I guess several trips in a row make it hard to stay on track, especially when the people you travel with don't care about calories.
Ouch on the expensive roof repair but getting it done when it's due is always the right choice.
You do seem to have a lovely social life with your family so maybe finding a way to not bounce up & down so much might be a less stressful aim. Can you cut down on the sweets & up your nutrition while you are at home especially, do you think?
I’ll try Cate. I’ll try not to snack tomorrow. My bro has mini chocolate. I’ll tell him tomorrow to take it to his room. Then I’ll try not to eat the kids snack while I’m by my sis, And I will not buy any donuts for me for the next 16 days.

That’s my 2 week plan. The nutrition side will be hard because I’m trying to fast. I’m eating just stuff I have a craving for and just want a taste of.

I do have, pumpkin and bok choy and chicken tenders. If I am hungry.
155.9 lbs!!! Yay! Still not good enough but I’ll take it.

Fasting or restricting today. Ate a little rice with sausage for lunch. Had a few tortilla chips. Right now is almost 1 pm. Going to try to not eat/ snack till 8. Tried just one of a sweet and sour chicken. Then I had 3 more pieces. And a cornbread. For dinner. Have to stop myself from eating more.
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156.2 lbs

Up early today. Went to the gym even though I wasn’t feeling it. Did some strength training. Came home and did a 10 min strength training video.

Doing some strength training while I’m waiting for roofers to leave. Then I’ll go by my mom.
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Fingers crossed the roofers are excellent and will clean up after themselves.