Vic’s Weight Loss

Does it have any flavorings in it? Eggwhites alone can be so bland. The principle of it sounds great though.
No flavoring. So it just tastes like whatever filling you put in it.
158.8 lbs

Today I woke up late. Had a scrambled egg with sweet onion on an egg wrap. Lunch was crab and onions on an egg wrap. Dinner was an 80 cal everything bagel.

Planning on going to the gym in the afternoon. Right before I go by my sis. Will be bringing my own food. Today is takeout anyway. But nothing low cal that I can get.

Well our getogether was cancelled so my sis can go on a date with her husband since A will watch then later.

Didn’t go to the gym. My sis change of plans messed mine up!

So tomorrow I have a facial so I’ll go to the gym right before my appt. The spa is right next door. Looking forward to it!
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My solution to take-out that's too greasy, salty, or otherwise intense (but I still want it!) is to order a small portion (or split the standard portion in two for leftovers if that's not an option) and add a homemade salad, or even just a side of pickles or something if I can't be bothered.
My problem with the takeout is that I’ll usually eat the leftovers the same day. Esp if it delicious. Can’t seem to stop myself to leave it for the next day, lol!
Thanks, that’s a great idea, Cate! Never thought about doing that. I’ll try it next time I go out to eat and takeout food!
157.0 lbs!!!

Today for breakfast I had a scrambled egg with mushrooms and onions in an egg wrap. Lunch will be a veggie burger with mushrooms in an egg wrap in the afternoon. Dinner is a bagel.

Went to the gym. Walked for 30 min on indoor track. Then did 15 min on elliptical.

Then right after I have my facial.

My 1st goal is to get to under 155.0 lbs.
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Thanks, Cate.

Yesterday afternoon I ended up by my sis for grilling out. I brought my own food and ate it. Came home and had a piece of cake and milk before bed.

SW: 159.6 lbs
CW: 156.5 lbs

Today I’m not going to the gym. Have a lot of stuff to do at home. Forgot I signed up for a FIIT class at the gym. It’s a strength class I think. If it’s to hard since I’m a beginner, I’ll just leave. Planning on signing up for another gym class for tomorrow.

Breakfast was one slice of 30 cal bread and a tsp of peanut butter smeared into it. With a coffee with almond milk.

Lunch was a 80 cal toasted bagel with butter. Snacking on carrots mid afternoon.

Dinner was salmon with sweet potatoes and one small shrimp wrapped app. Had a 30 cal bread with smear of pb. Also had some cauliflower rice and eggplant. And half an everything bagel with garlic butter. And another half with laughing cow cheese.

Went for a walk around Castle trail.
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156.6 lbs

This morning had breakfast of a slice of bread (30 cal) and smear of pb (30 cal). And coffee with almond milk and Splenda (25 cal). And a Greek yogurt (80 cal). Then after a while I went to the gym. I walked on indoor track for 30 min (-175 cal) and did the treadmill for 15 min (-75 cal). Had lunch of half a bagel (40 cal) and laughing cow wedge (25 cal). Another half of a bagel (40 cal) with the cow wedge (25 cal). Midafternoon I had some steak with mushrooms and onions (300 cal) on an egg wrap (25 cal). Dinner was an egg wrap (25 cal) and a cow wedge (25 cal).

I’m glad that I don’t have anymore leftovers from my sis. Have until Friday night before I go to her house again.

Didn’t make it to the gym this afternoon.

With this diet and working out I should lose some weight today. Nights are the hardest for me. Last night I had KitKat and Reese’s.

Just had some chicken breast around 8 pm. I’m still hungry!!! Going to try and not have anything else.
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Yes, more healthier.

156.6 lbs

I’m not losing weight on my current diet. So today I’m skipping breakfast. Just having a diet Snapple.

Going to babysit my nephew this morning. Later I went to BWG with sis and nephew. Had some mussels in a creamy sauce and a little bread with a orange martini. My sis A paid.

Have a headache right now. Hopefully I can take some pain medicine and fall asleep.
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Thanks, Cate.

156.6 lbs

So today I have nothing going on. No one I hope will bother me to go out to eat.

Skipping breakfast this morning.

Lunch was half a veggie black bean burger on half a bagel.

Dinner was 4 pieces of gen gau chicken and white rice. Then had some grilled chicken breast instead of having more of the Chinese food.

I bought a PlayStation 5 yesterday. And a game. Might return in. Don’t feel as if I have much time to play.

Raining again!!!
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We have had so much rain & it was lovely to have a day without yesterday. I hope you had a relaxing day at home, Vic & wake to a fine day :)
Thanks, Cate. I had a nice day doing not much. Today I’m planning on tackling stuff I’ve been holding off on. Like put away my camping gear.

157.0 lbs

Did ended up eating more Chinese food late last night. Oh well starting over today.

Skipped breakfast.

Lunch was a cube steak (200 cal), egg wrap (25 cal), half a bagel (35 cal). and pat of butter (40 cal!) Didn’t know it had that much and I usually have 3 for my hotcakes).

(300 cal for lunch)

Midafternoon had a mini KitKat.

Dinner I’m skipping. (Trying to at least).

Set up my PS5 and am playing Dead Space. I haven’t played on a console in over 10 years, so the controller is kinda hard to get used to.
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Ended up eating dinner.

157.2 lbs

Drinking a tea in Panera this morning.

Skipped breakfast and skipping lunch.

Dinner together was a grilled boneless chicken thigh and a little steak. With rice and salad. And a slice of Chantilly cake. One shot of pb whiskey and a taste of a creamy mojito.

So one successful day of IF! Well if I fall asleep without eating.

Tomorrow for lunch I’m getting a steamed lobster and some home fries. Then we r going to Hampton beach.
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Ended up eating dinner.
Skipping meals is hard for me, it all too often leads to bingeing... I tried IF once, but it just didn't work for me. I know it has for others.

"tea in Panera this morning" sounds nice, I like tea but don't seem to drink it often.
Yeah, Rob IF is hard to do. But that’s the only way I seem to lose weight (if I’m successful that is). My BMR is pretty low.