Vic’s Weight Loss


155.1 lbs

Ate too much yesterday!

Back on my diet today! Going to clean up this morning.

Prob won’t start dieting again until next Wed.

Ended up cleaning my downstairs. Tomorrow will do upstairs.

On Sat we r having pasta and shrimp. Yum!

Just renewed my license. Just did it online. Glad that I don’t have to go in.
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155.4 lbs

This morning I’m at Panera. Drinking tea. Won’t get anything to eat.

Late breakfast of a salad. Lettuce, carrots, radicchio, a boiled egg, cheddar cheese, olives, ham, and tomato. Lunch was an egg sandwich with low carb bread.
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155.2 lbs

Drinking an iced coffee with almond milk and Splenda from DD. Had a slice of low carb bread and strawberry jam. Had a taste of pork burnt ends and some fries. Lunch/dinner was spaghetti and shrimp scampi. Had a peach wine spritzer. Dessert I had a bite of Tres leche cake and a bite of flan. Had an sf energy drink. Also had a salad with sg poppyseed dressing. Late night I had a slice of lc bread with grape jam.

Not going apple picking anymore. So I’m free on Sun. Mon is a holiday. On Tues I have to take my bro to Bedford for his meds. Then on Wed my diet begins again. Thursday I’m taking my sis and BIL to the airport. They are going to PR for a short weekend vaca.

Late at night and I’m hungry. And can’t fall asleep. Think I’m getting a headache. Will take a painkiller. And maybe another slice of 30 cal bread with avocado if I have any left.
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155.6 lbs

Today I’m starting to begin my diet. Was waiting till Wednesday but I’m free today. Everyone went apple picking and I got out of it.

Breakfast was a fried over easy egg with a low carb bread and a little butter. With a tea and almond milk with Splenda. Still a little hungry but it’s not real hunger. So I’m just going to deal with it until lunch. Had a slice of bread and butter. Will have another tea.

Went shopping for food this morning. Lunch will be a veg and a protein. Prob do some kind of exercise today.

Did 12 min of Latin dance video on AF.

Early lunch of a salad. Late lunch (if I’m hungry) will be steamed cauliflower and ground turkey.

Walked 40 min on the C trail.

Came home and had 2 crab Rangoon and a little pork fried rice and one piece of gen tso chicken.

Dinner was some ground turkey on an egg wrap with cauliflower.

Did a 30 min dance, 10 min kickboxing, and 5 min core.
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Still a little hungry but it’s not real hunger.
Curious what you mean by that. Not a lot of hunger maybe, hunger that's more in your head than in your stomach, or just your brain not having caught up with the fact you just ate yet?
156.2 lbs

Today is a holiday. I went for a 45 min walk around C trail, climbed the hill after.

Breakfast was 4 low carb bread with butter, and an egg. Had a chip. And one donut hole.

Went to the bowling alley with Ang and kids.
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155.4 lbs

Had my leftover salad for breakfast. Might get another one later. Lunch was a Mediterranean salad with chicken and Syrian bread. Ate half for lunch and the rest for dinner. Late night I had a low cal bread with butter and a coffee with creamer and Splenda.

At Bedford to get my bro his meds.

Tomorrow my diet starts.

Bought groceries instead of getting a salad everyday. Just have to assemble them. Have spinach spring mix avocado cucumber red onion. I’ll add some garbanzo beans. And some chicken breast that I’m going to grill.
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That’s right, Llama, always better.

154.9 lbs

Woke up early. About to go to my appt. Watching DOOL this morning.

My dieting starts again this morning.

Had a protein drink for breakfast. Might have one for lunch too. Dinner will be butternut squash with grilled chicken.
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Making your own salads at home is much better & if you also buy some seeds & nuts you can vary them & make them even more nutritious. We love adding sunflower, pumpkin & hemp seeds & I always have a chopped-up mix of seeds & nuts in the fridge that I can add to my oats in the morning or salads. I bought a low-fat fetta the other day as that's nice for a change too to add to a salad.
Thanks for the advice, Cate and Llama.

154.1 lbs

Up early. Had to get my bro some food. Taking my sis to the airport this morning.

Made a protein drink with almond milk for breakfast. Had another one when I got home. Had half a scoop for lunch. Late lunch of a salad with avocado and 2.6 oz of chicken breast. Didn’t eat dinner.

Went for a 45 min walk around my neighborhood.

Late dinner of grilled chicken breast with an egg wrap.
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152.7 lbs!!!

Yay!!! Going lower!!!

Today I’m doing the same thing. Going to have a coffee protein shake for breakfast.

Since my older sis isn’t here we r not getting together. Next eating out I think is on Tues evening when she gets back.

Went for an early 45 min walk around my neighborhood.

About to have a boil egg this morning. Just ate the yolk. Had to make another egg. The first one did not come out right.

Early lunch was a salad with avocado, olives, and chicken breast.

Dinner was chicken breast in the egg wrap with mayo and ketchup.

Went for a 45 min walk around my neighborhood.

Had a chicken breast taco for late night eating. Forgot I also had a big bowl of airpoped popcorn.
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153.1 lbs. Shouldn’t have had the popcorn last night.

Had a passion iced tea lemonade this morning. Breakfast was a scrambled egg with onions in an egg wrap.

Early lunch was an iced coffee protein drink. Late lunch/ midafternoon meal was 3 oz grilled chicken breast on an egg wrap. Had a SF Red Bull.

Went to the gym and did upper body strength training. Walked on treadmill for 10 min.

Having another SF Red Bull. Dinner is butternut squash. Not sure if I’ll have a protein with it.

Late night snack of half a glazed donut. And half a scoop of protein iced coffee Splenda shake
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152.4 lbs

Today is Al bday party at a trampoline park. Should be fun for the kids. 8 year old.

Going to have an iced coffee protein shake for breakfast. Lunch was at Longhorn’s after the party. Did not eat the pizza that was offered. Had a bite of salmon and some broccoli. Have leftovers of salmon and asparagus. Dinner I had an iced coffee mocha protein shake. Only one scoop of powder.

Tomorrow I have to pick up my sis and BIL from the airport in the morning. I hope there is not much traffic since I’m going into Boston.
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Yeah, I had a fun time. Didn’t last long though.