Weight-Loss The Amazing Race Challenge ABS of Steel Team

Just got in an hour ago. I did manage to get some exercise in via the pool. 60 min. on Fri and 40 min. this morning.

I'm sure my weight will be up because I didn't eat great this past weekend. :( But I will work my booty off just to get it below my weigh-in this past Fri.

Team total = 220/1130
Ladies - I ate too much cream cheese icing and carrot cake this weekend. The scale was not happy this morning:(... yet it was totally worth it:)

Spent an hour and a half yesterday riding bikes with Jeff... now my ass is hurtin':( But it's still 90 minutes plus 25 from this morning to add to the total!

Team total = 335/1130

I should have another 85 to add in the morning.
Just got done with 91 min. of exercise (50 min. elliptical, 36 min. treadmill, 5 min. stretching.)

Team total = 426/1130
25 minute commute last night, plus 60 mins at the gym, and 25 minutes this morning so that's 110 minutes for a total of...

Team total = 716/1130
I only got in 15 min. of exercise yesterday due to a change of plans (I posted in my diary.)

Team total = 841/1130
Week 4—Vancouver to Auckland 18hrs 5min. 6hr2min if divided 3 ways.

What is New Zealand famous for? Why kiwi fruit, Lord of the Rings and sheep of course. :D There are 4.2million humans in NZ, and 43.1million sheep. This is actually down from a high of 70.3million in 1982. I will refrain from any sheep shagging jokes no matter how tempting. :biggrinjester:

Therefore, as cliché as it is, this week’s Detour is to either 1. Eat a kiwi fruit everyday or 2. Eat 8oz of lamb over the course of the week. Maybe if we eat enough of them, the New Zealanders will finally outnumber the sheep. :D You must also dress up as Gollum while eating your kiwi or lamb. Ok, that part is optional. :D See how nice I am??

Each team member must complete one of the detours. :)

next weeks...again with about 7hours excercise but your choice of detour...i myself will be going with the kiwi i thinks. might do both cos i have loads of lamb in my diet but can't be sure of the ozs. ;)

last day ladies. lets get this excercise in!!
I didn't check in last night. But did manage 1 hr and 50 min. of exercise (plus staining doors and windows - you think I could count that as exercise? :D) I'm just lucky to be on spring break this week, I don't know how I will swing all the exercise when I return to work.

I will be eating kiwi. Not a big lamb fan.

Team total = 936/1130
I think I'll be eating some lamb this week... which works out well since we're going out for Indian on Saturday night. I haven't had kiwi much but I don't really like the texture... too mushy.

Team total = 1046/1130

and I'll be able to tack on another 100 minutes after my commute & gym session tonight, so if you gals can't fit in the exercise I have us covered!

I've been trying super hard this week so while the scale has been quite tempermental this week I'm hoping for a nice surprise in the morning:)
coolio! well i think we've got our excercise sorted

i did 110 mins on the elliptical/bike now so

Team total = 1156/1130

good luck with the weigh ins ladies. today i am maintaining so hope i see a loss tomorrow.

I think I'll be eating some lamb this week... which works out well since we're going out for Indian on Saturday night. I haven't had kiwi much but I don't really like the texture... too mushy.

Team total = 1046/1130

and I'll be able to tack on another 100 minutes after my commute & gym session tonight, so if you gals can't fit in the exercise I have us covered!

I've been trying super hard this week so while the scale has been quite tempermental this week I'm hoping for a nice surprise in the morning:)

Ooh! My bday is coming up, maybe I should have dh take me out for some Indian cuisine. What do you recommend?
I just got in 60.05 more min.! :hurray: I would've done more, but I think I've got a pinched nerve in my shin. :(

Team total = 1216/1130

WTG ladies, looks like were good for the exercise portion!! :cheers2:
Ooh! My bday is coming up, maybe I should have dh take me out for some Indian cuisine. What do you recommend?

Well to be honest I've only ever been to one Indian place, but what I gather from their menu is that you just have to try stuff... I usually go for a tomato and cream base curry and then decide if i want chicken, shrimp, beef or lamb... I generally don't get the lamb because there's only a slight difference between lamb and beef and I prefer the taste/texture of beef. Omg, and eat as much Nan as you can... I love that stuff. Jeff actually cooked an Indian dish for dinner last night and I just wanted a piece of sweet, oily bread mmmMMmmmm:drool5:
Well to be honest I've only ever been to one Indian place, but what I gather from their menu is that you just have to try stuff... I usually go for a tomato and cream base curry and then decide if i want chicken, shrimp, beef or lamb... I generally don't get the lamb because there's only a slight difference between lamb and beef and I prefer the taste/texture of beef. Omg, and eat as much Nan as you can... I love that stuff. Jeff actually cooked an Indian dish for dinner last night and I just wanted a piece of sweet, oily bread mmmMMmmmm:drool5:

Sounds interesting. Might have to give it a try. :)
OMG, I love Indian! I always go for the butter chicken. It isn't spicy. If you want spice, I recommend a vindaloo. :drool5:

Sounds yummy and intriguing.