Weight-Loss The Amazing Race Challenge ABS of Steel Team

wow WTG! i am not sure i'll be able to do the dance any quicker and the speed i' doing at now does not look like a dance at all. i might need to get some cabbage.i've got 3 days to practic yet though ;)

Just a tip, if you boil the water first, then put the cabbage in, it only takes about 3-5 min. (I boiled mine for 5 min.) It's cooked, but not slimey. It kind of smelled like brussel sprouts. It was very easy to add it to the food to make it within the guidelines. I also chopped/shredded it with my food processor - it took a lot of the hassle out of it. I also cut the raw cabbage into wedges and boiled it like that rather than shredding it first.
Just got done with exercise. I did 33 min. on the elliptical and 40 min. on the treadmill for a total of 73 min.

So my exercise total for this challenge so far is just 108 min. I really need to get to work if I'm going to catch up with you youngins'. :p
I did 40 min. of toning exercises. I was aiming for 60 min., but that just wasn't going to happen unless I went downstairs and got in some cardio (which wouldn't have been a bad thing.) I was just being lazy.
Hey guys... sorry that I'm not posting too much. We're busy at work this week so some weeks I'll be checking this every 5 mins and sometimes I'm lucky to breeze in once per day. So far I have 60 of kickboxing, plus 60 mins of walking yesterday. I really need to step it up or my weight isn't going to budge this week:( I need about 2.5 more hours of exercise and I'm confident it will happen. I'm going to try the dance tonight at the gym... wish me luck!
Hey guys... sorry that I'm not posting too much. We're busy at work this week so some weeks I'll be checking this every 5 mins and sometimes I'm lucky to breeze in once per day. So far I have 60 of kickboxing, plus 60 mins of walking yesterday. I really need to step it up or my weight isn't going to budge this week:( I need about 2.5 more hours of exercise and I'm confident it will happen. I'm going to try the dance tonight at the gym... wish me luck!

good luck with the dance! i did it and i tell you i would not have lasted more than a minute! and then i was out of breath for a while after and my legs were gone as well! not my most proud moment!

good job with the excercise! i need to get the last 50mins in maybe tonight!

good gob sweeti!!! i need to do the last 50mins sometime today or tomorrow!

I did the dance!!!! woohooo!!!!


Yay! That's pretty cool. Wish I was younger, then I could probably do the jig. :D
Hey guys... sorry that I'm not posting too much. We're busy at work this week so some weeks I'll be checking this every 5 mins and sometimes I'm lucky to breeze in once per day. So far I have 60 of kickboxing, plus 60 mins of walking yesterday. I really need to step it up or my weight isn't going to budge this week:( I need about 2.5 more hours of exercise and I'm confident it will happen. I'm going to try the dance tonight at the gym... wish me luck!

You are brave for trying that dance at the gym (where others could see you!) Good luck! And your exercise looks great for not being able to do any this weekend.

I'm going to go get on the elliptical and do some treadmill here in a bit - once I get some food. I'm starving (that happens because of how I eat at work - all good so don't worry.)

Oh and I checked my weight this morning it is down from my "official" weigh-in for this challenge by 1 pound - so I'm hoping to be down some more before this week is over.
good job sweetpea with the new low. i have been low since the official weigh in but you never know with the way my scale likes to act...not good at the best of times!

done 65mins more today so i have doen 5hours 5mins for the week! thats all i'm doing this week. will be stuck infront of the comp writing the rest of the essay the next 2 days. might get a likle walk in though each day just to keep me moving.

good job sweetpea with the new low. i have been low since the official weigh in but you never know with the way my scale likes to act...not good at the best of times!

done 65mins more today so i have doen 5hours 5mins for the week! thats all i'm doing this week. will be stuck infront of the comp writing the rest of the essay the next 2 days. might get a likle walk in though each day just to keep me moving.


You are really smokin' on the exercise!! You have so passed me up! :driving:
I completed 89 min. of exercise (should go do a min. just to make it even!)

I was on the elliptical for 45 min., the treadmill for 39 min., and did 5 min. of crunches and some yoga. :)
You ladies are doing awesome between the exercising and the one pound weightloss. I got another 75 minutes in last night and I'm projecting about two hours for today. Also I was able to do the dance at the gym last night. I strolled off to a corner that still had a mat (wanted to protect my bum:)) and watched the clock on the wall. I made it about a min and 7 secs. Basically I started and the refused to look up until I absolutely not do it anymore and the minute was already up! I should probably thank my KB instructor for all the squats and jumping squats he makes us do... my legs were ready for the pain! Unfortunately I'm not sure I'm going to be pulling in any weightloss this week. Crappy eating over the weekend and I'm pmsing this week... hopefully if I don't get kicked out this week when my period is over by next weigh-in (I sure hope it's over by then), I should be down some! Ok, I'm about to go look for your diaries!
WTG ladies with all the execercise and the dance goddess!!! 1min 7 i just about lasted 1min!! atleast our etours are sorted for the week now

i got a 30min walk in today so my total now is 335mins. feel free to steal some minutes if you need. just let me know so we aren't all stealin geach others points hehe.

Angel, I should be around 120 mins today. I walked to work today, plus I'll walk from the train to the gym and then KB for 60... so my total at the end of today should be 290 minutes....We've got it covered:)
You gals have done great! WTG on the dancing! I did try it too - but I didn't count my version.

I'm going to skip tonight for exercise since I have to get the kitchen ready for a floor to be installed tomorrow. But I will exercise tomorrow.
Week 2—Moscow to Rio de Janeiro Travel time: 16hrs 45min. That's 5hrs 35min for each team member if split up evenly.

Roadblock: One person from each team must have plastic surgery (your choice as to what you have done), and then don a Brazilian thong bikini and spend a day sunbathing topless at the beach. Please post photos to prove you completed the roadblock. Ah, I crack myself up. :smilielol5:

Actually, the roadblock is to do the Capoeira videos below. Capoeira is a Brazilian combination of martial arts and dance. One team member must watch the first 3 videos and follow along with the next 4 videos once during the week. You don't have to do the moves perfectly, but do the best you can as you follow along. You can do all 15 videos if you like, but only the first 7 are required.

Please keep in mind that Thursday the 13th is the last day to eat your cabbage and get in your week 1 exercise. You can use Thursday or Friday's weight for you weigh in, and all teams must have updated their detour, exercise and weight info by midnight EDT (GMT -4hrs). Otherwise, your team may be eliminated. :eek:

i thought i should post this here so we all know what we're doing. lol!

anyway i thought we could all aim for 6hours excercise this week and see where we go from there. and also if we all atempt the roadblock then whoever does it first can post here and let the rest know. i had a look at it and it seems pretty simple. i might have a go at it tomorrow. ;)

lemme know what you think ---- oh yeah and don't forget to update! :D

To clarify, do the 6 hrs start today or does it begin tomorrow? I don't know if I'm coming or going. :smilielol5:
To clarify, do the 6 hrs start today or does it begin tomorrow? I don't know if I'm coming or going. :smilielol5:

tomorrow. :D

lovin the new avi!!!!