🏋️‍♀️Science of Diet and Exercise Journal👩‍🎓

Plushie surgeon is quite the title! Little Miss will be thrilled to get her friends back.
I love how much you are in the exact right place with your current studies.
It has been a bit of a mixed week for first week of school holidays.

Rocky is hypermobile from his dingo side and is able to walk through the squares in the dogmesh fence. if he can get his head through a gap the rest of his body fits through, he looks like he dislocates his shoulder to bring his paw then the rest of his leg through the gap alongside his neck once the head is through then proceed to just walk through the fence. Next step is to downsize the size of the mesh to chicken mesh while we source the copper wire to run the electric dog fence around the dog yard (roughly 1.5 acres of dog run)

Lots of kids science experiments happening this week, we just came inside from firing the marshmallow bazooka, rocky was happy to chase and eat the marshmallow (household vacuum cleaner, pvc pipe, piece of card, tape and marshmallow ammo) . we have had eggs in bottles, slime etc. I still need to get some rubber bands to help little miss make her baking soda puffer fish.
Your dog sounds like Houdini! Glad you figured out a fencing system, but it sounds expensive! Love all the science experiments - I miss those days!
Thanks for the link, Tru. I read the whole article. Really fascinating creatures! It must be so fun having a pet like that. I bet you have so many stories!
Ooo, reading fodder for my break, thank you! A hypermobile classmate could dislocate her shoulders at will as well but was starting to suffer from the lack of stability already at the ripe old age of 18, when she started her physio studies.
Life would never be boring at your place, Tru. Rocky does sound like a Houdini. Dingoes are fascinating creatures!
Just chilling out tonight after finishing off the pushup challenge.

Son D brought home his knife from work so I could teach him to sharpen with the whetstone. Sharpening can be very therapeutic and relaxing lol even if it is a bit messy but the knife is now slicing paper like a razor ready for him to take it back to work tomorrow. He is not a chef with a full set of their own for work but he does do a lot of cutting in the kitchen so he has this single knife which is his.

This ADHD brain of mine has so many different interests lol I am past my obsession for knife sharpening but I still have it as a useful skill.
You have mad skills! I have always wished I could sharpen knives with a stone and do a decent amount of pushups. Your kids are really lucky to have you as their mentor.
Being able to sharpen knives with a whetstone is a brilliant skill to have. Does your son, D love working in the kitchen? Does he cope well with the stress?
Being able to sharpen knives with a whetstone is a brilliant skill to have. Does your son, D love working in the kitchen? Does he cope well with the stress?

His job is super mixed, during busy times he could be in the kitchen, bar or serving but he also does the brewing, general maintenance and garden as needed. He handles the stress well but with his Autism it took a long time to be able to handle front of house jobs, especially small talk with customers in the bar.

He got his cert II in kitchen operations and his builders white card while still in high school instead of opting for matriculation subjects. He can cook quite well away from work if you can convince him to do it.

With his skills he also makes for a good bouncer.
He sounds like an extremely useful employee to have. We have one massage therapist colleague who'll do front desk, fix IT issues, repair whatever breaks, and even jumps in - in emergencies - to clean if the cleaners aren't there yet. Amazingly useful and I hope he gets paid very well.
He's gorgeous. Is his other half German shepherd?
His other half is staghound, you can't see it in the photo but he has a cute little tan coloured beard under his chin. He doesn't have the black beauty spots you would find on a German Shepherd.

He also has a weird little kink in the middle of his tail.

When he has to zoomies after being let outside of a morning I would love to know how fast he can actually run.

The person we got him from as a pup breeds dogs for pig hunting, his mother is what is known as a "ute finder" who scents the pig from the back of a moving ute and jumps off while still moving to pursue stop and hold the pig before the bigger dogs and the owner get there.

The Staghound is originally a Greyhound and Scottish Deerhound hybrid.
In 1790, Australia’s first European settlers brought with them Greyhounds and Scottish Deerhounds that were then cross bred, and are now known as the Australian Staghound or Kangaroo Dog. The Staghounds coursing instinct is unrivalled, so if it runs, they will chase it.
Height To The Shoulder: Males 21 - 36 inches Females 20 – 33 inches
Weight: Males 25 - 41 kg Females 20 - 40 kg

Edit: Just to add they don't do well around little dogs, cate's dog Archie would more than likely be seen as prey the moment he begins to run without a lengthy introduction period.
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his mother is what is known as a "ute finder" who scents the pig from the back of a moving ute and jumps off while still moving to pursue stop and hold the pig before the bigger dogs and the owner get there.
That's fascinating! I always learn new things from your diary. They must be extremely brave dogs.
Archie is a fearless little dog who would go straight up to Rocky. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to sense aggression in other dogs, even when they're snarling at him. That has only happened when he's on a lead though so usually I can hold him back. I wouldn't risk it of course even though Rocky is a very handsome dog!