🏋️‍♀️Science of Diet and Exercise Journal👩‍🎓

Solar upgrade is up and working.

As an added bonus we get to keep our high feed in tariff that we secured when we first got solar at 43 c/Kwh compared to the 10c average.
That's a big difference! They must still be happy to add more solar in Australia: some European energy companies are starting to penalize customers who feed too much energy back into the system becaude they can't handle the peaks anymore.
That's a big difference! They must still be happy to add more solar in Australia: some European energy companies are starting to penalize customers who feed too much energy back into the system becaude they can't handle the peaks anymore.

The feed in has dropped a lot for new solar systems however the limits on how much you can feed in depend on whether you are rural or city. most domestic houses in the city only have access to single phase power and are limited to a max 10 kw system, we are rural, have 3 phase and our 13 kw system is well below the 30kw max for rural properties in Queensland, it also varies depending on which state you re in.

Shoulder is agony today, I think I may have subluxed it again yesterday and possible trapped a nerve, D will take me into the hospital tonight, I have tingling and pain all down the arm and cannot even lift the arm to hold the steering wheel, let alone drive safely.
Great news on your feed in tariff for solar, Tru. Awful news about your shoulder! I hope they can ease the pain. It sounds horrible!
As familiar as I am with Bench Press, breaking it down into KPIs for each phase is doing my head in. Yay for uni assessments lol Simple movement that is very complex when broken down into component parts for high performance.
Oo, that I'd like to see. Do you have some kind of visual representation of the breakdown?
I will need to break it down into a flow chart if Benchpress is what I end up going with. The assessment is to be done in pairs and I will find out who I am paired up with tomorrow before we make a final pick of what sport skill we are going to break down, I wanted to get ahead of the curve with the whole thing being only being allocated a week for working on it before presenting it to the class. I don't like feeling unprepared and group work is far from my favourite assessment method.
Being underprepared does my head in too as do KPIs. That sounds like a hard task when you don't have total control, but I'm sure you'll manage it well.
Teamed up with a young bloke, going with Benchpress, we made progress on the flow chart, he is finding some extra studies that we can add in.
I used to hate team exercises but when it's only one person and they're willing to put in some work it can be fine.
Breaking sport performance down to KPIs is the first stage of the high performance subject, and will be the basis of other assessments later in the semester.

We have chosen to go with a physiological KPI rather than a technique or psychological KPI. the target for out hypothetical athlete is a qualifying target so no need to consider tactical KPI as the objective was not winning.

I am soooo tired right now, I need a nap
My ADHD brain needs to be kept active lol

I will still be around here despite getting the new forum setup. regulars will understand the frustration mods have been having with non responsive admins here and cate not being able to either log in or get an email notification to rejoin with a new account.

The concern is that with new members not being able to join the forum here will eventually die no matter what mods or members do.
That's kind of what happens when they stop putting in even the most basic of effort. It's not like you and Cate didn't tell them over and over and over again.
Hi Tru,
Are you able to delete my diary? I know you are busy now with the other forum so no worries if you can't.
I had a hard time locating the new forum without a link. google and duckduckgo didn't seem able to find it yet. I did eventually find it but that's because someone gave me a direct link. I dont know what has to happen for search engines to be able to find it. I was just thinking for the forums future to take hold new members may need to be able to find it without too much trouble. also it seems this forum merged with another a long time ago so its confusing.
I had a hard time locating the new forum without a link. google and duckduckgo didn't seem able to find it yet. I did eventually find it but that's because someone gave me a direct link. I dont know what has to happen for search engines to be able to find it. I was just thinking for the forums future to take hold new members may need to be able to find it without too much trouble. also it seems this forum merged with another a long time ago so its confusing.

It takes time for the search engine spiders to index new pages, it will happen in time.

The owners sold this forum and the bodybuilding forum to a new owner who then combined them.