🏋️‍♀️Science of Diet and Exercise Journal👩‍🎓

Rocky is not aggressive so a bold smaller dog would be fine but a lot of smaller dogs will bark and run, and the moment there is something to chase that hunting instinct kicks in, I would not want him to chase and grab a little dog because even without aggression he could do a lot of damage. We are careful to introduce him to little dogs when we take him to dog parks, the bold ones we are comfortable letting him off lead. Around here you do see it a lot that if there are big dogs running around the dog park the owners of little dogs won't enter. For social play time we prefer to have him play with dogs closer to his own size so there are no bite size accidents.
They would get along fine then probably. I'm glad he's not aggressive. I find the little ones are usually the most aggressive- particularly Chihuahuas and Yorkies(edited to Westies). Our dog park got divided up recently & I take Arch in with the big dogs. He loves them!
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They would get along fine then probably. I'm glad he's not aggressive. I find the little ones are usually the most aggressive- particularly Chihuahuas and Yorkies. Our dog park got divided up recently & I take Arch in with the big dogs. He loves them!
Chihuahuas are nasty little devils lol, I am not sure how well rocky would handle that.

We have finally got him desensitised to the neighbours nut harvesting machine so he no longer runs up to the fence and half barks and half yowls at it. He doesn't stand and bark a lot like a normal dog, he may give a high pitched bark/yelp or a single deep growly bark but no more than one or two.

When the serviceman comes to service our sewage treatment plant he sits on the verandah giving the evil eye.

He can get a bit nippy like a heeler but when you think about it, heelers (Bluey for the non Australians here) were bred from a dingo and highland collie.

Coaching at the woman's shed went well today, working with the older ladies on maintaining spinal mobility.
I didn't know blue heelers had dingo in them as well. Collie is pretty clear. I think a lot of people who own small dogs think they a) don't need to train their pets because they're so small and b) don't really need to stimulate them, tire them out, or even walk them beyond their bathroom break. Then you end up with insane, frustrated little demons.
Cooked up a hogget rolled shoulder roast last night, size-wise it was pushing the limits of what the rotisserie in the air fryer could handle. 3+ kg of shoulder meat goes a long way, 4 meals and it looks barely touched, we are going to have plenty of cold meat for the rest of the week.

I still have the rest of the animal in the freezer, including ample bones for rocky. It is great living where you can buy whole animals when locals need to cut down the size of their flock, and it saves us a lot of money, the roast from last night would cost around $60 from a supermarket or butcher, The whole animal only cost is $150
We used to get a pig slaughtered once or twice a year and I loved going back with my mom to fill up several laundry baskets with all the different cuts of meat. (But mostly the sausages: our butcher made the best sausages.) Such a wealth of opportunity!
I looked it up or I would not have known. Another case of me learning something every time I visit here :)
little miss is loving a game her brother purchased for the computer, Goat simulator 3, This game is a time sink of silliness,
After freaking out over all of the video recordings and the expectation that I needed to be less intimidating, I passed the pass/fail subjects (considered to be a gatekeeper subjects by students)

Was 1 mark short of a credit for advanced exercise physiology but still have a 5.7 GPA overall

Also ordered one of my textbooks for next semester today
Great to hear you made it and won't have to do that specific super stressful thing again. Congratulations!
not much happening over the weekend, I have been completing the exercises for my shoulder twice per day as instructed by my physiotherapist.

It was a bit disconcerting that she was worried about dislocating my shoulder while testing it last week, I have never dislocated it but have subluxed it a few times. It was hyper mobile when I was young but with all of my past injuries my ROM is terrible even when the pain killers are working.
Hypermobile predisposition combined with secundarily reduced range of motion is a pain. Makes it all the harder to get the active stability needed to avoid impingement. But, and I know I say this a lot here, if anyone can do it you can.
My shoulder is very bad today, I have taken one of my heavy pain meds this morning and will see how I go with rehab exercises later, otherwise I have been sticking to the twice per day schedule set by the physio.

I have spent time this morning looking at the validation data for an alternative to the beep tests for calculating MAS and estimating Vo2max that is easier to run as a team group
I hated the beep test SO MUCH when I was in school. Especially the part where everyone would sit around watching and get judgmental about the people running.

Sorry to hear your shoulder is so bad today. Chronic health issues suck.
passed out for a lot of today from the pain killer

The 6 minute run tests is far easier to administer, it is also valid and reliable for what it is aimed at measuring. On an individual level I am fine administering the beep test but it becomes a jumble when you try to use it for a whole team at once.

If I had not passed out today I was planning to put the calculations for the test into an excel sheet to make data analysis more streamline.