🏋️‍♀️Science of Diet and Exercise Journal👩‍🎓

I have never had a beep test.
I'm sorry you are experiencing so much pain, Tru. I hope that gets better soon!
passed out for a lot of today from the pain killer
Sorry to hear that, you shoulder must be pretty bad. I have had problems in both shoulders, but not so bad as yours. Hope you find a solution to it, pain is no fun :(
feeling very tired today

spent hours last night at the hospital with little miss, they had her under observation due to meningitis symptoms

she was cleared to come home but still need to keep an eye out for a couple of key symptoms getting worse. Particularly the back pain, neck pain, and sensitivity to light and of course if the rash appears. The other symptoms are also common flu symptoms and expected to be worse before improving in a few days.

I have been working on a spreadsheet that does a lot of calculation which are useful in sport performance and to a lesser extent general fitness. I am trying to consolidate a few different files into one which displays as a somewhat formatted athlete view that can be printed.
Working out how to calculate the slope and intercept points of a linear regression of an inverse relationship in excel is hard when you don't notice your using the wrong column of data in the formula lol

I have not incorporated the spreadsheet I put together for calculating calorie needs based on a range of common formula along with the method that is part of the Australian nutrition guidelines. It is not particularly pretty but if anyone wants it I will figure out a way to make it downloadable for members.

I am also happy to share the fitness one when it is closer to being finished but it is not as useful for general fitness, it is useful for improving speed and endurance for running, cycling, rowing etc.
I was hospitalized for a week when I was 8, on a suspicion of meningitis. Turned out to be pneumonia, thankfully. Hope little Miss will be ok again soon as well.
My current fitness level is so far removed from needing spreadshhets to optimize it it isn't even funny, but thank you for the offer.
I hope little miss gets well soon, Tru & it's not meningitis 🤞
Thanks for the offer but it would probably be a wasted effort on me at the moment.
Forum won't let me attach an excel file, I may have to upload to google

We paid the deposit today for the upgrade to our solar. we are having 13 kw of panels and new inverter installed next week, charging the electric car has been having an impact on out electricity bill and our old much smaller system is close to the end of its lifespan.
Given your typical weather and remote location solar would make a lot of sense. Will the system still work during power outages? Here not all of them do.
Given your typical weather and remote location solar would make a lot of sense. Will the system still work during power outages? Here not all of them do.
We will eventually get batteries to make it off grid but they are still too expensive, the system is big enough that we will get paid for feeding into the grid above our regular usage.
Good for you upgrading your solar, Tru. It's time the whole system was made much cheaper. Our government needs to get serious about us switching to renewables.
Is Little Miss feeling better yet, Tru?
yes, she seems back to normal today, she was still not quite better yesterday but this morning no signs of the light sensitivity, headache or back pain.

Just got home after allowing her to attend her swimming lesson. Heated pool and only 2 in the class today.

Feeling a bit nervous about the mentoring aspect of my subjects this semester, I will be assigned a first year student next week.

making progress with shoulder, it is not clunking quite as much but the physical aspects of uni will be tough while I can't use it.
Looks like I will be taking on the strength and conditioning for the local cricket club across all age division, I have a meeting with the club president on Wednesday after I am finished with my morning coaching session.

Little miss has a school excursion tomorrow going down the coast for a guided "Sealife" tour which I am sure she will love

I am trying to adjust my protein intake inline with the current science, I am looking at my new target being around the 3g per kg range. The old guidelines are adequate but not optimal. I think I am going to be increasing my tuna intake.
I'm so glad that little miss is much better. I assume that she did well with her swimming lesson. The excursion sounds like fun. Is that protein goal for elite athletes? I hope you get that coaching position, Tru!
3g per kilo of lean mass? That's still a huge amount. Glad to hear little Miss is feeling better (I swear I'd posted that already but apparently not). That excursion sounds like such fun!
the 3 grams is for an athlete that is cutting weight, I like to go by lean mass but calculating based on goal weight is also a reasonable option.

for me that means I need 234 grams of protein each day.

For weight loss a daily protein intake between 1.6 and 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Athletes and heavy exercisers should consume 2.2-3.4 grams of protein per kilogram if aiming for weight loss.

Protein has been shown to promote satiety, help maintain lean body mass, increase the thermic effect of food, and can reduce how efficient the body is at storing extra calories as body fat.

I have not dug into the studies fully but it was touched on in advanced exercise physiology last semester.

protein is stored as body fat with roughly 66% efficiency, while carbohydrates store with 80% efficiency and fats store at 96% efficiency
I can see it for (actual, not Joe average who like to pretend because he watches soccer) athletes who want to reduce weight while keeping as much muscle as possible. Still: so much protein!
SO much protein!
I am going to try again to increase my protein. I really struggle & I am far from being vegetarian. Thanks for that, Tru.
I turns out I don't have the professor I was expecting. What I do have is an associate professor who was the Brazilian football performance coach and the current Brazilian Basketball Performance coach Who will teach most of my classes this semester, the course supervising professor is a former All Blacks strength and conditioning coach etc.

Definitely need to concentrate a little harder due to the strong accent.
Accents are fun but they are exhausting. Quite the star-studded professorate you have there though!