rebooting my health

Ah, the "fuck it, it doesn’t matter anyway" response. About the least helpful one we have, but extremely common. I don't know why, but I'm pretty sure everyone on here has done it. It might help to find goals that will benefit from healthy, controlled eating even in weeks the scale doesn't move. Do you have exercise goals? Skin quality? Waist circumference? Reflux?
Yeah The fuck it sounds about right. I have a treadmill coming in a few days. When it comes I will be adding walking every day. I dont get much exercise right now so it should help with the weight loss.
I think most of us self-sabotage. Getting a treadmill will help get you moving, Andrew. The more I exercise the healthier I eat.
I think most of us self-sabotage. Getting a treadmill will help get you moving, Andrew. The more I exercise the healthier I eat.
I dont change up too much what I eat. just the amount. I try to eat what the family eats to keep everything copasetic. sometimes I wish I was alone so I could waterfast. If I try and waterfast my family has a conniption fit.
I don't often see new words & had to look that one up! I do the same here as my husband loves to cook.
I try not to upset people who are cooking for me. I dont know how to cook so better to keep my mouth shut. Otherwise its a week worth of me cooking hot dogs.
I quite like to have hot dogs on occasion but definitely not every day. Eating what your family eats is generally a MUCH better idea than water fasting but maybe you can add some extra veggies to your portion? I don't think I remember reading so I hope you don't mind my asking but how old are you?
I quite like to have hot dogs on occasion but definitely not every day. Eating what your family eats is generally a MUCH better idea than water fasting but maybe you can add some extra veggies to your portion? I don't think I remember reading so I hope you don't mind my asking but how old are you?
I am 48, 5' 9 inches tall, 200lbs.
Do your parents supply all the food for the household, Andrew and can you buy some things for yourself? Have you ever wanted to learn to cook? I am lucky in that I do most of the food shopping in our house, but my husband loves to cook & is very good at it. Luckily he is also into healthy eating & doesn't like junk food.
If you have 20 minutes maybe check out this video. The guy's target audience is obviously gym bros and he talks like it but he knows what he's saying. How many of these symptoms would you say you've been having?
My treadmill came today. it was pretty cheap about 150 usd. it's small and only weighs about 45 pounds. I tried using it and was unable to even do 5 minutes before my hips starting hurting. very pitiful attempt. I will try again tomorrow to see if I can work my way up. I want to be able to do at least an hour at a time. The upside is its very quiet and makes 0 noise when using it.
It being quiet is definitely an advantage, especially for a cheap machine. Are you walking on it or are you going straight to running? If it's the latter it could be helpful to seek out a couch to 5k program or something for tips on what running/walking intervals to start with to avoid injury.
It being quiet is definitely an advantage, especially for a cheap machine. Are you walking on it or are you going straight to running? If it's the latter it could be helpful to seek out a couch to 5k program or something for tips on what running/walking intervals to start with to avoid injury.
Unfortunately it was just walking. if I ran I would keel over for sure.
Can you set it for different speeds, Andrew? I love walking but not on a treadmill.
Can you set it for different speeds, Andrew? I love walking but not on a treadmill.
yes from 1mph up the 6 mph I believe. its not really meant for running usually the 7 mph and up are running. despite that I like how small and very little room it takes up. I think it was originally designed to go under a desk so people can walk while working on the computer.
The one I had was too big & bulky. I hope you get used to using it without experiencing pain. Do you swivel your hips as you walk on it? That might help.
Good to see your weight coming down again, Andrew. Well done :)
I think most people start running around 4.5-5 miles an hour but I agree that practiced runners would aim for 6 miles and up for longer distances. That's fine though: you're not a practiced runner and even walking on a treadmill takes some time to get used to, especially if you'd normally walk with your legs a little farther apart. Take your time, start slowly, and don't dispair. As long as we don't overload too much our bodies' capacity for adaptation is amazing.
I think most people start running around 4.5-5 miles an hour but I agree that practiced runners would aim for 6 miles and up for longer distances. That's fine though: you're not a practiced runner and even walking on a treadmill takes some time to get used to, especially if you'd normally walk with your legs a little farther apart. Take your time, start slowly, and don't dispair. As long as we don't overload too much our bodies' capacity for adaptation is amazing.
I think the problem I had was I was walking on the treadmill in my sock feet rather than shoes. I immediately felt it in my hips and had to stop.
That could make a difference as well. Have you tried again with decent shoes?