rebooting my health

not yet. I just realized the sharp cheese I was eating was 115 calories a slice and I ate about 10 slices. everything I got accomplished today is ruined with 1000+ calories at 1030 at night. I dont even want to look at the scale tomorrow. that was more than 3 slices of pizza. not eating sharp cheese ever again.
That kind of thing always sucks but at least you realized after only one day. It happens, and it's better than a conscious binge. Those were some thick slices though, if they were an ounce each.
That kind of thing always sucks but at least you realized after only one day. It happens, and it's better than a conscious binge. Those were some thick slices though, if they were an ounce each.
they were precut sharp cheese about the size of a cracker. im pretty sure the 115 calories per slice was accurate the nutrionix website had a picture that looked like what I had. the crackers was only 15 cal a piece I thought the stupid crackers were more than the cheese but that's backwards. my weight today was 197.8. I can't seem to break that 197. I need to pay more attention to my intake calories before II actually eat them..
Most crackers are a lot less dense than most cheeses and they tend to have less fat (protein and carbs are both around 4 calories per gram, compared to 9 calories per gram of fat) so that would make sense. It's quite possible to make a cheese slice that's a whole ounce: but it's still a big slice in my book. Which is just something you'll develop an eye for over time. Speaking of which: did you look at the packaging? If it was presliced it probably had the calories per slice on it. Although honestly if you want to be more exact with your calorie count a food scale is your best friend. Even cheap ones are generally reliable and they take the guesswork out of your tracking so you won't have to wonder if the picture on a website is supposed to represent the exact thing described or if it's more symbolic.

Edit: if I'm sounding preachy and it's getting on your nerves please tell me. I don't eat wisdom by the spoonful and I'm not at a healthy weight! But I have seen a lot of people come and go here - on top of my own 25+ year on and off weight struggles and some things just seem to repeat for almost everyone so I try to save people time. But I get that it can be annoying.
Most crackers are a lot less dense than most cheeses and they tend to have less fat (protein and carbs are both around 4 calories per gram, compared to 9 calories per gram of fat) so that would make sense. It's quite possible to make a cheese slice that's a whole ounce: but it's still a big slice in my book. Which is just something you'll develop an eye for over time. Speaking of which: did you look at the packaging? If it was presliced it probably had the calories per slice on it. Although honestly if you want to be more exact with your calorie count a food scale is your best friend. Even cheap ones are generally reliable and they take the guesswork out of your tracking so you won't have to wonder if the picture on a website is supposed to represent the exact thing described or if it's more symbolic.

Edit: if I'm sounding preachy and it's getting on your nerves please tell me. I don't eat wisdom by the spoonful and I'm not at a healthy weight! But I have seen a lot of people come and go here - on top of my own 25+ year on and off weight struggles and some things just seem to repeat for almost everyone so I try to save people time. But I get that it can be annoying.
Maybe I will pick up a scale from amazon. I looked at the packaging and it says 4 slices is one serving and a serving is 120 calories. Im a bit relieved that its 4 slices is 120 calories rather than per slice. that means it was less than 300 the other night not 1000. dont be so critical of yourself your not annoying at all.
Having a set of kitchen scales does take away a lot of the guesswork & I still use mine regularly as I think most of us are inclined to underestimate our calories (& overestimate calories burned). I weigh out certain things like nuts as they are so calorie-dense & it is so easy to have too many. I still like to have them for their protein & how they take away your hunger.
Andrew, are you using a calorie tracker app? I use My Fitness Pal (free version) when I go off track a little to keep an eye on things & will go back to using it every day when I can exercise again after my foot op. @alligatorob uses it too. The more you use it & save regular meals the easier it is & you can see what nutrition may be missing from your daily diet. It's pretty straightforward.
If you start using MFP let us know & I'm sure Rob would be happy to add you as a MFP friend, as would I.
I downloaded MFP but it doesn't allow me to do it for free. it's 20 dollars a month or 1 month free trial and then it charges me 20 dollars a month. I dont have 20 a month to spend on this I live paycheck to paycheck. Thanks though for bringing it to my attention.
I downloaded MFP but it doesn't allow me to do it for free. it's 20 dollars a month or 1 month free trial and then it charges me 20 dollars a month. I dont have 20 a month to spend on this I live paycheck to paycheck. Thanks though for bringing it to my attention.
That's weird. I have been using MFP since 2007 for free. MFP Premium costs money but I have never used it or paid for it.
hmm ill look again maybe I downloaded the paid app rather than the free version. my weight is still 197. it hasn't been going up or down. its being very stubborn. I guess its better to maintain than going up.
Maintaining is definitely better than gaining but it's still super frustrating to be trying your best and not seeing results. I hope more exact records will help you find the culprit asap.
what website is the new forum at. I saw a website at fitness pals but not sure what website everyone is moving too. I seen a few posts about it but most dont mention the website its at.
Tru is running the new forum singlehandedly so it may be a day or so until she gets around to it.
Tru knows her stuff. And once the place get settled I'm sure she'll have some mods in place to help.
Is it ok if I call you Someday in the new forum as well? Or would you prefer something else, whether your real name or just something you like the sound of?
Thanks Andrew, I'll be visiting you in your new diary soon.