rebooting my health

Are you drinking a lot of water at the moment? Large gulps could mean you're swallowing air - which of course wants to come out again after.
yes around 6 bottles a day maybe more. Never thought of that with the swallowing air. its certainly a possibility.
Are they 750ml bottles, Andrew? That is a lot of water if they are. Is that on top of any hot drinks? Do you take any electrolytes as well? Drinking too much water can disrupt your body's electrolyte balance. I was on a rigorous diet for 6 months many years ago & had monthly blood tests which detected that I was drinking too much water. I had been very stressed at the time & was quaffing water constantly. It surprised me I must admit that they picked up on it.
Are they 750ml bottles, Andrew? That is a lot of water if they are. Is that on top of any hot drinks? Do you take any electrolytes as well? Drinking too much water can disrupt your body's electrolyte balance. I was on a rigorous diet for 6 months many years ago & had monthly blood tests which detected that I was drinking too much water. I had been very stressed at the time & was quaffing water constantly. It surprised me I must admit that they picked up on it.
The bottles are the small ones that come in the 36 packs at the super market .
I don't buy bottled water, but I think they are 600ml, so that would be 3.6 litres which doesn't seem too much for a male in Summer. I looked it up and we have 24 packs with 600 ml bottles.
yeah normally they are 24 packs but we order them online and there is a case of 24 + 12 more I think. weight is still 198. I drank a sugary drink so may be a lot higher tomorrow because of the sugar. I had not eaten any sugar up till now. ate a fried chicken burger from kfc and some fries. it was the only food I had today. hopefully its still under 2000 calories for the day.
If it was a colonel's burger it had 489 calories according to KFC. These claims are never perfectly accurate (neither is your daily calorie requirement) but with huge chains like KFC I wouldn't expect them to be far off. Large fries would be a similar amount of calories (haven't looked them up but that's usually what fast food fries come out to) if you don't have sauce on them, so that leaves you with 1000 calories for that sugary drink. Coca Cola is 45 or so calories per 100 ml and I assume "a drink" wouldn't be more than 500 ml (a US pint is 473 ml). So you may have undereaten by quite a bit. The salt in that burger and fries could still have you bloated a bit (sugar doesn't add bloat until you were doing low-carb before, which to my knowledge you weren't) but if you didn't eat anything else all day I wouldn't expect it to show up on the scale.
If it was a colonel's burger it had 489 calories according to KFC. These claims are never perfectly accurate (neither is your daily calorie requirement) but with huge chains like KFC I wouldn't expect them to be far off. Large fries would be a similar amount of calories (haven't looked them up but that's usually what fast food fries come out to) if you don't have sauce on them, so that leaves you with 1000 calories for that sugary drink. Coca Cola is 45 or so calories per 100 ml and I assume "a drink" wouldn't be more than 500 ml (a US pint is 473 ml). So you may have undereaten by quite a bit. The salt in that burger and fries could still have you bloated a bit (sugar doesn't add bloat until you were doing low-carb before, which to my knowledge you weren't) but if you didn't eat anything else all day I wouldn't expect it to show up on the scale.
The scale didn't move much this morning. still 198.2. at least I didn't go over the calorie intake. im really starting to get annoyed. the same weight has been for 3 weeks. I dont know what else to do but maybe lower calorie intake even more. that's the only thing I can try to get the weight off aside from purging which I dont want to have to do.
Try eating fewer starchy carbs for a week, Andrew & more vegetables, fruit & lean protein & see what happens. Concentrating on getting good nutrition can take your mind away from crunching the numbers & your body will thank you. I try to concentrate on sound nutrition first.
Try eating fewer starchy carbs for a week, Andrew & more vegetables, fruit & lean protein & see what happens. Concentrating on getting good nutrition can take your mind away from crunching the numbers & your body will thank you. I try to concentrate on sound nutrition first.
I think you're right I think ive been underestimating my calorie intake. just had a chicken sandwich today also but not from kfc. just deli chicken and white bread this time. Also a piece of watermelon.
It's very easy to underestimate your calories & overestimate calories burned. Instead of white bread with deli chicken, how about some multi-grain instead (or no bread ) & adding some green salad or veggies? I checked out watermelon the other day & it looked awful as it's the wrong season for it here. Enjoy your watermelon! Nice fruit is a bit limited but I can buy frozen berries that are grown locally. Yoghurt with mixed berries is also a great, healthy snack or sweet treat. I add a sprinkle of mixed nuts & seeds on top. You can also do a mason jar with layers of oats, berries & yoghurt that you can take to work as a healthy, easy & inexpensive option. I add a top layer of the mixed nuts & seeds just before I eat it.
It's very easy to underestimate your calories & overestimate calories burned. Instead of white bread with deli chicken, how about some multi-grain instead (or no bread ) & adding some green salad or veggies? I checked out watermelon the other day & it looked awful as it's the wrong season for it here. Enjoy your watermelon! Nice fruit is a bit limited but I can buy frozen berries that are grown locally. Yoghurt with mixed berries is also a great, healthy snack or sweet treat. I add a sprinkle of mixed nuts & seeds on top. You can also do a mason jar with layers of oats, berries & yoghurt that you can take to work as a healthy, easy & inexpensive option. I add a top layer of the mixed nuts & seeds just before I eat it.
bummer that watermelon isn't in season for you. we bought unfrozen strawberries. maybe I will try frozen berries ive been staying away from raspberries and blackberries they are too expensive and very sour lately. I will try multigrain bread as you suggested. I also want to try almond milk instead of 2% it seems like it has half the calories of 2% milk.
Do you have freezer space? The frozen berries you buy at the supermarket are usually tasteless, but if you can freeze some delicious ones & freeze them yourself they should be good. Grapes are good frozen as a treat in Summer. I love almond milk & oat milk (unsweetened).
Do you have freezer space? The frozen berries you buy at the supermarket are usually tasteless, but if you can freeze some delicious ones & freeze them yourself they should be good. Grapes are good frozen as a treat in Summer. I love almond milk & oat milk (unsweetened).
frozen tasteless berries might be better than the sour ones we keep getting. Have a treadmill coming next week so then I will be adding some walking soon hopefully that might get my weight moving lower.
Protein matters, especially in a calorie deficit. Especially if you don't have a lot of experience with diet and nutrition it might make sense to download a free tracker app (there are several) and input everything you eat. They show you the calories, protein/carbs/fat distribution, and usually an overview of the vitamins/minerals you're getting and what you might be missing out on. It's easier to stick to a plan long-term when you're not undernourished. Which is kind of important, becaude if you reach your goal weight and then go back to eating how you ate before your weightloss you'll also go back to your old weight.
Sorry to hear that. Do you know why it happened? Frustration with the plateau, having been too hungry too long, something else entirely? The main thing right now is to get back on the horse right away. Plan the next few healthy, tasty meals and stick to them.
Sorry to hear that. Do you know why it happened? Frustration with the plateau, having been too hungry too long, something else entirely? The main thing right now is to get back on the horse right away. Plan the next few healthy, tasty meals and stick to them
was just depressed because weight wasn't moving. not sure why I decided too make it worse.
Ah, the "fuck it, it doesn’t matter anyway" response. About the least helpful one we have, but extremely common. I don't know why, but I'm pretty sure everyone on here has done it. It might help to find goals that will benefit from healthy, controlled eating even in weeks the scale doesn't move. Do you have exercise goals? Skin quality? Waist circumference? Reflux?