rebooting my health

If you had been eating low-carb the sugar could make a difference in your weigh-in because it would've refilled your glycogen stores and therefore pulled water back in. But as you weren't it shouldn't make more of a difference than the weight of the meal/snack.

For the record: unless you're 90 years old 1500 kcal/day is extremely low for a man, even a man trying to lose weight, and probably not something you want to keep up for more than a week or two. I'll leave the explanations to @alligatorob ...

I agree with Llama, 1500 cal/day is low. How tall and old are you? I suspect you are taller and younger than I and I have recently found 1500 cal/day too low for me, it makes me feel tired and weak, I am doing better at 1800.

One thing I have learned is that the effects of changing your calorie intake can take a couple of weeks to show up. I can eat 1200 cal/day for a couple of weeks before it catches up with me, I start feeling pretty tired and light headed. It also takes a couple of weeks to reverse that when I up my calories. You are not greatly over weight, I'd guess you are not obese BMI range. Better to lose slowly for a number of reasons.

And scale weight can also be slow to respond to calorie changes, and a lot of your day to day fluctuations are more do to water weight than any real gain or loss. Carbs make you retain water, so cutting carbs can result in relatively rapid scale weight loss, but its mostly water you are losing, not fat. And fat is what really matters.
sorry that came off a little cocky llama I appreciate any and all advice .
No worries: we've all been at the point where we just want that stupid weight GONE as quickly as possible in any way possible. I just don't wany people to burn out on the process and start binging. Which is what I do when I go too low. Fun fact: we're currently pretty much the same weight and my maintenance calories are - empirically - almost 2500.
I am 5' 9 and 198 pounds. I think my weight and height is just under obese. I ate 2 chicken sandwhiche's today so my calories are a little higher. Had a banana for breakfast. I was a little shocked how sweet the banana was. Maybe because I haven't been eating any sugar based stuff for awhile. still drinking water rather than Coke Zero also.
Andrew, one thing that has stuck in my mind since I followed a strict diet 17 years ago is to have protein with every meal but also to have protein with any kind of sugar. Protein consumption triggers the release of glucagon, another hormone that stabilizes insulin levels. So when eaten together, protein and sugar can regulate each other. I have some natural yoghurt with fruit.
I must drink more water. It's cold where I live in Australia & I find it hard to remember that my body still needs water. You have reminded me to do better with that.
I am 5' 9 and 198 pounds. I think my weight and height is just under obese.
That sounds about right. At that weight and BMI I think you ought to be trying to find a diet close to maintenance with slow weight loss. I think it would be more sustainable and probably healthier. Not that I can set much of an example for you, its not what I have done, just what I wish I had done...
No worries: we've all been at the point where we just want that stupid weight GONE as quickly as possible in any way possible. I just don't wany people to burn out on the process and start binging.
Great advice!
I'm less than half an inch shorter than you and indeed almost obese by bmi. I agree that fruit (especially banana and mango) becomes super sweet when you aren't having artificially sweetened stuff for a while. I just wish that would mean chocolate stopped being tempting...
I'm less than half an inch shorter than you and indeed almost obese by bmi. I agree that fruit (especially banana and mango) becomes super sweet when you aren't having artificially sweetened stuff for a while. I just wish that would mean chocolate stopped being tempting...
I have bumped my calorie in take to 1800 per everyone's advice. Still taking vinegar cider gummies for almost 2 weeks now and have experienced no diarrhea from them. IM not sure if anyone is from the east coast but the watermelon has been like sugar and is in season. it makes for a nice low calorie snack.
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I love watermelon but my husband doesn't much so I only buy it occasionally. I must make sure to buy some when it's next in season in Australia (Dec-March). Enjoy your watermelon, Andrew 😋 I want some now!
I love watermelon but my husband doesn't much so I only buy it occasionally. I must make sure to buy some when it's next in season in Australia (Dec-March). Enjoy your watermelon, Andrew 😋 I want some now!
my dad when he was alive used to split a watermelon with me. we could finish one between us in just a few days. he loved it so much he bought it even after the season had long passed. we had some funky watermelon at that time. everything from rubber to no taste.
I have great watermelon memories too. Where I grew up it was really hot in Summer & we were sent outside with watermelon wedges & of course had pip fights :blush5:
I have great watermelon memories too. Where I grew up it was really hot in Summer & we were sent outside with watermelon wedges & of course had pip fights :blush5:
no pit fights here. all the watermelon is seedless around here. it sounds like a good memory though.
I could have watermelon as a kid and they still had pips in the 80s. We'd sit in the garden with mom cutting slices and we'd spit the pips as far into the border as we could. More fun than cherry pips because you get more of them at once.
Watermelon is what I always give up for Lent. Never liked it much and its out of season at that time, makes things easier.

The one exception is fresh squeezed watermelon juice, I really like that. When I was in Indonesia it was served a lot, light and refreshing.
Watermelon is what I always give up for Lent. Never liked it much and its out of season at that time, makes things easier.

The one exception is fresh squeezed watermelon juice, I really like that. When I was in Indonesia it was served a lot, light and refreshing.
never been out of the country besides Canada. Indonesia sounds like quite the trip. Hopefully it was exciting while you were there.
I keep burping even though I haven't drank anything but water. it doesn't bother me too much but I feel like a pig burping every 5 minutes.
Are you drinking a lot of water at the moment? Large gulps could mean you're swallowing air - which of course wants to come out again after.
Best of luck with your weight loss journey Andrew. It's great to be back in the 190s again, I know the feeling! I bought watermelon today so you've inspired me already. :)
Best of luck with your weight loss journey Andrew. It's great to be back in the 190s again, I know the feeling! I bought watermelon today so you've inspired me already. :)
good hopefully it was nice and ripe for you. been stuck at 198 all week. Its being stubborn now.