Weight-Loss Pre Lent Challenge

Good one!

By the way, This challenge starts Sunday, so get your's in while the gettings good! :cheers2:
This starts the11th, officially, right??
**sigh** I'm trying to slowly ease away from sugar so come sunday I won't go crazy! :nopity:
Oh, and this is just white, refined sugar...I realize sugar is in breads, cheese and fruit...I just want to stay away from refined sugar in sweets.
Make sure you have plenty of honey on hand. Get some local stuff. You'll be glad you did, and so will your beekeeper friend. :seeya:
alright for me it's diet pepsi..........big issue of mine. ive tried to quit SEVERAL times and always go back to it....hoping this time it works!
I realised that it doesn't really matter what I would put here, I wouldn't stick with it anyway, so all it would do would be to make me frustrated because I fail....so I think it'd be better for me to drop out, sorry.

Ka Im giving up pop, gonna work on it,

I will switch to diet if I feel the need to absolutly have it

I will start drinking water agian

3 Yoga sessions a week (currently doing at work and on wii fit)

Eating more fruts anf veg (im taking a supplement and eating more)
Day 2 of being chocolate and pop free! It's hard, man. Especially when you have temptation at home (my family loves cookies).

Hope everyone else is doing good!
Day 2 of being chocolate and pop free! It's hard, man. Especially when you have temptation at home (my family loves cookies).

Hope everyone else is doing good!

Keep it up keep it up!!! You can do it!!!

I think maybe I should have given up just chocolate...I could def. eat a hand full of sour patch kids, lol. noooo this is a challenge, so I might as well make it a hard one!! I'm hanging in there :) No sweets today!! I tried to get some local honey yesterday...but it was at the farmers "honest" stand, where you just go to his house and put money in a jar and take a jar of honey, but I was out of cash and will have to go back this weekend to pick up a jar. I've heard if you eat local honey...like a spoon full a day...it helps w/ allergies...and man do I have some wicked allergies!!!
I realised that it doesn't really matter what I would put here, I wouldn't stick with it anyway, so all it would do would be to make me frustrated because I fail....so I think it'd be better for me to drop out, sorry.

San, I find this hard to believe. With how well you've been doing over the last 6 months I'm sure you have some serious stick to it-ness.
I agree with Trops on this one. You have done an amazing job and you have some serious dedication. There has to be something you can give up. Make it something simple that you know you can stick to. You can still jump in.

Update: Just ran 7.5 miles on the second day of the challenge. That's my running for the week :) My food challenge, pizza, should not be a big thing. Credit cards, however is going to be tough. I didn't think so, but then we did a bunch of things yesterday and my budget for the week is gone. :sifone: Well I'm going to have to stick it out till payday. :smash:
Great job o the running Trops... I hear ya on the credit card thing too! I am almond free, and I think I'm having withdrawls!! :D THe controlling my temper/mood is going to be the toughest!!! Well, and the 5000 jumps too! :D
Update: Just ran 7.5 miles on the second day of the challenge. That's my running for the week :) My food challenge, pizza, should not be a big thing. Credit cards, however is going to be tough. I didn't think so, but then we did a bunch of things yesterday and my budget for the week is gone. :sifone: Well I'm going to have to stick it out till payday. :smash:

Excellent on the run:D!Im working on learning how, gonna start the couck to 5k...today i think...gonna treadmill i twhen youngest in the tub:)Multi tasking at it's best!

Tell me about the pay cheque to pay cheque, LOL...I live pay cheque to pay cheque, no credit cards or line of credit just what I make, it is hard bu ti want my expenses as mimimal as possible especially with two kids and being on my own...
I had already incorperated the yoga, 3 times a week:)

I found a fruit.veg suppliment I like and am taking and also working on eating more...

the pop thing...I had a diet pop yesturday (a glass) and I had a coke zero today I gotta get into the habit of water agian instead...

Im working on weening myself from pop...mostly I just wanan stop drinking ht ereal stuff and all the cals and sugar, so I think i will stick to diet if I feel the need to have one...

I drank water yesturday and have been working on it from the previous week...

So im all good, Glad to see everyone else is tackling things and doing well.
1. Starting next week (5th), on the days I work at the Y (t-w-th-f) I will go back up to the fitness center after clocking out and work on the weights.
2. I will use the Wii Fit Monday -Friday.
3. I will try my best to get 6.5-7 hours of sleep a night. As I generally don't get more than 4-5 right now.

Have to keep my goals first and foremost in my mind.
Haven't used the Fit yet today but will before I go to bed. Did get to the Y attending my PowerCore class.
Got 5.5 hours of sleep before I had to get the kids up for school. Weekends will be hard for this one as I can't control what time I get off of work.
Did however get a nap in for about an hour and a half.
I'm doing okay!! I've been updating my diary w/ my challenge progress. I'm picking up a jar of honey today!!
Personal: I had already decided that i wasnt going to weigh myself during January because i was becomg a product of the scale. I have decided to extend this for this challenge. So no stepping on a scale.

Food: I'm giving up pretzels. This might not seem like a lot or very hard but the have been my weekness lately. Especially the buffalo flavored pretzels. Holy sh*t are they good.

Fitness: Not really giving anything up, more ofa goal. I do cardio twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays. There are 11 days of cardio during this challenge and I want to run 30 miles. This is a big challenge since i really cant run for distance.

So far so good. No cheating with the pretzels or the scale. Although, I was tempted to weigh myself just to see. I held off and no interest right now.

I have jogged 2 of the 30 miles.
