Weight-Loss Pre Lent Challenge

I had to use my credit card today, but it was for the dentist for the kids, so not a luxury. Continuing unward. :gnorsi:
So far so good. No cheating with the pretzels or the scale. Although, I was tempted to weigh myself just to see. I held off and no interest right now.

I have jogged 2 of the 30 miles.


Logged another mile yesterday so i am at 3 of 30. PLan on doing 2 more today.

Nice, Matt. I wanted to get out running today, but it looks like snow is my excuse for the day. Well, I guess I'll sleep instead.
Well, ive been doing great on everyhting but I had a pop yesturday...SIGH, My weakness of needing something carbonated with caffine...Im drinking alot less due to this challenge however...I need to buy diet nad work from there
So last night I had a BITE of NY cheesecake!! yikes! I said no at first...I've been doing GREAT, no sweets since the challenge started!! However, I was at a company holiday party (yeah a bit past the holidays,lol) and they had NY cheesecake flown in!! Everyone kept saying how marvelous it was and how I HAD to try it....I've never had NY cheesecake...so I took a bite!! It was good, but man was it rich!! Maybe that was just b/c I havent had anything sweet like that in a week :) So I'm not going to beat myself up about it...I didn't dive into the whole piece, lol.
It's not you, that's the way NY cheesecake is supposed to be. :drool5: Have I mentioned how much I love cheesecake?
I got my 2 more in yesterday. 5 of 30 miles complete.


Got another mile in after my weight training session. So I am at 6 of 30 miles. This is why i sometimes like these challenges. I normally would not have pushed myself after lifting to do a quick cardio but i need to if i want to reach my goal.

Still no pretzels and really havent been craving them, which is good.

The scale is another story. I am really curious about my weight. Little things are making me think i am gaining and it is driving me crazy. Oh well, just another month.

Matt, I think that your 30 miles and my 45 miles are too low. I'll bump mine up to 90 if you bump yours up to 45. Going at the current rate that's how far you'll go. How's that for pushing? :D
Here's my deal with your challenge. My gym is next to my work so i only have access to it M-F. Except when i work on the weekends, like today. :rant: Yes i am at work at 6:30 when i should be sleeping. Also, i work out at lunch so I can only get there an hour/day. Combine that with strength training M-W-F, it only leaves T-TH to run. SO going by your numbers, as i stand i would have 39 miles to go. I only have 9 "exercise" days left which would force me to do A LOT more running and maybe slack on my lifting. So that that could be a really tough goal. Also, knowing you dont have the luxury of running on a treadmill and need to run outside i would feel bad for you. So all I have to say......BRING IT.

Well, after work this morning to keep pace with my new goal i went to the gym for a run and did another 2.5 miles.

total is 8.5 miles of 45.

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Awesome, Matt. :D

I went to the gym yesterday and they were closed early for some promotional thing. They said that I could use the treadmill, and I decided to just skip and come back today. I got to the car and thought about how I'd be able to get all the miles in this week and turned around to get 2.5 miles done. Easy enough to make excuses, not so easy to overcome them. :cheers2:

On the pizza front, I offered to get pizza for the family on Friday, but the kids bought lunch that day and they had pizza, so I made spaghetti and meatballs. I still had soup, but I was still ready to skip the pizza. That should count, too, right?

Credit cards, not so good. My wife wanted to do some shopping, and all the cash was gone pretty soon, so out came the plastic. :(
OK, I'm determined to get the running down. As of today we are 11 days in, so I should have 22 miles done. I only had 15 this morning, so I went out and ran 10.5 miles! I'm so happy with myself. If only I could walk properly now. :smilielol5:

Pizza, still a non issue.

Credit cards, well, let's say this has been a REALLY bad week for that part. :(
How is everyone :)

I'm doing okay on the no sweets challenge. I've also been stretching every morning and evening!! I have, however, purchased a rather large bottle of honey and used it...quite a bit, lol.
Local honey?

Well...actually...no. I can't for the LIFE of me find ANY local honey around here!! So I got some from NC and I'll continue my search :) I have a friend that lives about 60 miles from me and he has some SC honey...that may be as "local" as I can get!!
Too bad. If you could find it within 5-10 miles of you it would be best for allergies. Still 60 miles away should have roughly the same kinds of plants and all.
2.5 miles today for a total of 28 miles so far. I'm up to date for two weeks in, and I still have one more run day this week. :driving:

Pizza, non issue at this point.

Credit cards, better, but today was payday, so I'm good for a while.

How's everyone else doing?