There are two teams the Orange team and the Purple team.
Both teams start with 7 players. If people drop out and either team is left with less than three reporting members - then the challenge will automatically move into an individual phase.
New people can join at any time - simply contact me and I will figure out the fairest way to incorporate them into the team structure...
Start and weekly weighings can be taken on either the Friday or the Saturday...
At the end of each week - update that line of the scoresheet to reflect your weight, weight change and percentage change accomplished during that week. Also show the exercise minutes accomplished.
I will only give points for a maximum of 300 minutes during the week - so 300 minutes is the maximum amount of minutes that should be reported here. Naturally - people can do more exercise than this (I certainly do more exercise than this myself).
I will also set a daily task - which may be in one or more parts....
If it is in 1 part - this can be easily recorded with characters for every day of the week completed
eg a single task completed every day YYYYYYY, a single task completed on just mon,wed,thurs, fri --Y-YYY
eg two tasks completed every day YYYYYYY + yyyyyyy, two tasks - one completed on 4 days and the other completed on 3 days Y--YY-Y + yy-y---
Scoresheets should be completed by 8am Sunday GMT so that I can update my records on a Sunday. I will not chase players for scoresheets which have not been completed. A scoresheet line is deemed to total zero points until a weight is entered at the end of the week.
A scoresheet entry will only be complete when an end of week weight is entered.
If someone who didnt complete their scoresheet in time has still not completed their scoresheet by the end of the following week - they will be deemed to have resigned from the challenge - and that team will be considered to have one less player.
If either team has less members than the other - then dummy members will be added to even things up for the appropriate weeks... Dummy members will be allocated an average of the points earned by the other team members.
Points given
Weight loss - 1 point for every 0.1% of weight lost during the week - this means that if someone loses 1% of their challenge start weight they earn 10 points. A weight gain results in a points deduction for weight loss.
Exercise - 1 point for every 15 minutes of exercise during the week - to the maximum of 300 minutes or 20 points.
Bonus task - a total of 3 points may be earned each day by completing one or more tasks.
Weight loss points
A note on how this works:
All weight loss percentages are in relation to your weight at the start of the challenge.
When you weigh yourself, enter this as your current weight and the start weight in the calculator.
You then get the percentage lost during the whole challenge to date which you mark on your scoresheet.
Subtract the percentage for the whole challenge to date for the previous week to get the percentage loss for the week being reported.
Since this is calculated each week - any fractions will be rewarded in due course. We therefore do not award fractions of a point.
Fractions of a point are not awarded for exercise.