Weight-Loss New WLF Team Challenge

I'm sorry to hear that you are not well... You are certainly having a rotten year.

Thanks for getting back to us with this.
I'm not sure if brad will be checking in today as he is busy fishing but I'm his partner and shall inform him of this weeks challange and he will be on as soon as he can to update his sheet :)
I'm not sure if brad will be checking in today as he is busy fishing but I'm his partner and shall inform him of this weeks challange and he will be on as soon as he can to update his sheet :)

LOL Tasha - you have taught him well... He has got brilliant weight loss and excellent points this week for us... Well done for encouraging him to join up. He mentioned that his partner was here - and I was wondering who...
Looks like everybody who has posted so far has done really well!! :)

So far, none of the teams have completely updated their sheets yet.

From team Cruisin' for Losin', we're missing jsaund86 and oregongal.
From team Success, we're missing christine1970.
From team Fire, we're missing luzdafuzz, MandyH, Transparent and Zynische.
Team SUCCESS has now completed updating their scoresheets. Looking good, Team SUCCESS, looking good! :)
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I have messaged all three people that are still missing - luzdafuzz, jsaund and oregongal, asking them to please update their scoresheets. If they haven't done so by tonight (that's in about 5 hours from now), I will put up the other Team Sheets as they are for the time being.
Okay, here are the other scoresheets. If people report in later this week, I'll add them to the sheets, obviously. They might have just gone on a short holiday or took a few days off with it being Easter and all of that.

Here's what we've got so far for Team Cruisin' for Losin' and Team Fire
Right, the person with the highest weight loss, in %, from last week is.....drumroll.....Bundybrad19 with 1.94%!! :hurray:

That means that he's going to have to come up with the mini challenge for next week. The mini challenge can be pretty much anything, as long as it is somehow connected to weight loss. You can also determine how many points the challenge is worth.

Please let me know what you would like to challenge the teams with by Thursday noon at the latest (that would be....erhm.....Wednesday evening for you, I think), so we can put it up here. :)

Well done Brad, and well done everybody else, very good points all around! :))
This is fascinating you guys. And I loved the team challenge of 2 fruits and two veggies. You all rock!
Can I still get in a team... my chart is posted, I just got it up there late.
(Follow-up 4/7... I'm on FIRE! thanks!!)
Sorry for the late update. I'm still battling a bad cold with an ear/throat/sinus infection and can barely see straight right now.

goonfairy, I'll try to work something out and get back to you. :)

Bundybrad has come up with a new mini challenge for us. It's 15 sit-ups per day for 2 points per day, and 'drink no calories' for 1 point per day. :)
Reposting this here for everybody.

This goes for this mini-challenge and all other ones which might involve certain exercise:

If you aren't physically able to do what is required from the mini-challenge, do a different exercise that will challenge you. I know that we have people with various health problems, and I do not want anybody to feel as if they letting their team down because they simply aren't able to do the exercise required. Which isn't fair. So...if you can't do the sit-ups, do something else that you are able to do. Try to stay as close to the original exercise as possible (for example, when I asked in the other challenge for people to do push-ups, I accepted anything from 'traditional' push-ups to wall push-ups, and everything in between), but don't attempt to do something that might injure or hurt you. This is supposed to be fun after all, not torture. :)
I have another question. This weekend when we update the score sheets with the percentage, what are we looking for? I see three posibilities:

1. percentage of that week's loss from the starting weight
2. percentage of that week's loss from the previous week's weight
3. percentage of the total loss from the starting weight

Which of these do we want to put on the score sheet?
We tend to use this calculator for percentage lost

As far as the way that the scoresheet should be filled in - that is down to San.

Certainly the pounds lost should be for that week alone as the mini challenge announcer is based on the person who posts the highest figure.
Cory, the percentage lost is for one week, so you use the previous week's weight as your starting weight. :)