Weight-Loss New WLF Team Challenge

I wasn't meaning to pick on sick teammates. I just wanted to stoke some flames. Get better San! Welcome aboard Goonfairy!
Well it's day 3 of the mini challenge, and I haven't cracked yet would love a ice cold beer, but no I didn't have one. So far it's full points for the main challenge and the full points for the mini challenge. Hope everyone is doing well, for those who are sick hope your on the mend
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I wasn't meaning to pick on sick teammates. I just wanted to stoke some flames. Get better San! Welcome aboard Goonfairy!

I didn't take it as you picking on anybody, no worries. Sorry if it came across like that!! Definitely not what I meant. And thanks. :)
As for the challenge - the competitive spirit is all nice and well, but there are very few things that I allow myself as it is. My daily two cups of coffee are one of those things, and I won't have coffee without milk and sweeteners. I also need my first cup to get me going, otherwise my blood pressure will be down in the dumps all day. Also, as said before, plain water doesn't do it for me, and if I flavour it, it's with lemon concentrate - which isn't allowed according to challenge rules. And I absolutely understand Omega's stance on it - I wouldn't throw something healthy and valuable away for the sake of a single point per day either.
That said, everybody is free to handle it whichever way they want - if people think they can do it, more power to them. And should the challenge come up again, I guess it will be the same outcome.

LOL San - looking at the individual exercise and mini challenge points across the last challenge we were all in - I would be surprised if too many people ended up with more exercise and mini-bonus points than either of us by the last week of the challenge... Those that get the points can enjoy the head start that we are giving them sure that we will be on their heels... :biggrinjester:
The person with the highest loss in % last week was Belinda! Congratulations!! :hurray:

It's up to you now to come up with a new mini-challenge for next week. Please have a think, and let me know what you would like to challenge us with! ;)
Well Fire, we are doing great on points, but we're stinking it up on weightloss! Here's hoping we can have big losses this week.
Well Fire, we are doing great on points, but we're stinking it up on weightloss! Here's hoping we can have big losses this week.

I thought that when I looked at the charts. We're doing good on points, but not so good on loss. Then again, the other teams aren't doing much better. I think easter might have had something to do with that! *lol*
You folks are awesome. You are all inspirations. Keep up the good work.
Right, Belinda has sent me a message with the new Challenge, starting Saturday. I think it is pretty straight forward, so here it is:

I'd like to see us expanding our horizons. I've never done this before, so this is a perfect excuse. Eat 1 serving of an organic food each day for two points. This can include both produce and meat. Go by the product label to determine the serving size. And because organic is more expensive than conventional, it can be the same food for each day. And to try a different exercise each day for another two points (i.e. swimming, walking, running/jogging, situps, pushups, pullups, sports, jumping jacks, weight lifting, biking, rowing, dancing, etc). To make sure every one is doing a different exercise, they need to update their team thread with which one they did. This will also give others on their team ideas of ones they can try.
Is that - a different "exercise for points" to any other day that week or must it also be different to your normal habits? Can it be stuff you already do anyway? What about stuff you do several times in the week?

If it is a different "exercise for points" - I take it that we are talking about something along the lines of
eg Sat=yoga,Sun=situps,Mon=aerobics,Tues=salsa,Wed=zumba,Thurs=Walking,Fri=pilates

if that is the case = is it ok if you happen to for instance walk every day but only claim walking on thurs, or maybe do zumba 3 days but allocate one day to use it to claim the points?
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Belinda has replied in our team thread. I will copy it here in case anyone else wanted to check up on the same point.

If you do all of those things in one day, that's great. The purpose of this challenge is to open up to alternative forms of exercise instead of doing the same one each day (I've been doing the bike every day since I've started and I've had days that it seems boring, know what I mean?). This keeps things fresh. Instead of saying "I don't feel like exercising today, I'm tired of it" it'll be turned around to "I don't feel like doing that exercise today, so I'll try this one."

So, like you said, you can count walking for one day, even if you do it every day, but you can't turn around and claim it later on the week. If you do zumba multiple days through the week, you can count that another day. Just don't get caught doing exercises later in the week that you can't claim because you did so in previous days.

This should be a fairly easy challenge, seeing as we're supposed to do 30 mins-1 hr of exercise for points anyway. So these exercises can count part of your time so you're not doing an hour and then turning around and adding to that with the challenge. I know a lot of people are busy with work, families, etc and don't have much spare time after that hour of exercise.
The exercise part of this challenge is pretty doable, but I don't think I'll be able to qualify for the organic side of it. I've aleady done my groceries and have a couple of large bills due this week so money is very tight for me. I can't justify going shopping again to buy the same thing I've already gotten just as non organic where I don't have extra money to spend.
Scoresheets for this week.

The person with the biggest loss, an impressive 2.82 % is MandyH!! Congrats!! :) :hurray:
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I'm not sure - knowing myself, probably as soon as this one is over -which will be at the end of June. :)
Any news on the next mini-challenge?