Weight-Loss New WLF Team Challenge

Scoresheets for this week.

The person with the biggest loss, an impressive 2.82 % is MandyH!! Congrats!! :) :hurray:

Have you announced the mini challenge for the week starting Saturday?

It really needs to be announced soon because Saturday is starting about now (or has started already) for the people that live in Australia... Tasha and Brad certainly are in Australia and need to be given enough time to do any challenge that is posted late...
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I did send my thoughts to San earlier this week and I thought it would've been posted on the forum. I haven't been online very much lately (personal issues), but here's what my thoughts were for the next mini challenge:

Diet Challenge: 2 Points for every day where no junk food at all is consumed. By junk food I'm talking candy, potato chips, cakes, ice cream, etc. Also, 2 points daily for NOT adding any additional salt to your meals. I still cave into my cravings for sweets from time to time and I do love adding salt to my meals so this will be a challenge for me. It may be a lay up for the rest of you.

Exercise Challenge: I *think" it should be nice enough for everyone to get outside now so hopefully this one will be a fair one. If you disagree, please let me know. I'm thinking maybe 2 points a day for a half hour's worth of exercise (walking, jogging, swimming, yard work, etc) outside. Getting out and about in the fresh air and sun can be a great moral booster. I hope this one will be doable.
Is that 6 points possible for each day? Am I reading that right? 2 for no junk food, 2 for no salt, 2 for outdoors?
I need a ruling as to whether sugar free sweets are classed as junk food or not for this new challenge.
Yes, Belinda. That's what I was thinking.

Omega, I don't do very much with sugar free snacks, but I don't think I'd classify that as junk food really. I enjoy a good bowl of sugar free jello so I think sugar free is fine. It's more the really fattening junk food that I was thinking of.

If the getting outside to exercise isn't possible for some of you since there are members throughout the world, maybe as an alternative we could continue the last mini challenge format in that if you do a different exercise a day you'd still get points. Sound good?
Thanks Mandy. They sound two great rulings.

Its great to know that sugar free is fine... I would hate anyone (especially me) to drop points by accident by presuming that something would be ok and then find out later that it wasn't...

Exercise outdoors is also great because it will help us with vitamin D...
I'm glad that outdoors challenge didn't start today. It's really, really cold out. It's been in the 80s the last few days and today's high is only supposed to be 60. Getting outside tomorrow may be difficult as well--forecast says 61 degrees :( And I have no actual warmer workout clothing.
Sorry for being MIA yet again. Since you already know the mini challenge for next week on here, I won't repeat it, but I will put it in the individual threads, since not everybody seems to be checking this one.
New scoresheets as far as I have them. Please refresh the page if they don't show the newest entries.

In the past few weeks I was kind of lax with the rules and when people put their results up. That included being late with it myself, which is really setting a bad example.

From now on, scores that come in after Monday at noon (UK time), will NOT be counted, and the person reporting in will receive a strike. Two strikes in a row (meaning being late or not reporting in at all for two weeks), and the person is out. If there is a good reason for not updating, please let me know of course. I'm not a monster. This is only about not updating, and not giving any reason whatsoever.

I will also no longer send reminders to people and ask them to please update their score sheets. I think we're all old enough to remember to do something once a week without somebody having to say 'pretty please'.

That's all. On with the losing, everybody! :)
Right, there's still three results outstanding, but I've decided that we've waited long enough, and can now announce that next week's mini-challenge will be brought to us by JUSTINA, who had an amazing 3.72% weight loss last week!! Wooot!!! :)
I would be stunned if any of the missing people managed a 3.72% weight loss.

I think that anyone would move heaven and earth to get onto the forum to brag about something like that.
I would be stunned if any of the missing people managed a 3.72% weight loss.

I think that anyone would move heaven and earth to get onto the forum to brag about something like that.

Pffft. That'd be no big deal. For me, I could hammer out a 14 lb loss (in a week!) and be there. Nooooo problemo. :D
It would appear that I made an error in the scoresheets, and didn't double check weight loss and percentages properly. I will have to go through every single sheet again and recheck numbers. From the looks of it, something that I thought was self-explanatory, wasn't so simple after all. :(

I will go through the sheets and adjust as necessary.

The problem is that people who happened to gain weight at some point, and then lost the next week, used the higher weight from the week before to calculate their percentage. Obviously that is not how it is supposed to be. So to make sure, here is how it works:

If you GAIN weight at any given point, and then LOSE the week after, please use your lowest weight so far to calculate your actual loss, NOT the higher weight from the week before.


Week 1: 250 lbs
Week 2: 252 lbs
Week 3: 248 lbs

You weight loss in week three would be 2 lbs, not 4. Taking into account weight gained would mean that you could basically count your weight loss twice, which would be rather unfair.

As said, I will go through the spreadsheets again and have a look, and adjust numbers and percentages where necessary.

Based on that, it would appear that Justina is not the person with the biggest weight loss last week, but I have to crunch some numbers to be absolutely sure.

Sorry about the confusion.

Also, we had a dropout from the challenge. I will try to fill the void.
Based on the revised numbers and percentages, it turns out that it's not Justina (sorry Justina!) who has to determine next week's challenge, but Christine1970!

Also, Tasha sent me a PM letting me know that she cannot continue the challenge for personal reasons. :(
Tasha and Brad are a couple and Brad has not been logging on. (Last activity on his account = April 14th, 2013 11:39 AM)

Did Tasha mention whether Brad plans to continue with the challenge?
I had sent messages to Tasha, Brad and Jimmy reminding them about their challenge scoresheets - but Tasha is the only one that has logged in since then. I hope that we havent lost all three of them...
I had to remind Jimmy every single time from the beginning of the challenge, and am simply no longer willing to do so.

Tasha got back to me, she said she would get Brad to contact me and let me know whether he's still in the challenge with us or not.