Weight-Loss New WLF Team Challenge

Good to know! Thanks! I've already done my exercise today and I'm on bottle #3 of water right now. I'll update the team thread before I go to bed of what my day consisted of. :)
Okay, Team 3 is now officially TEAM FIRE! :)

Let me know once the other teams agree on a name as well.
Team 2 is officially Team SUCCESS! :)

I've changed the name on our thread.
Look for the successful one with lots of motivation going on and you will have found us... :smilielol5:
Just to let you know, I will make a few banners/signature pics etc. for all teams tomorrow, so if you feel like it, you can display it in your signature and/or avatar. :)
Yupp, I saw that. Nice one! :) I'll make a few more though, for all teams, in different sizes and whatnot - people might not even use them, but I thought it'd be nice to have them anyway.
I have a question. I don't think there's anyway to do anything about this, but I was curious. I'm definitely losing inches, but the scale's not showing much movement. I've been fluctuating between 213-211lb for the past few weeks. Is there some magic formula to figure out how much fat loss that would be? I'm afraid that even though I'm losing inches, but not weight I won't be able to contribute much to the challenge. :(
I have a question. I don't think there's anyway to do anything about this, but I was curious. I'm definitely losing inches, but the scale's not showing much movement. I've been fluctuating between 213-211lb for the past few weeks. Is there some magic formula to figure out how much fat loss that would be? I'm afraid that even though I'm losing inches, but not weight I won't be able to contribute much to the challenge. :(

We get huge points for the work that we do to deserve to control our weight - things like exercising a lot and drinking water - also there will be other mini challenges which bring lots of points... Everyone can contribute a lot to their team by doing this hard work. There are points for weight loss too - but you would be amazed if you worked out how many points a person could contribute to their team without losing a single pound... That is the beauty of this type of challenge...

You might be surprised to know that I was once on a team that won a challenge of this type where all three of us for one reason or another (basically medical reasons linked to a long project) got slow weight loss but worked really hard... LOL We actually won the challenge despite losing less weight than most of the other teams... We just did so much work that the other teams didnt do... LOL We would have preferred to have lost more weight - but we were pretty pleased with the weight that we did lose because it was a lot for us...

As for your question about fat loss - you can get body fat meters which work out how your percent body fat is going... Some medical places have big ones and you can buy little personal ones... I have somewhere an Omron body fat monitor - but I have to admit that I do not use it much... Alternatively you can get someone to use callipers to measure your rolls of fat in key places... I believe that personal trainers use this method... If you belong to a gym you could ask there...

If people have such a meter they can use it like I hop on the scales and note the difference in the same way...

When I was on my big project I used to take measurements every month... You could do that as sometimes you see a change on the tape measure and not on the scales...
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Oh wow... good to know! I'm certainly doing all I can to get the bonus points, but I was concerned that I'd still be letting my team down by not losing weight. I REALLY want to lose weight (don't we all?!), but my scale isn't up to date with my plan I guess. LOL I just want the darn thing to move!
Oh wow... good to know! I'm certainly doing all I can to get the bonus points, but I was concerned that I'd still be letting my team down by not losing weight. I REALLY want to lose weight (don't we all?!), but my scale isn't up to date with my plan I guess. LOL I just want the darn thing to move!

LOL I am FB friends with a lot of people that used to come to this forum and quite a few of them are at goal weight but still working on their weight control... I actually posted this on my facebook page a week ago

"San's kicking off a new "party games" style team challenge this weekend over on WLF. People may want to join in - even if WLF isnt (or is no longer) their forum home. There are points for weight loss so it isnt great for people in maintenance. Knowing my friends (and their exercise and food control on challenges) they would get amazing points for their teams with no weight loss though - so no need to let a silly thing like that put you off. Here's the link http://weight-loss.fitness.com/threads/57895-New-WLF-Team-Challenge
I'm joining it... I am hoping that it is just what I need to get my weight back down nearer where it should be..."

None of them appear to have joined - but that doesnt remove what I said about amazing points with no weight loss...

I said that it isn't great for maintenance because many of my friends joined another diet forum where they often give weight control points for people in maintenance if they stay within 3 pounds of their healthy goal weight as part of the points structure...
Basically what Omega said. The challenges aren't all about weight. Lots of stuff is centered around your eating habits, for example, and exercise etc. So while weight loss is important, it's not all there is to it! :)

And I would definitely say go for measurements as well. Sometimes the scales just won't shift, no matter what, but seeing the cms (or inches) drop from your body is very nice too! :)
Made a few banners, but they didn't turn out the way I wanted them to. :( Will post them anyway, if somebody likes them, feel free to use them.

I'll work on some more at some point, either later, or tomorrow, but I am having a thoroughly crap day today, feeling absolutely awful for no apparent reason whatsoever....so hopefully by tomorrow I'll be more motivated!

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Just click the images, and you should get the original one. Also, feel free to nick the 'Fire' one from my signature if you so desire.
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I have a question. I don't think there's anyway to do anything about this, but I was curious. I'm definitely losing inches, but the scale's not showing much movement. I've been fluctuating between 213-211lb for the past few weeks. Is there some magic formula to figure out how much fat loss that would be? I'm afraid that even though I'm losing inches, but not weight I won't be able to contribute much to the challenge. :(

Exactly what Omega said. You can get a maximum of 35 points/week just maxing out your exercise and water points each day. Over 14 weeks, that would be 490 points possible just from exercising and drinking your water. Both of those aspects don't have anything to do with weight loss.

Posting the before/after pics earns you 10 points (now we're up to 500 points).

If you get within that percentage of your weight loss goal, that's 15 points. With 5 points/percentage you lose added. So that's only 30-ish points for the weight-loss aspect.

Excluding the mini-challenges of course. So assuming none of the mini-challenges have to do with losing weight, you only have to worry about those 30-ish points. Which isn't much compared to what you can earn the other ways.
The mini challenges tend to be associates with exercise or nutrition... More hard work rewarding you with points.
Bummer. I missed out on the challenge. Didn't come back to the thread in time where Omega and Oregongal told me about it. :( Looks like fun though. I wish you all all the best.
San - I note that week 2 starts tomorrow (which is indeed today for people in Australia)...

I also note that there are mini challenge points to be earned during week 2.

What is the mini challenge task for week 2?

Will it be a task that someone who has already started week 2 can do?

Brad in my team is in Australia...
Sorry for going slightly MIA....woke up with the most horrible sore throat, and generally feeling awful. Turned into a full blown cold over the day, without any warning whatsoever. :(

Anyway, the first mini challenge.

To ease everybody into the mini challenges easily, this first one should be nice and doable by everybody.

Make sure to eat at least 2 different kinds of vegetables, and two different kinds of fruit per day, for 5 points per day. If you manage at least one kind of fruit and one kind of vegetable, you can still earn 2 points.
You can eat the same fruits and vegetables every day if you want. Tinned, frozen and fresh fruit/vegetables are okay. Fruit juice (unless freshly squeezed) does NOT count.

Don't forget to update your scoresheets tomorrow. :)