My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

Then there's Saturday. lol

Omg....I knew I would do this, but omg...I feel crappy right now. tonight is take out cheat meal....and boy, did I cheat! not only did I have McD's, I also had some white chocolate and a few other chocolatey things. And now I'm feeling rather.....**insertpukingguyhere** I don't like the way I feel, so I am prepared to eat REALLY well tomorrow.

Tom, I entered that thing u gave me into fitday and it came out to be less than 1400 cals. LOVE IT!!!!! Of course that will fluctuate due to dinner, but woohoo!!!! I'm doing that tomorrrow! ((HUGS)) THANK YOU!!!
I'm still holding out for my cheat meal. Maybe tomorrow for lunch or supper.
I took the dog 4 a walk this morning. Felt good to have an active rest day. I just ate my turkey wrap (WITHOUT bacon bits, Tom!) and after my little run to the bathroom I feel really thin! LOL I feel really good right now! But I'm still hungry...
Soup is a good side dish for the sandwich. Not sure what brand would be better than the others. Another thing would be good with the sandwich would be chili or maybe chicken and noodles, homemade of course...:D
yes, I mean, if I could make the soup, it would be better, but most soup has a buttload of sodium. I used to have soup for lunch with oyster crackers. mouth waters for that now. Campbell's Vegetable Beef Soup...yum....

The worse thing I have had so far today is yogurt covered raisins...yeah, I caved. But I figure not that bad. I mean, they are rasins....even if they taste like candy. LOL
I knew it before hand but I'm ashamed to say, at the moment, I didnt care as much. And my dinner was not what I thought it would be. I ended up having Chef Boyardee for dinner....:eek: so much for doing well today....ugh....tomorrow is training day, so I will make sure to kick some major ass. :mad:
I've done the same thing when I've eaten some foods, but this is a learning thing. Nobody is going to be perfect. You live and learn and always making improvements.
Perhaps, but I still feel like I will let certain people down if I dont' try my very best., My intensions are GREAT! It's following thru that becomes the problem. :(
Perhaps, but I still feel like I will let certain people down if I dont' try my very best., My intensions are GREAT! It's following thru that becomes the problem. :(

Hey Wendy, perhaps this is why following through is proving to be difficult. Your motivations are in the wrong spot! The only way you will succeed with any of what you do, is if you do it for YOU. Doing it for other "certain people" will disappoint and lead to low self esteem and depression, for sure.

I want to edit to add that my husband isn't a fitness guy. He never has been. I always have been into fitness and health. He thinks most of what I do is total insanity and doesn't particularly think the ultra fit look is a good one on me-doesn't understand the obsession with it. Now there are 2 things to this. It is possible he is intimidated by what I do (or how I look) or jealous of my successes when I attain goals since he himself struggles with his weight. The second thing is that even though I know his preferences, this is who I am, this is who he married, and he knew it. Ultimately its a positive thing in his book. I am my best person when I am active and healthy and attacking challenges. Its what I thrive on. SO though it is not his "cup of tea" he definitely respects what I do and the priority I make physical fitness. He knows I am a better person when I'm in my element (just as we all are). Even when he thinks I'm totally anal about my diet and take my working out way too seriously, he still supports it, even if he doesn't necessarily like it. My point is. I don't do this for anyone but me, I can't or I start down that icky road of low self worth. I obviously want to look good and "fit" and feel good about myself but my self esteem through fitness doesn't come from what others say about me or think about me. Certainly it doesn't come from my husband who prefers the way I look when I DON'T work out (course he doesn't COMPLAIN when I'm fit either :)). If my determination was all for others I would never feel good enough, never attain enough, never be enough. If its for me, I call my own shots. I say this, but I think it is something many of us, including me struggle with. Its nice to be noticed, to get kudos, to get the whistle :) but if that is why you do it (for outside imput)...I think thats a dangerous position to be in. I say all this in the nicest way possible-only cause I totally understand that side of it. I've lived it. *steps down off soap box* :D
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Hey Wendy, perhaps this is why following through is proving to be difficult. Your motivations are in the wrong spot! The only way you will succeed with any of what you do, is if you do it for YOU. Doing it for other "certain people" will disappoint and lead to low self esteem and depression, for sure.

Perhaps that's why I am the way I am! LOL Seriously, though thanks. And it's not that I'm not doing it for me, but there have been people who have gone above and beyond to help me, so I dont' want to let them down.
We're all rooting for you but I personally don't look at letting me down. Don't do it for other people like Sparrow said, do it for yourself, not anybody else. We all have bad days, hell you know that, but you just pick yourself up and go on.
sparrow: I completely understand where you are coming from and what you are saying. Unfortunately, part of why I do this (working out/trying to eat well) is for the outside input. I feel good about myself when I know that others find me attractive and look up to me. When I'm in a store and I know a guy looks at me, or if my hubby tells me he saw someone looking at me, it's flattering and makes it all worth it. Not to mention, hubby loves it! LOL When I'm more confident in my appearance, he gets more action. lol

Of course, having said all that, another motivation is health. I lost my mother when I was 11 (she was 42) to Breast Cancer and my father died before my birth of heart disease. Not to mention, when I see pictures of myself at various stages of my life, I cringe. I can tell I have inherited my hips from my mom. :p Thanks mom....(get the sarcasm there?) I want to look great and feel great. I want to be the best rider I can be and if I can achieve more goals by being fit, then I'm all for it.
Well keep trying the best you can do with the food and exercise and remember it's a work in progress. Keep what you want the end result to be in your mind and go out there and kick @ss.
sparrow: I completely understand where you are coming from and what you are saying. Unfortunately, part of why I do this (working out/trying to eat well) is for the outside input. I feel good about myself when I know that others find me attractive and look up to me. When I'm in a store and I know a guy looks at me, or if my hubby tells me he saw someone looking at me, it's flattering and makes it all worth it. Not to mention, hubby loves it! LOL When I'm more confident in my appearance, he gets more action. lol

Well, its true, this is a natural bi-product of working out and being fit. People will just notice, and who doesn't like to be noticed. I'm not saying this is bad in and of itself but if you depend on it I think it can bring you down. As long as you meet personal mini goals along the way you will feel continuously confident. Its trying not to bite off more than you can chew (so to speak!) that can sometimes be difficult. Putting too high of a standard on ourselves can have the same defeating element. I echo that the confidence working out brings makes a marriage :D That part is pretty cool :p
Did my ST on the total gym:

Leg Pull - 1x12@70% (of weight)
Arm Pullover - 1x10@50%
Butterfly - 1x10@50%
Seated Row - 1x12@70%
One Legged Squat with machine - 1x12@70% (ea leg)
Seated Bench Press - 1x10@50%
Hip Abduction - 1x10@50%
Seated Curls - 1x12@60%
Tricep Extension - 1x12@50%
Twister - 1x12@60% (ea side)
Pull up - 1x12@60%

Plan on doing some abs and some weights before I hit the elliptical. I will do cardio for a half an hour. Did an hour yesterday. Eating is going ok. Already up to 933 cals. :( Starving already, and I ate less than an hour ago. Hope I have enough cals for dinner by the time I'm done.