My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

She even trying new recipes..OMG Stingo, she might make it after all...:D Now if we can just get her to use her new kitchen more, we'd be on Cloud 9.

Of course there is only one thing better than yogurt covered raisins, chocolate covered raisins. Now if only they would make chocolate yogurt covered raisins...:D The raisins sound good, I might have to try some. Who knows, I might like them...:eek:
Oh I didn't realize it was yogurt covered raisins you were asking about... I thought you meant having yogurt and raisins together... I dunno - to me the yogurt covered raisins wouldn't be much different from chocolate covered raisins, except maybe lower in fat. Could you try having yogurt and raisins together, rather than the covered stuff?

Edited to add: I also looked over your journal for today so far - you realize you could save around 430 calories by removing two things right? If you took out the cheese and the pretzels you'd be around 900 calories for the day so far. Something to think about.
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Jelly - 104 calories
Bacon Bits - 60 calories
Mini Pretzels - 220 calories
Cheese - 211 calories
595 Calories

Eggs - 201 calories
Bread - 65 calories
Banana - 109 calories
Apple - 63 calories
Wrap - 170 calories
Milk - 102 calories
Turkey Breast - 42 calories
Lettuce - 3 calories
755 calories

Being able to see your abs without flexing: Priceless
Jelly - 104 calories
Bacon Bits - 60 calories
Mini Pretzels - 220 calories
Cheese - 211 calories
595 Calories

Eggs - 201 calories
Bread - 65 calories
Banana - 109 calories
Apple - 63 calories
Wrap - 170 calories
Milk - 102 calories
Turkey Breast - 42 calories
Lettuce - 3 calories
755 calories

Being able to see your abs without flexing: Priceless

OMG, that's all I can say!
Well, sh!t. Yes that was funny, but it frustrates me. I thought pretzels were a good, healthy snack. I guess I was wrong. :( So now what....All the things I try to keep me from eating are bad. PB is bad - too high in fat - pretzels are bad - prob the salt - **** thing u'll tell me, gum is bad. I can't do this. (Inner critic comes out AGAIN....)
Yes you absolutely CAN do this - I'd not have spent so much time trying to convince you of that fact if I didn't believe in it myself.

And pretzels are good in that they're low in fat, but bad in that they're loaded with carbs/calories otherwise.
Had therapy yesterday. Talked about my inner critic and my inner stabilizer. My inner critic is by far the larger part. He is very loud and demanding. Very rude and curt. And black. Very, very black. My inner stabilizer is very quiet. Rarely speaks up. She is small and white and kind. Like an Angel.

My inner critic is always telling me what a piece of sh*t I am and how I can try all I want, but it's never good enough. I will never get there, he says. He berates me at every turn, constantly criticizing me for something. I ate too much, or I didn't workout hard enough. I'm a sh*tty excuse for a parent. For a wife. And while, as a whole I agree with him, my inner stabilizer says, "Um, hello! You are such a kind and beautiful person! Stop and look at what you have around you! Stop and see how others see you!" That is so much harder to do.

It's much easier for me to view the bad things about myself. Even if I think I'm "good" at something, it's usually, "but not good enough" or something to that effect. My riding and my singing are prime examples of that. I think I'm a good rider, but I could be so much better. Same with my singing....I think I'm good, but most of the time I think I suck. I really wish I had taken singing lessons for a lot longer than 2 semesters....

As for the stabilizer, well, she is so quiet and kind of like a friend who tells u what u want to hear, even if it's not true. Pats you on the back, saying, "you'll be fine". Although I feel llike I should listen to her more, I can't seem to part with the demon. He is everything I think and feel; she is what I want to be. She's perfection. He's demolition.
I don't know what to say other than don't listen to the demon, but that's easier said than done. Always keep the angel on your side and you'll succeed in everything you do.
I wish it were that simple.

this might be a goofy exercise but maybe worth a shot. Because your inner stablizer is so quiet and has a hard time speaking over the critical voice try speaking for her :) speak it OUTLOUD. When you're listening to the critical "demon" you are proabably at a place where you recognize you are doing that. Instantly find the voice of the "angel" and speak her words outloud EVEN if you don't want to and are feeling kinda cozy with that demon. If you're in might wanna whisper it. lol. In fact try to speak 2 positive helpful things for every 1 critical thing you're listening to. Before you know it, with enough of these positive talk sessions you have with yourself, the angel will start winning, every time :)
Good idea Sparrow. I can never think of the good ideas until somebody else says it. I think everybody needs to do that now and then when they feel like the demon is winning.
I agree with u ladies. I should try that. Esp with the way I'm feeling right now: utter frustration. :mad: Anyway, ate way too much for dinner. But it was really good:

Deer Steak, potatoes, green beans, homemade applesauce (OMG...sooo good), and dinner rolls and milk. I feel so fat and bloated right now. I went way over the 2000 cal mark today, too. Thank God tomorrow is a long day. I can push hard at ST and then again mick major @$$ at cardio. Then the weigh in on Friday. God, I hope to h3ll I have lost SOMETHING this week. If not, I may end up giving up altogether.
good point. perhaps I will try that tomorrow.

hey, I was thinking....are yogurt covered raisins bad for u (i.e. junk)?? I love them. And I was thinking...yogurt.....raisins....both good for u....but combined, are they ok or taboo?

I luv raisin! I cant stand yogurt just on its own. Always need something to spice it up. Raisin, granola, cereal, almonds, anything. I don't think it's taboo as long as you stay within the rational calorie range for snack? :confused:
Well, I will be going over again today. But only by 94 cals. I reallyl hope I've gone down this week, but I'm guessing that's a long shot. :( I have a meal plan set up for me, so I will hopefully start that tomorrow. It will be difficult, since Fridays can get kinda crazy. BUT I will be shopping for GOOD things: more fruits and veggies, NO BACON BITS, etc.

Workout was good today, although had to cut it down to 45 mins. I figured I have my riding lesson tonight, and that can get my heart up, so it's all good.
Yeah, that's been my thought as well.

No training's my first day off...ahhhh....I wanna take a nap, but I can't. I didn't get much sleep last night...lots of stuff on my AWESOME riding lesson last night, my food shopping this morning, my weigh just got to be too much. And then I had 2 of my kids crawl into needless to say I didn't get much sleep. *yawn*

Speaking of my weigh in, it went ok. I lost one pound. :D I had hoped for more, but I think I only lost one for two reasons:

~ went overboard on cals a couple of days
~ built muscle (I worked my @$$ off!)

So that's it for now.
I've been over on cals, since I don't remember what I'm spose to have. That's something to work on. I need to pick a better day to weight in on than Mondays, but I'll weigh in next week since I didn't this week.
I like Fridays bc if I let loose a little on the weekend, I still have a week to work it off. If I weighed in on Mondays, I would have to be rigidly strict....hmmm....I bet Tom would like it if I did that. LOL:D
LOL..think I might change my weigh in day to Saturdays. I don't know yet.