My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

In my personal experience eating fat coupled with carbs certainly sets one up for failure throughout the day (the craving for more fat and carbs). Fat paired with protein (like the eggs) with fewer (good) carbs eliminates cravings but requires a lot of water. I find smoothies to actually be a craving inducer. I'm queen of experimentation :D
I was thinking along the lines of retraining the palate from higher fat foods to the lower fat/leaner foods. Once the palate gets used to the taste of the healthier food and as it becomes the norm, hopefully the cravings for the high fat stuff would be more controllable/diminished.
I'm beginning to get frustrated again. I thought I ate really well the last few days, esp resisting my cravings. But I'm still not doing it right. It;s not enough. Story of my life. Working out right hour of cardio on the elliptical. After that, I plan on drinking water and eating fruits and veggies. I know this is a bad choice, but given my HUGE caloric intake yesterday, I skipped breakfast. I know, I know it's the most importnat meal of othe day....but I felt so guilty, I had to.
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Well you didn't have all THAT much - your total was around 1900, which given your exercises and such you probably still lost weight. So don't give up so easily - you ARE doing a good job, especially since i didn't see any SNICKERS protein bar nor oatmeal pie on your journal. So give yourself some credit, smile, and relax. :)
Had another killer workout on the elliptical today. Got over the 1300 mark again! WOOHOO!!!

Talked to hubby a while ago: looks like not only might we be getting a free stationary bike, but a free TREADMILL!!! And he says they are NICE. I am so psyched! I hope we can get them soon! I so miss running. :(
Had another killer workout on the elliptical today. Got over the 1300 mark again! WOOHOO!!!

Talked to hubby a while ago: looks like not only might we be getting a free stationary bike, but a free TREADMILL!!! And he says they are NICE. I am so psyched! I hope we can get them soon! I so miss running. :(

How Cool!! I wish you were my neighbour ... :D
My breakfast will consist of :

2 eggs with bacon bits, 1 slice toast with jelly, 1 banana = 488 cals

I feel like I have tons to do today....I'm glad today is a short workout day. I'm really tired. My dtr and middle child slept with us last night and kept me up. UGH. Dragging @$$ today.
Ohhh..not good, I hate when that happens. Maybe try eating something else in the morning to take the place of the banana and see how you feel then.
good point. perhaps I will try that tomorrow.

hey, I was thinking....are yogurt covered raisins bad for u (i.e. junk)?? I love them. And I was thinking...yogurt.....raisins....both good for u....but combined, are they ok or taboo?
I would think they would be ok if you only eat the recommended amount, but I've been wrong about things in the past...:D

I hope you are right, bc they are soooo yummy. I have gone by them at the store and though....oh man....I would love some of those....but haven't gotten them because I was unsure.

(BTW - I'm better now)
I'm glad I'm sitting down - she actually likes something that's healthy :) You can save some calories for later by having plain fat free yogurt (try to get as all natural as you can). And like Sheri said, if you have them in moderation it's a good thing.
I'm glad I'm sitting down - she actually likes something that's healthy :) .

Shut up, you. LOL :D

You can save some calories for later by having plain fat free yogurt (try to get as all natural as you can). And like Sheri said, if you have them in moderation it's a good thing.

YAY!!! I am going to get some this week at the store. I just found a couple of recipes for homemade applesauce. I can't wait to try them. I think I may try one of them tonight for dinner! :D
Do you have a food processor?