My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

no.. you know not what He wants...

read my sign.

it tells the troof
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope it was a good one!

We have pretty much finished the kitchen, with the exception of the floor and crown molding. Here are some before pics:

And here are the afters:
Hubby is still sick, my dtr is asleep and the boys are playing. I am getting a headache, and I'm wiped. I really should go to bed, but I don't want to yet. I'll wait a while.

Santa brought me:

clothes, GC to mall, stuff for the downstairs bathroom, things for the house in general, my kitchen (YAY!), and I think that about sums it up. Been eating really naughty lately. And I haven't worked out yet this week. I haved missed 2 workout days so far. Ick. the kitchen. We want the recipes that you make..:D

I got way tooo much stuff to list but the big present was the TIVO!! Gonna burn out Greene on House like I did with CSI:Crime Scene Investgation...:D I actually got it Saturday, but it's the bomb and the best thing since sliced

Happy late Merry Christmas and glad you got what you wanted.
AFternoon guys! I've only been up for about 2 and a hlaf hours! LOL I missed therapy this morning. :p LOL Hey, I was tired! LOL

Here are pics of the kids on 12/24:

I have decided, sicne I have already missed 2 days of working out this week, that I will take a week off from working out (first time in 3 years!) and start anew next week, in the new year. And at that point, I will really work hard to achieve my goals. No messing around. I will give myself one week of doing whatever, and then I'm going to get on the wagon and not get off.
Great pictures Wendy! Kitchen turned out great too! Merry Christmas and enjoy slacking off a little for th erest of the year
Cute kids and nice pics. Enjoy the rest of the year exercise free. Just chase the kids around. There's enough exercise right there...:D
Thanks Sheri! LOL And yes, that's enough excercise. LOL

I might be getting a free excercise bike! Dan asked me if I would use one if it was given to us. At first, I said no. I'm not real fond of them. But then I got to thinking that I could alternate b/w the elliptical and the bike for cardio. So now, I hope we DO get it. In our next house, we will have to have a workout room. We are really beginning to build quite a nice home gym. :)

The last two days, I have really slept in. Yesterday, I got up at 10:45. Today, I got up at 9:30. IT's been great, but I still feel exhausted. Perhaps it's not working out. Maybe that is taking its toll. This is the longest I have taken off working out in 3 years. :cool:

I'm taking advantage of not really paying attention to my food intake and such. LOL I've had so many pieces of fudge, and some soda and cookies....omg...LOL I figure I need to get it all in before the new year. I won't be having any of that after Jan. 1st. LOL
Eat it all while you I'm right with ya there babe. Hope you get the bike. Our gym doesn't get used anymore. It sits and collects dust. Hope the dust is getting a good workout...:D
Well, yeah! Do it girl! :) What are you going to lose but the fat?? :) And all of your progress could be a great motivator for you! :D
With all that cardio gear you should get yourself a heart rate monitor if you don't have one already - it will keep ya honest in terms of how hard you're working.
Wendy - Very true woman..just imagine me in a 14 or my god maybe a 12...:eek: Starting slow with the goals and work from there.

Stingo - sounds like a good idea or was you talking to wendy? Should invest in one.
To either of you actually - I think a heart rate monitor is an excellent tool that will help you make your workouts more productive.