My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

Enjoy your journal; thanks for posting!
Live: thanks!! :)

Stingo: you have a point. It probably would be a good idea.

I did really well for lunch today: turkey wrap (whole wheat wrap, turkey deli meat, cheese, lettuce, bacon bits).

Then I had fudge. LOL 3 pieces....And I want more. LOL
Remind me NEVER to stop working out for a week again. It has really affected me. I'm exhausted ALL THE TIME - literally - and I feel just plain ****ty about myself. I never imagined I would feel this way when I started working out 4 years ago. I never thought working out would be come so addictive and necessary and....imperative for my overall well being, not just physically.

I think that's why I consumed about 10 pieces of fudge yesterday....but the good news is it's gone. LOL I have had 2 GoLean waffles for breakfast. Lunch will be a turkey wrap - same as yesterday.
Fudge...mmmmm. I've got a box of truffles to go thru, but I'll be mean and eat all the good ones and leave Greene the ones I don't want...:D I'm so mean.

Lunch was a salad and the last slice of pumpkin pie w/whipcream for dessert. Oh was good while it lasted. Now I need to get rid of the ooey gooey butter cake.
I can understand that - but it's not just the absence of working out, it's the eating of healthy (though admittedly fun and tasty) stuff. Sounds like you're in a food hangover from the fudge, which will go away soon and you're already getting back on track foodwise.
Hope you are right...had my wrap....yum yum new fave lunch food. :D I then had apple dippin stix for dessert. yum yum.
Of course that's not to say you won't do your penance when you work out of course lol. You'll feel that for a while too, but this too shall pass. :)
I looked at some South Beach frozen lunches and they were $3.35/piece but it wasn't at Walmart. I also thought the frozen lunches were bad for you because of the high sodium content, but they looked soo good. Think come next year I'll start eating those but they are so expensive, but you are paying for the South Beach name.
I don't know about the frozen lunches, but the ones in the bologna and cheese section at walmart, the lunchables, are soo good. I LOVE the turkey wrap one (how I got started eating the wraps :D). The Chicken ceasar one is good, too. I think up here, it's only like $2.50 for one of those. So, compared to the $3.35, it's not bad...although who knows what they are where you live....

Damn...I need a drink...
I don't know about the frozen lunches, but the ones in the bologna and cheese section at walmart, the lunchables, are soo good. I LOVE the turkey wrap one (how I got started eating the wraps :D). The Chicken ceasar one is good, too. I think up here, it's only like $2.50 for one of those. So, compared to the $3.35, it's not bad...although who knows what they are where you live....

Damn...I need a drink...

...of water, right? :)
Spice up the water with some tea or koolaid and you should be good to go.

*shhh..don't tell stingo but greene used to put everclear in his*
Ugh.. I knew it... I feel so used and abused


LMAO...don't even get me started. :D

Well, I only gained a pound this week. I did far better than expected. :) Found a new running website, thanks to another thread on here, and I will be frequenting that one as well. I'd like to run a race this spring, if there is one around.