My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

So how'd the fudge making go? If it didn't work out, don't beat yourself up over it - I know from experience it's not an easy thing to make, especially with an old-fashioned recipe. about a blonde moment....I didn't know you had to put it in the fridge....and so now it's as soft as anything. It's in the freezer for a few minutes, I'm hoping it will set a little...supposed to be on the road right now...the kids are driving me nuts already. How am I supposed to do this for the next week and a half?? ARGH!!!
You should have made puppy, but fudge is good too. I'm in the situation with Ash. She's out of school for that long. I won't have any hair left either...:D
Puppy Chow, eh? I'll think of that next time. :)

The fudge came out great, other than not putting it in the fridge. It's REALLY soft. Next time I will know.... :rolleyes:
From She47441:

Puppy Chow - Chex mix cereal, chocolate chips, pb, butter and powdered sugar

On the stove, melt cereal, chocolate chips, pb and butter. In a bag, sift the powedered sugar. When the stuff is melted, pour over cereal and coat the cereal and pour the mixture in the powdered sugar and shake until all covered.
Ok Ok Ok, since people is wondering about puppy chow, I'll give the reciepe out. Yes, it's from the zaar. I love that website!!

I'm gonna make some for the weekend. Bad sheri...:D

*Edit- changing recipe, omit the vanilla if you wish*
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I made the recipe and the powdered sugar didn't stick, but believe me it's not going to stop me from eating it and serving it to people. It's like stingo and his fudge experiences, the more you make it, you'll get it right. I couldn't tell you the last time I personally made it, but in the end, it's all good.
I agree....

I have a blazing fire going right now....and my toes are freezing. LOL Of course, I'm not in front of the fire. That might help. Also, socks could be another option. LOL
Found out what I did wrong with the puppy chow. You need to use a whole package of chocolate chips and 1 cup of peanut butter. Going to remake it for my step-son since he likes it...:D
Found out what I did wrong with the puppy chow. You need to use a whole package of chocolate chips and 1 cup of peanut butter. Going to remake it for my step-son since he likes it...:D

So that means it was too dry? (Ya mean I was right? lol holy cow!)
Hi Stingo, yes, I'm here. Having an ok day. Kids really stressed me out at the store. And I spent WAAAAY too much. BUT I am still down 3 pounds from last week. Sooo glad about that. :D thanks for asking about me, Stingo....I can't thank you enough.....
if you're happy then give me my pants back..

you're making the Lord angry...