Thanks honey...

((Hugs)) I'll warn you this is going to be a long post..
It's just so frustrating sometimes. It's easier with Greene here now. He can handle her better than I can, but at times he gets frustrated. It does help that he's been thru this before with his son because he has experience raising kids, but he doesn't know anything about raising a girl (no, that's not a slam on his part), but he loves her just the same.
Her father (and I will say this as nicely as I can) is just worthless. He calls once a month to see how things are going and when he does call and she's busy, he doesn't want me to get her, he just says ok and talk to you later, I dropped the child support because he wasn't paying it anyway, so what's the point...

He's a 3 time felon who's in and out of jail, swears he'll clean up his act and doesn't, didn't want to babysit his own daughter because he was too busy making drug runs (pot), so I had to get a babysitter so I can work (he'd only watch her when the babysitter was on vacation), when she got hurt and needed stitches, he again was too busy with his drug runs to go to the hospital with me, he said he'd meet me there...

, basically the one your mom always told you to stay away from.
I don't regret having my daughter at all, I regret having her at a young age and her having a father like him, but on the upside, she told my mom that she thinks of Greene as her step-dad. I don't wish him to be her dad, but I wish her real dad would get his act together or just leave. I don't need him in the picture if he's not gonna help, which he's not, so what's the point.
Anyway..I'm feeling little better, so I'm gonna eat supper now. Thanks for listening.