My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

They are still loose and I love it! I had a GoLean bar for breakfast and a half of a french bread pizza and some chips and water for lunch.
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It's FINALLY beginning to look like Christmas! We got a little bit of snow this morning, just enough to cover the ground a bit!

B: 2 GoLean waffles with syrup, bowl of granola cereal with milk

I've had a fire going for the last hour and half and it's been sooo nice. I was sitting on the couch for a while, wrapped up in a blanket, reading a book with the fire....I could have sat there all day....and then my dtr came downstairs. LOL

Oh, and Sheri, if u see this, the "oreo" wasn't exactly a cookie. It was an O.....understand?? lol "Oreo" is a code word for O. LOL
Well now to tell me, damn it...:eek: I was looking forward to the chocolate.

Oh well..don't think Santa can bring the oreo, but if you talk to your hubby really nice, he might bring you one.
Got a GREAT workout in tonight! a full hour on the elliptical! I skipped dinner bc I ate like sh*t today. I have to plug in everything into fitday so I can figure out exactly how bad I really was. But man...the workout...feels so good! Gonna work my abs again tonight. Third day in a row. Want to get those definitions back! :D

Edited to add: yup. I was REALLY bad today. I had over 2100 cals :eek:
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awww, thanks honey! I've been feeling really fat and ugly lately, despite the ring thing. I know, I say that and then consume 2100+ cals. *sigh* Last night I felt really motivated. What the h*ll happened?? LOL Oh, I know...I got up this morning. LOL
Well, when u feel down just look at all that u have accomplished and read all the comments on ur pic thread. And give yourself a break, you're beautiful.
It's really not that uncommon. Especially if the lines of communication aren't open with you and yer hubby. Only two people have ever got me there and that's um... a fraction of the people who have tried :p

Oh they are. trust me. lol we talk a ;)
I'm sooo tired...I just wnat to go to bed. My older son has basketball practice and then Ihave a parent-teacher conference for my other son. Maybe after that, I can come home and go to bed. Although it's doubtful...hubby will be working on the kitchen.
I'm fat. I can't do this. I have to resign myself to the fact that I will always be fat and just deal with it.