My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

Oh I like lettuce just long as it has dressing on it. LOL

Pizza....yum....french fries....double cream...d@mn diet

Girl after my own heart...:D

I love it too actually. its so versatile Well Wendy its good to mix up your cals day to day because it keeps your body guessing so the protein bar was probably a good thing. You've even had weeks you think you've eaten bad and are afraid to weigh and then you've lost like 2 pounds. Doing the same thing day after day makes the body get bored and rebel sometimes plus its not like you just went over with pizza or ice cream or something

Sparrow had a good idea. Mix it up so you can keep your body guessing. If you eat the samething over and over again, you will get bored and burned out.

There are lots of things you can do. Eat only the recommended proportions of the food and if you can't measure it out exactly, then take a guess, but don't overboard. Eyeballing can be hard, but if you think you went under the amount, then you saved calories, but don't go overboard at your next meal. In my case, portion control is still hard for me. Don't automatically go back for seconds (we're all guilty of that). Wait little bit and then see if you are still hungry. 10-20 minutes is a good time range. Don't eat until your completely stuffed. Just enough to make you full.

Now that you're getting a new kitchen, start making your own dishes. Instead of ordering pizza, make a homemade one. You know exactly what you put in it and it won't be so greasy as the fastfood ones. It will also be a good way to have the kids help. Don't rule out the vegetarian ones if you want to try something different one night. If the family won't eat it, then make it a half and half. I personally liked the green pepper/olive one, but I don't think I could get either Ash or Greene to eat it.

Same thing with the fries, make your own. Yes it's a little time consuming, but it will save you money in the end. Same with the potato chips and you can even mix it up and make sweet potato chips if you like them. If you don't want to peel the potatoes, the ones with the skin on is good too.

As for the ice cream, find the one that is sf/ff. Yes they sell it at Walmart, so that's even better. If you like yogurt or sherbet, then that's even better.
Excellent advice She - think it takes that long for the brain (about 10-20 minutes) to catch up to the stomach and realize it's full. Hard though it is in this fast paced world where it's more convenient to gobble and run, it's better to try to pace yourself with your dinner (yes, slow food :)). If it comes to it, get a small kitchen scale and weigh the portions out. And of course I heartily endorse making your own dishes - for about the same price if not less you could get something more nutritious/tasty than something out of a box. The key ingredient though is time.
Thanks Stingo..knew if I talked to you long enough, you would rub off on

Small kitchen scale is a good idea. Also, when you get good enough, you can eyeball the portions. You might not be right all the time, but you can get close. If you happen to not get the right amount, like if you are under calories, you have some leftover. Just don't go overboard on the next meal and you should be alright. Don't freak out if you go over. That will happen now and then.
Yup once you get used to measuring you'll be able to tell how much is enough. But after that do periodically do a measure or two just to recalibrate your internal ideas/measurements - I'd bet the portion sizes get subtly and subtly larger as time goes on.
Yup once you get used to measuring you'll be able to tell how much is enough. But after that do periodically do a measure or two just to recalibrate your internal ideas/measurements - I'd bet the portion sizes get subtly and subtly larger as time goes on.

I second that.
LMAO...u always do, Sheri! LOL

So far today, I have had a bana and 2 golean waffles with lf syrup. Oh, and a golean oatmeal bar. Not sure where I am in the cal dept but I'm sure I'm ok. Got a salad for lunch and will have a protein bar after my workout.

Thanks for the info guys! Hubby mentioned a scale last night, too, so maybe I will get one afterall! :D
Just plugged in my food so far...up to 609 cals, almost 3x more protein than fat (WOOHOO) and that's that. I'm happy. And tired and fighting a headache.
I just updated my fitday....still on target, although the protein isn't as good as yesterday. :( I've had more g of protein than fat, but the % of fat is more. :( BUT, I'm still under my allowed amt of cals per day! WOOHOO Check it out:

Why does fitday not have jell-o listed?? Do people not eat it??
Well, you can, but see here's the thing. It's in a lunchable type thing - south beach diet turky wrap - that I have been eating lately. I don't eat the jell-o bc I don't like it. I'm not sure how many cals I can knock off the amt listed on the box. I know it won't be much, but still. I want to be accurate.
is it sugar free? Jello is pretty easy to figure out.
headache? probably dehydrated. More water always makes mine go away.
Sounds like a good day Wendy! You go girl!
Well, I knew it wasn't much. I had hoped for like 20 cals though. LOL I could have knocked off 20 and been even better! LOL oh well. No biggie. I'm still way under for the day. :D
MMMM...sugar free jello. Was it cherry? That's my favorite.