My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

If you've started somewhat of a new cardio routine you may be retaining some water as the muscles are getting used to working harder. Thats what happens to me.
Jim: lololololol :D no comment

Sparrow: I started new strength workout, not cardio. Does that make a difference??

*sigh* definitely 2 pds up this week. :(
Did you weigh AGAIN?
Yeah strength routine could do that. Your muscles may not be used to certain exercises and respond by retaining fluid in order to repair and recover. You also may not be giving them enough rest to fully recover.

The number isn't what matters. What matters is how you feel and look, how do your clothes fit. Your therapist is concerned for a reason. I've seen your pictures and you are doing awesome. How tall are you? How does your weight fit into your body frame and muscle mass?. As much as you workout, you should not expect constant weight loss at some point you should stablilize and gain muscle which will increase your weight on the scale. At some point we all have to accept who we are and be happy in our own skin. You are looking great and should be feeling wonderful, not obsesssing over a silly number on the scale. Hang in there Wendy.
Thanks Sparrow and Missy. :)

Yes, I did weigh in normal weigh in. So you think that the new machine has made me retain water? hmmm ok. Overal, I have been thinking I have lost weight bc for the most part, I have felt thinner. My rings are loser, my stomach feels smaller. I can see more of my collarbone, etc. I hope you are right! :)
I just logged in my food for the day and I am at 1146 for the day. Which leaves me about 350 cals for dinner. I can do it, too. If I have the South Beach Turkey Club Wrap for dinner, I will be all set. I just hope I can live on that and not go crazy with hunger later on. Another cool thing is that I have way more protein so far than fat! WOOHOO!!! I have only consumed 25g of fat vs 105g of protein! WOOHOO!!!

I did ST and went for a 4 mile run today. It felt so good. I still feel really good about that. And I have made a decision about some personal stuff and I hope I can stick with it. My marriage and my kids are counting on it. I can't be swayed at all. Wish me luck! :)
Hi Wendy, sounds like a better day overall today! I'm not sure a single machine is the culprit, I just know from my own experience that I notice water retention when I've been pounding the workouts with very little rest. What Missy said was totally right on. If you are happy with how you look and clothes are fitting fine then stop obsessing! We can all get ourselves really worked up over a number we think is "too heavy" or whatever but it comes down to how you feel in your own skin. Dwelling on a number can give you false sense of "fatness" the minute you see it. You seem to be making some big decisions regarding your personal life, make one more regarding the scale. Make a goal to put it away for 2 whole weeks this time and see how you do with that. Do it for your mental health, its not worth your daily mood being dictated by what the scale says. Thats not healthy for anyone in your household! These are just a few little things I've learned along the way ;) I second what she said too, you are doing GREAT and pictures prove it!

I really hope you are being honest and ditching the number. It can really get you into trouble mentally. You really are doing awesome and I find any overnight weight gain is usually fluid.
LMAO...stingo....ur funny.

I did my 30 mins on the elliptical. It was hard to get thru. I was sooooo tired today. I stayed up until after midnight last night (and no, I'm not telling why LMAO) and had to get up early this morning to get the kids on the bus. I laid on the couch most of the morning, sleeping and snuggling with my daughter. It was soooo nice. Then I had to muster up the energy to workout...not good. LOL I did it though.

Now I'm on my way out the door to parent - teacher conferences. Back later! about heart failure!!!!

I had called the school around lunch time to say that my boys (plural!) would not be riding the bus home, as I would be picking them up (since I had the conference). Well, I leave the house at about 3pm, a little after, actually, and when I get to the school a few minutes later I see only one of my boys in the office. I start to panic, but the principal said that perhaps he's with the teacher since we were having a conference. So, down to the room I go. I get to the room and no one is there. No teacher, no son. I really start to panic. She comes waltzing in minute later and I say, "(My son) isn't here?!" She said, "No, I assumed he'd be riding on the bus!" Come to find out no one gave HER the message just my younger sons' teacher got it. So as I almost completely flip out, they begin to call the office and bus garage.

In the meantime I am sitting with the teacher (my other 2 went outside with their step bro) and I'm trying really hard to concentrate. No phone call. Why hasn't anyone called back?? Where is my son?? Just as the conference ends, the phone in the room rings. The principal has gone to the house, as my son has been dropped off at home. Alone. He's 8. Not good. I am p!ssed and I start to panic, as I know that he is scared. So, back to the house I fly, luckily it only takes me about 7 mins to get there.

When I get there, I find him outside with the principal - he initially wouldn't open the door (GOOD BOY!!!!). He walks over to me and CLINGS to me, head buried into my shoulder/chest. I felt like dying. I felt so badly.

I bought him two cars at the store. LOL

And I caved and bought a package of chips (the big grab bags) and consumed the whole d@mn thing. So much for eating clean....
Sheri!!!!! OMG!!! How u been? I got ur usual, I was doing cardio when u called. :(

Well, today I have had 1 banana, a small pack of animal crackers, two bowls of pasta with butter and cheese :eek: and water.

No ST this morning...too much to do.
Yeah, well, now I'm gonna pay for it. I have 11 cals left to eat and then I go over...d@mn pasta.....

hmm well you could eat 2 pieces of gum :p or suck on quite a few tick tacks :D or down 16oz of crystal light, a few cups of dry lettuce? mmm the possibilities are endless ;)
I love it too actually. its so versatile :) Well Wendy its good to mix up your cals day to day because it keeps your body guessing so the protein bar was probably a good thing. You've even had weeks you think you've eaten bad and are afraid to weigh and then you've lost like 2 pounds. Doing the same thing day after day makes the body get bored and rebel sometimes ;) plus its not like you just went over with pizza or ice cream or something :D
Oh I like lettuce just long as it has dressing on it. LOL

Pizza....yum....french fries....double cream...d@mn diet. :mad: :p