My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

Ok, I'll be looking for it.

Today was defintely cardio. I cleaned the staircase. Up and down, up and down. I was cussing Greene left and right for making me do this, but it needed to be done.
Good! My kids p!ssed me off royally today and I was supposed to go to rehearsal tonight for a performance on Saturday, but when hubby got home, he was stressed out (HA!) bc I was leaving, so I said, "fine I'll stay" even though I REALLY needed to get out of the house. I was p!ssed bc he was like he needed time off or whatever and I'm like....listen u b@st@rd! U got to go to work today...away from the kids. I had to deal with them all day (yes, I am a SAHM by choice, but still) and u got to go away. U had ur time off....he doesnt' get that. :mad:
They won't understand it. They think that since they go to work, you need to work too at home. You don't get peace and quiet unless your daughter gets a nap. Just wait until she's in school. It'll be easier.
Did I just read "Sugar Free Jell-o"? :O

LMAO....Yes, you read correctly! LOL

I'm over my tiff. I'm really tired today. Just ate breakfast. HAVE to get on the Total Gym today. Haven't been on it since Sunday. Hope to do really well today with food intake. I plan on being a good girl, but u never know what may pop up unexpectedly.

B:half small banana, 2 go leans waffles with syrup
Kicking major butt today. I could only do 30 mins on elliptical - got a call from the school to pick up my son bc he's sick. :( Eating really well, though.
LOL isn't that just funny how universal that man thing is. They don't get how staying home with kids could possibly compare to them being at work :rolleyes: However, then they "clock out" and come home for some R&R and we keep going, in fact its the nights that make our job even HARDER! is that fair? haha. My hubby has actually understood this way more in the past years and has become extremely helpful, thank goodness, but it wasn't always that way ;) It took a dose of ME working and going to school while he stayed home for him to "get it" :D
I did my exercise today. School had a field trip. Walked around the mall for about 2 to 2 1/2 hrs, so I think I walked off lunch. Too bad I couldn't have walked off supper...:mad: :D
I'm completely p!ssed. I maintinaed this week. Despite all of my hard work to eat clean and even went under cals a few days and worked out hard, NOTHING! :mad:
Sorry to hear that - you're probably so close to your ideal weight it will be tough to lose those last few. Still, I'd go by how your clothes are fitting and what you see in the mirror rather than the scale. Try a few weeks without it - you might be happier.
Unfortunately that's a part of life. I honestly don't know why that would happen.

Not to disbelieve you, but are you sure you ate completely clean, no cheating, no nothing? Did you possible go overboard at a meal? Did you skip an exercise day?
I was in a forum called "The last 5lbs or less" and you are not the only one. I guess it is the hardest to loose also it is the hardest to see the difference? :) Just keep at it and don't give up!
Thanks guys....and to those who were able to offer support with the "other" thing, I do appreciate it. I know things got heated over there, and it was never my intention.
Well, today has been a pretty good one. I haven't eaten much and I feel really thin! :D I bought some candles and decorations today and so I'm a happy girl. Hubby got a snowmobile today, so he's a happy boy. :) There is a movie tonight on Hallmark Channel that I want to watch tonight...Supposed to be a romantic holiday movie...yup that's me...a romantic. A good thing at times and a bad thing...

My rings are really loose today. I LOVE IT!!
:D :)

You go girl