My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

Yes, it's all good! :)
Why, yes, yes he is. lol

Here is my workout:

lying dumbbell row: 1x12@30
single leg squat: 1x12@30 (ea leg)
bench press: 1x12@30
straight leg deadlifts: 1x12@30
shoulder press: 1x12@30
standing calf raise: 1x12@30
concentration curl: 1x12@26 (ea arm)
side bend with dumbbell: 1x12@30 (ea side)
reverse curl: 1x12
kickback: 1x12@26
one-arm dumbbell row: 1x12@20 (ea side)
lunge: 1x12@30
pushups: 1x12
sumo leg deadlifts: 1x12@30
one-arm shoulder press: 1x10@20 (ea arm)
single leg calf riase: 1x12@20 (ea side)
preacher curl: 1x12@20
sidebend with dumbbell: 1x12@30
reg. crunches: 1x12
tricep extension: 1x12@15

Then this afternoon, I did 30 mis of cardio - mostly at resistance #5 and then at the end, went down to 4, then 3.


S: apple, tuna
L: salad with chicken
S (post workout): protein bar

I am just curious, how many days per week do you do this workout?
AND OMG CONGRATS on your refinance on your house and your weight! How awesome!
I do cardio - 30-45 mins on elliptical - 5 days per week and then I do the weights (the routine above) 3x per week.

And thanks. re: refinancing and weight loss. Finally I'm seeing results :)
Feeling really crappy today though. I know no one knows what I am talking about, but I just wanted to vent.

LIES!! Some of us read blogs and stay informed, but I guess I'm nobody now eh? Hmph! Glad to hear about the pound loss and the refinance, it's like life slapping you with one hand and patting your back with the other eh?

As for my pictures....well.......I'm the MilitantGeek, and a weirdo to boot, what did ya expect? ;)
Until I decide 100% whether to go or stay, I will continue to post in my diary, but most likely no where else. The less contact I have with others the better. lol

Today was so much fun. My horse was very well behaved except for the occassional moments when he refused to get into the ring. But I cleared everything - only knocked one fence down (which unfortunately meant a disqualification in that class) - and ended up with a 3rd and a 6th. Not to shabby for only being in the saddle again for a little over a month and for my 4th time riding that particular horse! I feel really good about today!:)

Eating this weekend has been terrible, so I won't even post that info.
Here are some pics from today:


My Horse's name was Remington, or Remy for short. He's huge! :)


Before we went into the ring the first time, I think. He's such a good boy!
Trying hard not to let things bother me. Some days it's easy. Right now...not so much....Trying to move past the things that have tempted me to leave and yet today it's very hard to do so. But at any rate.....

Today's weights:
lying dumbbell row: 1x12@30
single leg squat: 1x12@30 (ea leg)
bench press: 1x12@30
straight leg deadlifts: 1x12@30
shoulder press: 1x12@30
standing calf raise: 1x12@30
concentration curl: 1x12@20 (ea arm)
side bend with dumbbell: 1x12@30 (ea side)
kickback: 1x12@26
one-arm dumbbell row: 1x12@20 (ea side)
lunge: 1x12@30
pushups: 1x12
sumo leg deadlifts: 1x12@30
one-arm shoulder press: 1x10@20 (ea arm)
single leg calf riase: 1x12@20 (ea side)
preacher curl: 1x12@20
sidebend with dumbbell: 1x12@30
tricep extension: 1x12@15

Did the ab tape this morning, rather than reverse curls and reg crunches. I did 45 mins on the elliptical this afternoon and now feel like crap.

Food Intake:

B: cheerios, toast with natural pb, 2 eggs
L: salad with tuna salad and 3/4 of a huge apple

Haven't felt the need to eat again. Really not that hungry.
I second those thoughts. Horses are the win, and don't leave. Seriously, when you hurt it's not less contact with people that is better, it is more. I'm really sorry you're hurting, but why would you turn your back on a great source of support when you need it the most? There's a lot of great people on here who have your back and want you to suceed, stick around and tough it will get better I swear.
AWww thanks guys! I appreciate that! I'm going to try and stick to just this thread and perhaps a few other diaries and call it good. Ignoring the ones that hurt will help me refocus and better myself.

I had my therapy session this morning and some of the things she said regarding my son really hit home, so I'm going to focus on him and bettering things for him. I can't go on like this anymore. It destructive not just for my mental health, but quite possibly the whole family, and my kids happiness comes first. Always have, always will. I have made some bad choices, but I cannot take 100% the blame for them; we each have our own free will, right. Yes, my unhappiness is largley my own fault, but it takes two people in a friendship/relationship, and those who have hurt me have made their own choices that I cannot deal with. I have to focus on me and my issues and right now, one of those issues is my middle child.

Having said all that, I look forward to another GREAT, INTENSE 45 mins on the elliptical this afternoon. I also plan on really cleaning out the kids bedrooms today. I have about an hour and hlaf before I workout, so I guess I had better get to it.

Again, I thank those of you who have supported me over the last few days. It's times like these that really make your true friends stick out! ((HUGS)) to all!
Thanks, hon. I know you can relate to what I'm going thru. However, I am really going to focus on not making my kids suffer for what I imagine to be an unfulfillment. They deserve so much more. And that includes both parents in the same house. :)

Omg, my workout....LOVED IT! I sweat like a pic and really trucked along!

B: cheerios, milk, cinnamon waffle
S: 6 oreo type cookies :eek:
L: 2 cheese sticks, turkey slices
S (post cardio): protein bar