My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

It's hard to go what we went/go thru on that subject, but like I said before, you need to focus on you and your life and get it together. Your kids need both parents.

Anyway glad you had a kickass workout. You're on the right track, so keep going. I'll eventually get where you are.
It's hard to go what we went/go thru on that subject, but like I said before, you need to focus on you and your life and get it together. Your kids need both parents.

You are absolutely right. They do need both parents. All kids do. Unless of course the parents are abusive in some way. My unfulfimment hardly qualifies. Which is why I'm refocusing on my life and that with my hubby's. :) I firmly belive (ironically enough) that when you say marriage vows it's a sacrament and holy bc you are sying those vows in front of God and the minister (or JP) and family and friends. People give up too easily on their marriages nowadays. I'm not going to be one of them. (hence my change of focus)
That's step one..admiting you have a problem. Sorry, too many t.v. shows, but in all honesty, that was the first step. Now that you know what you have to work on, it'll get easier day after day. Believe me, it was hard in the beginning for me too because in all honesty I had fallen for him, which I tried to tell myself that I wasn't, but once I told him everything and he didn't talk to me again (which he still hasn't to this day), he's a memory now and that's all he'll ever be. Greene and I still have our problems, but now it's over Ash and not a guy.
I firmly belive (ironically enough) that when you say marriage vows it's a sacrament and holy bc you are sying those vows in front of God and the minister (or JP) and family and friends. People give up too easily on their marriages nowadays. I'm not going to be one of them. (hence my change of focus)

+ 5 respect for the Wendinator, and right on sister. I'm not going to say every marriage is workable or savable, they aren't all, but I think you hit the nail right on the head there........too many people giving up them too easily. Which is why the divorce rate is so high here (75% I think?) and you have the hollywood marriage circus, with people trading spouses every 4 to 14 weeks.

No since I don't know the particulars of your marriage, I cannot comment on whether sticking with it is the right thing or sheer insanity, but I commend you on your spirit regardless.

Oh yeah............

<<<does the happy dance>>> Wendy's not leaving, Wendy's not......
LOL awwww...thanks guys. Scott....the "Wendinator"?? LMAO....funny. I like it! :D And yes, I think I will stick around for a whle longer. :)
Just when I am all gung ho on really making an honest effort and being focused on hubby....he has to cop a f*cking attitude. I mean, is it not enough that I spent ALL MORNING running around doing sh*t for him?? And what does he do? He f*cking hangs up on me. This does not give me the warm and fuzzies.....kinda makes me want to take everything back that I said....ok, no it doesnt'. But still. Give me some friggin credit!!!

B: cheerios, 2 eggs, 1 slice toast with jelly
S: cheese stick and turkey slices
L: small vanilla shake - couldn't stop for lunch; too busy
S (post cardio): protein bar
Easier said than done, I'm afraid. My needs run deep, but I'm trying to push them aside for my son.
The only thing I am trying to do is be a better wife and mother. I'm going to try and be more affectionate with hubby and more patient with him. I haven't been in love with my hubby for a long time. IT's not going to happen over night - me falling back into love with him. It's going to take time and I am willing to put my kids happiness above my own. I will do the very best I can for my kids, including spending more time with them and hubby. I have to make some changes. When that happens it will be up to hubby to reciprocate feelings and actions. If he does it, great. IF not, I will have to be ok with that and keep going.
I can't imagine how it could get any worse, but then again, I never thank you and Sara for your support. :)
For dinner, I had chicken, chicken flavored ramen noodles and broccoli. Oh yeah, and milk. That's not bad, right?

Edited to say: I entered my dinner into fitday and I am still under my daily target cal consumption by 99 cals. Not bad, I must say! :D
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AWww...I never had fun memories like that. LOL Of course, I never lived alone or with friends. LOL I went from my parents house to my hubby's house (then bf).
i still have chicken noodles from time to time... knorr has a chicken noodle soup for 188 cals per LITRE (the whole family packet!). Good treat for piggin out on while watching a movie with someone lol and it's pretty good nutrition wise (if you don't consider the additives).
Ugh....I hate tension headaches. and right now, I have one forming. Ick.

B: .75 c of cheerios, 2 eggs

Going to try and eat really clean today since tomorrow is weigh in day. I hope I havne't gone up much, if at all. I shouldn't be surprised if I do though...
I third that