My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

OMG u guys are killing me! LMAO

I certainly splurged last night. OMG....KFC was it. And I STILL felt the effects this morning. Talk about a 180! I felt bloated and fat and gross. I'm going to try and hold onto that feeling and with any luck, I won't splurge as much as I used to.


B: half banana - really didn't even feel like eating even that I was sooooo bloated
S: about 15 crackers
L: baked beans with a dallop of ketchup
um yeah, supper was REALLY good. LOL but I'm not sure I will do that again anytime soon. LOL
absolutely! part of me would love a rice krispie square right now, and then the other, healthy part of me says, what are you nuts????:eek:
I went thru that last night. Angel sitting on one shoulder and the devil on the other. The angel one and the devil went away mad...:D
LOL Why, yes, yes I did! LOL

Ok, I have had 1290 cals today. Not bad considering yesterday I had about 2000. I still feel crappy and huge. My penance for eating so crappy last night, I suppose. LOL Damn....I need some water...
OMG. I am dragging major @$$ today. I can barely keep my eyes open! Ugh!


B: cheerios, blueberries, milk
S: apple, 1 cheese stick
L: salad (read: lettuce) with tuna salad on top, rice krispie square
S: 100 cal pack cheese nips
D (will be): steak, rice or potatoes, corn or broccoli

I didn't do too badly today, I don't think. Of course, the afternoon isn't over yet. LOL

I so want a nap...... **yawn**
After talking with stingo, I have decided to start posting my weight routine like he does. So, here we go:

lying dumbbell row: 1x12@26
single leg squat: 1x12@26 (ea leg)
bench press: 1x12@30
straight leg deadlifts: 1x12@30
shoulder press: 1x10@30
standing calf raise: 1x12@30
concentration curl: 1x8@30 (ea arm)
side bend with dumbbell: 1x12@30 (ea side)
reverse curl: 1x20
kickback: 1x12@30
one-arm dumbbell row: 1x12@20 (ea side)
lunge: 1x12@30
pushups: 1x12
sumo leg deadlifts: 1x12@30
one-arm shoulder press: 1x10@30 (ea arm)
single leg calf riase: 1x12@30 (ea side)
preacher curl: 1x12@20
sidebend with dumbbell: 1x12@30
reg. crunches: 1x12
tricep extension: 1x12@15

So far today, my eating as been as follows:

B: cheerios, milk, 2 eggs
S: cheese stick
L: (will be) salad and apple
S: (will be - post cardio): protein bar

Ok, rip me apart. LOL
Well it always seemed odd to me that you'd post what you did cardio-wise, but wouldn't post weights. Nice routine. And actually you're throwing a perfect game so far - keep it up!

It feels so good to have gotten it out of the way, too. Now I don't have to worry about it later on. I can relax and enjoy my family tonight! WOOHOO!!
You go girl!!