My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

Well, Militantgeek, thank you so much for your thoughts! I truly appreciate it! :) However, I will correct you on one thing - not taht it makes a huge difference, but just so that no one is confused. I don't have scrambled eggs. I have hard boiled eggs. LOL That's the only way I can eat eggs. Ok, so I haven't exactly tried an omlet...wouldn't know how to make one if I tried! LOL Perhaps I should try...

B: cereal with blueberries and milk, 2 hard boiled eggs
S: 3 slices lean turkey and an apple
L: sm bowl of grapes and a salad with turkey, rather than chicken.
S (post cardio meal): protein bar

Alright y'all...bring on your comments. LOL (Oh and btw, I did 45 mins on the elliptical rather than 30!!)
Looks like you're doing great - nothing high fat so far today, so keep up the great work!
Good job, big guy! I caved a while ago. I was starving, so I ate some roasted veggie Ritz crackers. YUM! Oh yeah and a cheese stick! LOL
Mmmmm, cottage cheese with pineapple, I may have settled on my PWO snack for later today. If I can avoid buying some of those Ritz crackers. They sound good too.

Anyways, it actually - according to Fitday - makes a bit of differrence scrambled or boiled. Each single large egg boiled is 2.25g fat lower, around .75 g less carbs, and a half gram less protein vs. a single large egg scrambled.

And omeletes are easy, tasty (IMO, I cannot eat scrambled either and I'm not a big fan of boiled), and a great way to incorporate other foods with your eggs. Peppers, meat, onions, shrooms, black olives, it's hard to go wrong. Anyone with a skillet, a spatula, and a brain can whip em out. I mean, I'm a 30 year old bachelor with pitiful culinary skills and I can bang out an awesome omelet.

And out of curiosity, what type of cheese is in those cheese sticks you're snacking on?
Mozzerella baby! lol Ok, bachelor boy, how do you make ur omeletes? I truly do not know the first thing about making an omlet. But man...I could put in turkey, or bacon, black olives...omg...I'm getting hungry. LOL
Woots, mozz is the best as far as fat/protein ratio from what I understand. And string cheese is not only tasty, it's fun to eat.

Throw a skillet on med-high to heat while you crack your eggs and whites into a bowl. Stir them well (whisk is great, I get by fine with a fork). Go ahead and prep your other ingredients while the skillet heats. If you desire a fluffier omelet you can throw a splash of milk into the eggs as well, but this is purely optional.

Toss your egg mix into the skillet, let it cook for a minute or so (I usually clean dishes at this point). Grab a spatula, and circle the outside perimeter of the skillet, gently pushing the egg away from the skillet. Not too much, you just want a small gap between the cooked egg and the skillet.

Now, pick up the skillet, and pour any extra runny egg mix from the center into that gap you created. Let cook a few minutes, and slide your spatula underneath the entire mix, scraping it off the skillet to keep it from sticking.

When you toss the other ingredients in is a judgement call. The canadian bacon I use is precooked so I wait til towards the end cause all I'm doing is warming it up. Save the cheese til towards the end.

When the eggs firm up, develop air bubbles, and lose the slick, wet look that uncooked eggs have you are pretty much done. Throw in the cheese, fold the entire thing in half, maybe give it another minute or so to melt the cheese. Remove, place on plate, devour like rabid animal. :)

Sounds more complicated than it is, cook 2 or 3 to get the technique down and you'll be able to make pretty omeletes 3/4 asleep and on auto pilot.

P.S. until you're an old fart like me that will be Mr. bachelor Boy (I'm goofy, I cannot help it)

I am hoping this is going to work. I'm going to attempt to include a link to my fitday thing in hopes of not having to repost everything I ahve eaten. I still have about 700 cals to eat today. I hopefully won't come even close to that.
D@mn. Yes, I was trying to post %ages and my list. Ugh. Oh well. I pretty much have had the same as yesterday:

B: cereal w/blueberres, milk, 2 eggs
S: apple with turkey
S: crackers, cheese stick
L: salad with turkey and black olives, choc pudding (low fat of course)
S: Protein bar