My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

You seem to forget that you're VERY close to your goal, and not 85 lbs away from it like well... me lol. You're doing well, but always remember you can still do better.
Thanks stingo - I can always count on you! :D

To round out yesterdays eating, I had 1oz of skinless boneless chicken, stingo rice (brown rice cooked in chicken broth) and corn and milk. Sooo good.

Today has been:
B: 2 eggs, 2 slices toast with jam

Not sure when I will be able to eat again this morning so I hope that will hold me over. LOL
Hee hee I tell ya it's a great meal... boiled chicken breasts, brown rice cooked in nonfat chicken broth and the steamed vegetable of your choice. (Til the current scare, mine used to be spinach.) Fills you up and is incredibly healthy and low fat.
L: Not quite as good: half a ham italian with green peppers, tomatoes; one-third of a med sized choc chip cookie and 3 (yes, literally 3) corn ships. Oh yeah....and diet soda :eek:

I figure though, that I could have done a hell of a lot worse. I so badly wanted those chips and the whole cookie. And I wanted a regular soda.

Did a killer run this morning, and then walked another half mile this morning. :p
You're right - you could have had the whole cookie, a lot more corn chips and a regular soda. But you DIDN'T - congrats on that. Retraining your palate's a hard thing to do but you can do it - just be patient and make small daily improvements.
LOL Or the year after next. LOL

Weighed in this morning.....GAINED a pound. After all that depriving myself and it still didn't work. So I ate at Dunkin donuts this morning. Said I wasn't gonna but at that point didn't care. I needed comfort food.

Had a great run this morning! Had to cut it short by a mile, but it was great. Felt great. Felt thin this morning, despite my weight gain.
It could be alot of things..don't sweat it. Sounds like the food is doing better, minus the doughnut. Just keep eating healthy and you should do better next week.
We'll see....

Had baked beans for lunch. oh yeah and some really good roasted veggie Ritz crackers. YUM!

Rounding out the day is the following:
rice krispie square, protein bar, and pizza.
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B: cereal with blueberries, 2 eggs
S: veggie crackers
L: 1 slice pizza
S: 2 kinds salad, brownie and one small other dessert thing, oh and a rice krispie treat

I'm not sure if I'm done eating or not. I should probably drink some water....
Hi all. Absolutely EXHAUSTED today. I think I'm going to lay down for a while. I will NOT be posting my diet for the last two days. LOL It was bad enough going through it the first time. LOL

Working out like a mad woman the next 5 days.
I caved and entered things into Fitday....I still have 400 cals to eat today...and here I thought I went way over. I feel so fat today though. Perhaps it's because it's a rest day and I haven't worked out since Friday. Oh well. Tomorrow I work out again and I hope life will be grand. LOL Hope the rest of you are doing well. :)
All is well here. Still cleaning but it's almost looking like a room. Not cleaning all of it tonight, just enough to move her bed over and do this and that.
Hello Wendy, just stumbled in to see what was going on in here and picked you up at page 20. Looks like you've been making a lot of progress, especially in your nutritional education. I know how tough it can be, nutrition is my weakest link right now and I'm having to do a lot of retraining and learning there.

If I can be so bold as to make a suggestion. Everyone is right on about the protein, and it seems like your breakfast could use an extra shot. Sparrow recomended an omelet vs. scrambled eggs, and that's my standard breakfast right there. 1 whole egg, plus 2 or 3 whites, omelet style with 2 slices of canadian bacon cooked in and 1/2-1 oz. of 2% cheddar cheese. I usually have a glass of OJ to wash it down. I'm sure it would be better to lose the OJ, but it helps me kick start my day and does get a serving or so of fruit/veggies into my system.

The cheerios are 2g fat, 3g protein, and 22g least the unfrosted I keep around the house are, the frosting most likely ups your carb count.

A scrambled whole large egg is around 7.5 g fat, almost 7g protein, and 1.3 g carbs.

Not sure what kind of milk you use, so it's hard me for to speak on that.

So your breakfast of cereal and eggs - minus the milk and blueberries - is
roughly 17g fat, 17g protein, and 25g carbs (plus the frosting).

Swapping to the omelet, say 2 whites and a whole egg, plus a serving of canadian bacon and a full oz of lowfat cheddar (may be too much cheese for you, depends on your taste) delivers the following profile: 12g fat, 3g carbs, 30g protein.....and all for 243 kcals. A serving of the OJ I use brings along another 24g carbs and 1g protein for 100kcals. Enough to bring my morning glucose up to a happy level while keeping protein as the largest nutrient in the meal, instead of loading up on carbs and making protein subservient.

Now that I've made you read a short story I'll leave you alone, just some food for thought, and good luck to you........I've been known to dream about donuts some nights. :)