Today's eating...not so good:
B: snack pack of whale crackers (like goldfish)
S: cookies (hey - I'm PMS'ing! lol)
L: brown rice cooked in chicken broth (yes, it's the Stingo rice), carrotts with a dab of italian dressing, protein bar
D: spaghetti and meat sauce and 2 slices of whole wheat bread (had a little more than I should have though on the pasta)
Overall, I chose ok things to eat I think (besides the cookies), and right now I feel like a HUGE WHALE. hmmm...could have been the whale crackers. LMAO Anyway running in the morning tomorrow since hubby will be hunting in the evening. Guess that means I have to go to bed early tonight so I can rest up. It's so hard getting up on a monday. LOL