My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

The whole making an area for your foods sounds like a great idea. Something labeled, like a shelf or shelves for "Wendy Only". Trying to work around the kids is tough, but I'm sure you could find a way.
I know you guys are right. I went shopping this morning and took a 2pg shopping list from LV's site and bought few things that weren't on the list. Although I by no means bought everything on the list, I did consult it frequently and am proud of the choices I was able to make.

One more week at 126. This is getting old.
Yeah. I will have to start making daily menus at least the night before.

Keep up the great work. I think the last few pounds are always the hardest, not to mention I am not sure what your height is, but you are looking quite thin and fit anyways! What is your body fat percentage?
Yup you're close to your ideal weight, so if you really want to lose you're gonna have to really toe the line to do it. Always keep your eyes on the prize.
Hi yall. thanks for the encouragement. We went to a wedding earlier and I have to say I did pretty well. It was buffet and I had:

salad, green beans, corn, turkey and a couple bites of roast beef and a roll. And then I had to have cake and one ofther naughty thing.

I also ran my 4+ miles this morning and it felt soo good to be out there again!
Hope you had a good time at the wedding. Good job on the running. Keep up the work and you should see the changes any day now.
Not sure what it was called, but it had some kind of weird biscuit-type thing with cream (like Boston cream donut filling) and chocolate dribbled on the top. It was so yummy. Yet so bad. LOL
Today's eating...not so good:

B: snack pack of whale crackers (like goldfish)
S: cookies (hey - I'm PMS'ing! lol)
L: brown rice cooked in chicken broth (yes, it's the Stingo rice), carrotts with a dab of italian dressing, protein bar
D: spaghetti and meat sauce and 2 slices of whole wheat bread (had a little more than I should have though on the pasta)

Overall, I chose ok things to eat I think (besides the cookies), and right now I feel like a HUGE WHALE. hmmm...could have been the whale crackers. LMAO Anyway running in the morning tomorrow since hubby will be hunting in the evening. Guess that means I have to go to bed early tonight so I can rest up. It's so hard getting up on a monday. LOL
I'm trying Sher. I had a cup of cheerios this morning with milk. I know I should have some protein, but I'm not all that hungry anymore. I shouldn't force feed, right?

Sometimes mornings are tougher for me as well. however you really need to make up the protein elsewhere. As I am sure you have read, eating too little can sabotage your success and your metabolism will slow down. Not to mention I always feel better when I eat right. On a good note you did eat a healthy breakfast and I think as long as you kick back in to gear for the rest of the day you are fine.

Oh some protein throughout the day. Chicken, tuna....etc. A good example would be for lunch you can have a quick wrap with lettuce and some light mayo. If you like tomatoes, put them on there too. If you don't want to boil the chicken, then use the tuna. Also, you could also eat a string cheese with it or maybe a salad with lowfat or fat free dressing. I like ranch and french. IMO, stay away from the bacon bits and the croutons. They can be used for a treat to yourself.
Had a protein bar for a snack this morning and I'm now munching on a salad with chicken. YUM!
There's your protein...:D