My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

I totally get that.

B: 1 sm bowl of cheerios with milk, 2 eggs

I think I started off pretty good. :D now, I just need to keep it going. Sparrow...truly...thanks you so much for your list. It's now on the front of my fridge so I can see what to eat and when, which was exactly what I wanted. TY again!

Man, I'm freezing...and I have on a sweater! ARGH! Where did summer go???? :mad:
That was a good place to put it. It does help if you have a list. I believe you'll do it. Don't get discouraged and keep on going.
exactly She. Also when did you finish a chicken breast and go "MAN I could eat TONS of that all day long" lol. Although we all do that with chips, candy, cookies, soda etc. Those foods just leave you wanting more and its easy to binge eat on them and never feel satisfied, only depressed when you realize what you've done.
S: apple slices and pb, 1 cheese stick
L: salad with left over rosemary chicken from last night's dinner - then I caved an hour later and had a 100 cal pack of graham crackers. :eek:

Been drinking water like crazy though. Off to workout......elliptical here I come.
S: apple slices and pb, 1 cheese stick
L: salad with left over rosemary chicken from last night's dinner - then I caved an hour later and had a 100 cal pack of graham crackers. :eek:


Thats not too bad ;)
Wendy do you write stuff down? For 4 stinkin months I wrote everything down that I was going to eat for the next day and I let NOTHING change it. If we spontaneously went out to dinner and I didn't have that in my plan then I ate before we went and drank iced tea and ordered some steamed veggies (and refused to feel sorry for myself!). If someone asked me to go to lunch with them I'd look up the restaurant we chose and try to be prepared with a choice from the menu before I even showed up. There will be certain things you may need to do sacrificially to get to where you want to be. The other thing is, if you are still craving something an hour after lunch even if you aren't hungry then you need to up your protein more. In the scenario at lunch try to be prepared with something. Say you go looking for something an hour after lunch (or if thats standard that you have a problem with snacking an hour or two after lunch PLAN that snack into your regular day knowing thats hard for you) decide to go for a low sugar/non fat yogurt or some raw veggies in homemade dip or hummus. Go for a BIG ice water. Sometimes thats enough to kill a craving. Know what you'll have for snack 3 hours after lunch so you can look forward to it and not stress that you're feeling hungry or have the munchies. Truthfully you should never really feel hungry. I never ever ever feel hungry except in the morning when I get up, and if in the rarety I do then I go for a preplanned snack like a scoop of whey in some water or cheese stick or something. Its taken time to program myself to do it and avoid entertaining ANY thought that any junk snack is ok. Although I do confess that LATELY I have not been "as good", I still make sure I have an abundance of protein to kill out of control snacking or eating more than a bite or two of junk food.
Some of what I just said may sound really strict to you but for me, I HAD to be strict or what I was doing wasn't going to work. I think the closer you are to your goals the harder it is to see changes and the more anal you will have to be with your diet. You have to make big changes to get there. It all depends how much you want it as to how much you will sacrifice for it. I want to see you succeed! *steps off her soap box* :rolleyes: :D
You, my dear girl are fabulous! Before I ate anything today, ok besides the 100 cal pack, I looked at the sheet I printed of your other long post from yestereday.

As for writing things down, I don't write them down in advance, but perhaps I should. I just write them down here and then vent afterwards. LOL I can't thank you enough for the encouragement and the advice! U ROCK!
Good advice Sparrow. Again, I need to remember that. I need to be like Wendy and print it out so I'll remember that everyday.

Natural and organic would be good too. Less preservatives the better, IMO. Look for a health food store around you, if there is one. They are little high priced, so be careful. Walmart has a special section, but only sells a few items. Also look on the internet for those items. You might have to pay high in shipping, but it doesn't hurt to look. You might find a store around you that sells the stuff.

I know you know this, but it is a lifestyle change. You have to be ready to do this and stick to it or it won't work. You can't half-ass it.
You are so right; I can't half ass it.

To found out yesterday's eating, I hatd a snickers protein bar and a 100 cal pack of graham crackers. I hope to do better todya, but my dtr literally destroyed 2-dozen eggs....threw them on the front steps....all 24. So, No eggs for me for the rest of the week. :( Although, they are only 58 cents per dozen....perhaps I could scrounge up enough $ to get some....

So far today:

B: cheerios with milk
S: 1 slice toast with pb, cheese stick

I did 30 mins on the elliptical yesterday afternoon. I started at resistance 3 and then every 10 mins moved up a level. It was only 2 levels, but it was a challenge moving up after the 10 mins were up. I tried to keep the same pace, so I really worked it. Today I will either do 20 mins or 30 since the boys have a half day. Had I really thought it out, I would have done 45 mins yesterday, but I can do that tomorrow.
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Eggs are can get more. There are times we will fall, but think out of sight, out of mind or keep the snacks out of the kitchen, or whatever you need to do.
Wendy, clear off a shelf for "wendy's snacks". put a paper in there that has listed snacks you are only allowed to have and put the non parishable snacks in the cupboard on that shelf (same with a drawer or shelf in the fridge). Look nowhere else when its time for a snack. I did that for a while too. might help when you have temptation from "kid food" thats the worst
I will have to try that. However, my kids are sneaky (esp my not-quite- 2yo dtr) and they have completely eaten me out of snack before. Despite me buying things for them they they enjoy. LOL And I actually have put mine in a separate place, but again, they get to them anyway. And no, the child-proof locks DON'T work. LOL
I really don't know whatelse to tell you on the snack problem. That's the only thing I could think of. Maybe one of the other ones will have an idea.
LOL I just have to get smarter than my kids....why is it so difficult?? lol :confused:
Aint' that the truth! LOL


B: cereal with milk, 2 eggs

I have our play group this morning. I can't wait. :D Found some eggs, so I can have eggs again. LOL YAY! And I went to the store and bought some apples, so I can have healthy snacks today.
So much for that. I ate the following after breakfast:

S: 3 oats & choc chip cookies
no lunch bc I was incredibly stressed
S: protein bar

Lots of water. Feeling shaky and weak. I probably should eat something else.
Hey Sher - got ur IM message - I'm here if ya wanna IM!

Yeah, I'm trying to figure out what to eat.
When in doubt, eat protein :D