Hi Wendy,
I just orded a Tae-Bo Cardio DVD yesterday...I think mine is an older one though, it's a Billy Blanks one (not sure if there are others) that doesn't require you to use "Billy Bands." It kind of got mixed reviews on Amazon but I'm hoping it'll be right for what I need at the moment...
I tried the DVD and let me tell you....WOW!! It was amazing!!! It was 45 minutes and I could do everything, only getting messed up a couple of times. And what a workout it gives you!!! HOLY COW!!! In the DVD he (Billy) gives you the option to use the "Billy Bands", which didn't come with the DVD. I used weights whenever I could. It was just amazing. LOVE IT!!!
To round out my daily eating...
S: handful of whole wheat crackers, stick cheese
S2: Strawberries and cream
D: Med Icecream cone with choc jimmies
yeah but I think when you cheat after eating well for a while you can get away with it in the long term. you temporarily gain some water and increase your metabolism and then go back to eating clean and normal-water goes away, metabolism stays...and then helps to lose more weight
B: (did so well) 2 eggs, slice of toast with pb
S: 2-100 cal packs and a cheese stick
L: salad with chicken (and I cringe ) a slice of cake
I've only had water since then and not sure what we will do for dinner. HIIT tonight. I'm rather sleepy. I can't stay up too late anymore. I'm getting so old! LOL
Finally the cake is nearly gone! I'm tired of looking at it with longing....
B: 2 eggs (150)
S: handful of teddy grahams, box (small) of Nilla Wafers (@500 cals )
L: what else, a salad with chicken and a gingerbread cookie (285)
S: 2-100 cal packs
So let's see...I'm up to 1335 for the day so far. So I have 165 left for the day. Hmmm...what can I have.....Can I assume that a small vanilla shake at McD's is more than that? LOL
Well, I was good last night. I got home and ran for just under 45 minutes. I decided rather than running to a certain road or place, I would run for about 22 minutes, then turn around and head home. I have to say I am SHOCKED at how far I was able to go. I legitimately ran 4+ miles last night - and the thing is I could have done more. I felt soooo good! YIPPEE!!! And I was good and didn't stop at McD's for dinner, but after my run I had pretzels (100) and a cheese stick (70) so I was only over by 5 cals yesterday.
B: 2 eggs, 1 slice toast with pb, small glass of 1% milk
S: pretzels
L: (yet to eat) salad with chicken