My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

I can normally do them pretty well, but man last night...and this morning's run was terrible, too. My time was the same, but I felt so sluggish. Oh well.

B: 3 eggs, 1 med blueberry muffin (ugh)
S: 2 slices of whole wheat bread
L: the usual - salad with chicken (ho hum)
D: not sure on this...I will be leaving the house before dinner and returning after.

So there u have it.
You'll be ok. Just give it time. We all have good and bad days.

Today was a little off since I ws on the go this morning and didn't get up until after 8:30. :eek:

B: low-fat blueberry muffin
L: salad with chicken, frozen custard
S: brownie
D: BBQ pork, potato with butter, peas, milk

Now, I am off to do weights and my dance dvd. I have to say though that I felt really thin this morning when I got up! :D Perhaps I even lost some this week, despite my horrible brownie binge! lol

B: 2 eggs, slice of toast with jelly, milk
S: mini muffin
L: rice, broccoli, cheese, milk, mini muffin
S: muffin. :eek:
D: stick cheese

Then I did my HIIT on the elliptical and did awesome! I think I will refrain from eating a regular dinner before doing that. I had a ton of energy tonight! WOOHOO!!!!! weigh in tomorrow! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me be 2 pounds lighter!!!!
7/28/06 - Another one bites the dust!

Well, I am down 1 more pound! I probably could have been down more if I hadn't cheated so much. But hey! 1 pound is 1 pound!!!

B: Jimmy Dean breakfast sand. (300) - omg...sooooo good.
Stingo - nope haven't gotten the new weights yet. Everytime I do the ST, though, I keep thinking that it would work better with the new weights, but oh well. I will get there.

S: granola bar, stick cheese
L salad with chicken, oatmeal creme cookie thingy lol
I don't think I ate anything else all afternoon yesterday, but dinner was....omg....BK!!!! I can't believe I caved!!!

Anyone ever run in a thunderstorm?? I did last night and was AWESOME!!! :D OF course. I was soaked when I got home and my contacts were going nuts, but it was really cool.


B: Jimmy Dean breakfast sand again. Last one. But...omg...sooo good.
L: salad with chicken

Got up late, so a snack won't be needed this morning.

Oh! I bought a new DVD last night. Actually it's a pack of two. IT's Tae Bo fat burning cardio or something like that. One is total body and the other one is cardio (hmm....and the difference is.....?). I can't wait to do them!
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Not sure. I will find out Wed.


B: 1 slice toast with jelly
S: oatmeal creme thing and 100 cal pack
L: salad with chicken

Forcing myself to eat every so often. Feeling really pretty depressed for the last few days and it's affecting my eating. I'm not hungry. I'd much rather just sleep all day. Screw the rest of the world.

It will be interesting to see how I do on the elliptical tonight.
Hi all. I'm better today. The u-know-what hit the fan last night, so hubby and I had a good 2 hr talk. Well, he talked, I cried. LMAO. Anyway, I think that things will start working out ok. I hope so.

Did I tell u that I severely miscalculated my running? OMG. Here I thought I was kicking major @$$ doing 4.5 miles and come to find out I was only doing 3miles, so before that I was only doing about 2. :eek: Ugh. But this morning I legitimately did 3.5 miles. Despite the lack of sleep I was able to push myself and get it done.


B: 2 eggs, .5 slice toast with pb
S: (had it while waiting for chicken to heat) whole wheat crackers
L: Salad with chicken, milk

Dying for water right now...I need some. YUMMY!
Sorry about the running thing. I know how much you had your heart set on it and doing it right, but now you know how long you actually ran. At least you caught it now and not later.
Thanks. Tonight I start my Tae Bo dvds. I'm excited but a little worried I might not be able to do it all. We'll see. One dvd is 45 mins long and the other is 55 mins long. I think I will start with the 45 min one and see how that goes.

B: 3 eggs, handful peanuts, cheese stick
L: salad with chicken, Smart Ones choc chip cookie dough sundae

Now I'm drinking Koolaid, since I'm all out of water (remember I drink "special" water) and I have no crystal light in the house.
I had the Basic Tae Bo and it was 30 mins and I have been able to do that no problem. Unfortunately, my VCR ate it. :mad: As well as the Advanced one. Hence the reason for getting a DVD this time around. I was using weights with Tae Bo before it got destroyed. I would use them at the beginning until they did the speed bag and added legs in. It was awesome.'s hotter than hadies!