B: 2eggs and toast with jelly, Milk
S: cheese stick, 1.5 granola bars
L: grilled ham and cheese sand, french fries
D: ham, potatoes, peas, and eek: ) a brownie, milk
I know I killed it today....I feel sooooo huge right now. my stomach isn't too happy. Bloated. Crappy. Why do I do this to myself.
Well, it's not how many times you fall off the wagon, it's how many times you get back on that counts. You can, starting right now, be back on and have healthy foods, rather than unhealthy ones. So the day isn't shot, like you might think it would be.
Indeed, an isolated occurrence here and there won't be that much of a concern, it's when they form into habits that you have a problem. So loosen up and remind yourself it's ok to enjoy food, even the "bad" stuff now and again.
Wendy I hadn't checked your diary for a while and you are doing awesome girl! Good job on the amazing running! I back up what Stingo said about isolated occurances. As long as I eat clean like 90-95% of the time I'm fine. I hardly go a day without half a cookie or a few chips or something small like that once a day. Its hard not to with little kid food around! On another note, I have ALWAYS lost after my cheat days. I think they are good for you, in moderation. I mean a planned cheat is excellent to break your body from the monotonous day to day diet.
I can imagine you are getting very strong running and part of the slower loss is probably due to lean muscle being laid down. Have you ever done your inches? Anyway, you are doing great! be proud!
Oh, thanks Sparrow!!! I needed to hear that. And no I haven't done inches. I tried once, but I didn't really have a good tape measure. I hope you are right about muscle. I love running and I'm thrilled that I have added an extra mile and half. In a few weeks I may try to increase it again. WE'll see.
B: 2 eggs
S: 100 cal pack, popsicle
L: salad with chicken (what else?)
Thanks. Omg...we have spaghetti once a week. I couldn't go without it. LOL I had hoped the pasta would have given me energy for my HIIT, but it didn't give as much as I would have liked. I felt a little sluggish... oh well....