I feel excited... maybe it's the Easter and the coming birth of life or maybe that life is full and exciting and turned up to full capacity right now in every aspect, but I feel ready to take on all of it and not afraid of failure.
I won't fail because each time I stumble I plan to get right back up and get back on the road, bloody knees and all. I have had a good week period. I won't discount the success I have had by comparing it to any other time. I had THIS weeks set of obstacles and mentally I overcame them and did my very best. It is too often that I do the " not good enough" drill and fail to recognize what I DID. That doesn't work.
This morning I cut out some pictures for inspiration and put them in the kitchen.

We can imagine why they would go in there... when I am comtemplating having another bowl of whatever I can look at those and remember what my ultimate goal is. I have been wearing baggy clothes and shlepping about not looking my best and it can be a goal killer. There are good reasons for that- tiredness, allergies, being freezing cold all the time ... etc. but it doesn't help me visualize my goal and therefore I have to stop that. I always make sure to wear decent stuff to the gym but I need to broaden so I am " in goal mode" at my most vunerable... at home near the kitchen and all the yummy food that resides there. Hey, maybe if I am cold I will be inspired to do a set of jumping jacks instead of piling blankets on and eating oats.
My goals for the week:
Eat every 3 hours and keep it PN.
Be focused on whatever I am doing COMPLETELY. That means when working WORK and when going to the GYM and when I am with my girls ENJOY them! Live each moment as it was intended, grateful and aware of all I have and all I am capable of having.
Think and take a moment before reacting.
Run atleast 3 times this week. I want to do the Komen in under 27 minutes. I know this is well within my endurance capabilities. My target heart rate zone is more than adequate to manage that goal.
Be excited, learn and grow from all that there is. I will miss some things a long the way, but I will pay attention and grasp the ones I need NOW.
I am so happy and grateful to be alive and healthy and have goals. I am fortunate beyond words.