Mel Def's Journal

I am curious, why are you cutting out coffee and are you on a muscle gain diet atm or weight lost? Also, why no cardio training as well beside intervals?

The answer got about the coffee was that it takes the water out of the muscle( makes sense, it is a diuretic). Hmmm. I am MOSTLY compliant on that and will get more so. I have a date for contest- so it is do or die now! AUGUST 1st... more details to follow.

I am on a diet but I don't know what you would call it. I am not losing weight given I cut out my HUGE amounts of cardio I LOVED to do. But that is going to get added in soon but how much and how many days remain to be seen. I have gained muscle in my back and legs, even through the layer of fat I can see the cut and the waist is shrinking. I stopped getting on the scale for now but will again soon. I am working out at a much higher intensity that ever before and handling weight I have never attempted or believed I could be capable of handling. It takes a trainer to push to that level and the faces in the session on the girls I train with... well you should see the despair and agony . Ha. This ain't for sissies, that is for sure.

Today I had to really make myself go to training. I thought about what excuse I could give and none held up under any sort of questioning ( I am the WORST liar, ever) so I went. Glad I did but it was grueling.

I forgot how WONDERFUL a epsom salt bath can make me feel . Tonight I stretched and foam rolled and stretched some more but I still felt like I was 85. Into the bath and I feel like new! Hooray. Make note to self to take these more often. When I am so sore I feel so yuck. I hunch around and my body doesn't look right because of it.

Training again on Sunday and I am focused on my goal. I just have to make it one more step and then another and that is the thinking to get me there.

I can do this for the next few weeks and have to constantly reinforce WHY and reassure myself that i CAN. The hormonal triggers of dieting and training hard are excellent preparation for life and the curves and dips it throws. I am tough and I plan on showing this. Roc reminds me that I don't want to be outworked and I DON'T. I can't lose site of the journey as a whole or forget that ultimately my opinion of how I come into this show is the most important. A lesson in self confidence and recognition of self.

If I can get what I need inside, I can handle anything. I want to feel the beauty that others say I have inside me.

So I go about the planning of the other factors now, the suit, the tan, the makeup, the hair, the skin, all the things that make the feeling of beauty come alive because dieting and training generally make me take the shortcut on the beauty track. hehe. Who wants to primp when you feel sore, bruised, sweaty and exhausted? I will make a valiant effort to do what I need to so the other factors are right too.

I will update on Sunday when I get m show details! I am excited to have a DATE!!!!!
I will update on Sunday when I get m show details! I am excited to have a DATE!!!!!

A date? Remember no ISO's, Compounds Only ;) Only kidding good luck.
A date? Remember no ISO's, Compounds Only ;) Only kidding good luck.


I am CRACKLING with anticipation to hear about the show today. I got the word from another girl that it's the Dexter Jackson Classic in Jacksonville, a BIG show where Pros will be competing along with us amatuers, not a Pro Qualifier but where there will be lots of media coverage and hoopla. I start to hypervenilate a little when I think of it- but in an excited " I'm ready for this challenge" type of way! I was so good on my diet yesterday and have been incorporating some great affirmations and thinking patterns so I can be prepared for this. Where I might have felt overwhelmed by the magnitude of doing a "big girl" show, I am planning all of what needs to happen to do my best. I want to feel like I gave it all I had. This is a defining moment and when I really am set on accomplishing things I get them done.

I know how important all the elements will be- the suit, the hair, the makeup the POSING, the stage presentation. I walked around yesterday all morning long in my heels and practiced stage entry and my big cheesy smile for the judges. Oh! how I am going to love that!!!! I LOVE feeling like a beautiful and sparkling girl! I am reading all I can about special touches and posing techniques so that I absolutely do all I can. Its a short moment on that stage that feels like an eternity, with planning I can make the most of it as long as I mentally prepare for it. More details to come but here is the link to the show info. Maybe somebody from WorldFitness will be there to cheer me on!
I am probably going to be REAL tired for the next 8 weeks.

The plan...
Meal 1
1 cup oatmeal

Meal 2
4oz grilled chicken breast

Meal 3
6oz of grilled chicken breast
1 cup of steamed rice
½ can NO Salt Green Beans

Meal 4
Protein drink (Nectar – 20-30g)
5g Glutamine

Meal 5
8oz grilled or steamed Tilapia
½ can NO Salt Green Beans

Meal 6
Protein drink (Nectar – 20-30g)
5g Glutamine

Drink only Spring Water

CARDIO – 6 days a week in the evening – Monday thru Saturday (Note: if we train on Sunday and not Saturday, you will take Saturday off from cardio). Run at 8.0 speed at 1.0 incline for 2 minutes then straddle the machine for 1 minute. Repeat this a total of 10 times

Aye Caramba. I better go to sleep NOW. I need all my mental and physical strength to get this intensity. It will take my all. I will rise to the occasion. That half a can green beans sounds measly. hahah.
Ill be honest, I spent the day DREADING the cardio. It has been a month since I went into my home gym practically with the exception on a couple of sneaks in it, and I didn't relish the 10 intervals of 8.0 and the 1% incline but I DID IT. Man did it feel GOOD! That is the connection for me, getting that flow with the music and after I did the intervals I finished up with 20 minutes of cool down cardio on the elliptical.

Running is religion for me, being back at my gym and guiding myself... I can never let that go. It is my sanctuary and time where I challenge myself and my beliefs about what I can do and how hard I can push myself. I feel so beautiful but not because I LOOK beautiful, goodness knows I don't since I am huffing and puffing and my veins all pop out and I get red and sweaty, I FEEL beautiful because I am able and willing to do what it takes without any push from anyone but me.

I am making it happen when I am there and that integrity and being in pain and pushing through it means I AM STRONG and I can handle anything. It washes away all that self doubt and fear and worry and its me and GOD having a conversation about what I was put on this earth to do. In those moments I know that it isn't a laundry list of tasks that is expected of me, but rather just doing my very best and being my very best. I DO care about the outcome of competing, but the "win" may not be a trophy or money, it might well be some other path and here is where I can not fail to recognize that I am winning in each moment I keep on this path. I am dreaming bigger than myself, I am shaping every good moment to come to be richer and better because I am not settling for less than that.

It's all an adventure for me, seeing what this does or if I follow or change the course a bit along the way. There are going to be a million right ways to get to where I need to be. Trust and listen.
About to hit the road for training this AM. Then cardio tonight again. I once again DREADED it yesterday and felt so happy after I did it! YAY! I love that darned treadmill. I once again did a little extra in the gym which I will NOT tell ROC I did so I don't get yelled at. I know my body best and it feels so good to move and exert when my job is mostly sitting and sedentary. Yuck. I was thinking I need a job where I labor a bit but I am not sure I would make much money at that. Ha. Construction worker? Nah. Doesn't seem suitable.

I have a gum and Splenda addiction. I wonder how much I would drop by stopping those? They are my oasis in a world of chicken and green beans so I think I will keep them for now.

Who knew how much better I would feel stretching regularly? Night and day. I haven't been sleeping that great though. Off from training tomorrow since I have a mega sales meeting. Sigh. Oh well. Cardio until Sunday then a rest day!
Training tomorrow at 11. Did the sprints tonight. Are they getting easier? Hard to say, seems like the HR drops sooner but after doing them 5 days in a row, I am TIRED. I feel leaner or something like it. :D But hungry and tired. Ate my rice for the day late since I forgot it at lunch. Hope that doesn't make me look awful tomorrow. I don't wish to get the wrath of Roc!

Going to sleep. Up early to get there and then sort out some work I am dreadfully behind with. Of course SPRINTS too. I'll have to do those a couple of hours after training. Hmmm. Wonder how that will feel? Im scared.
Wow, I am watching your diet and it's amazing that you can push yourself to the gym at all. As an avid coffee drinking, I NEED that for a good workout during cutting phase BUT you have taken that out. Well, then no problem I take creatine during bulking phase to replace the coffee (creatine + extra calorie). Wait, you are not doing that either... Okay, last option; I would "warm up" for 20 minutes prior to working out on the threadmill ( I like to call it the Shreadmill now) but wait Roc does NOT allow you to do that either...

Dang girl, I do NOT know how you get the enery to push out your workout. You are definitely a through-bread (misspelled). Rock on girl; win lose or draw, you have the heart of a champion!!!
Balance... looking for that always. So with training, this week is a tough fit. Overslept Monday AM so didn't make it in which means only 2 days training this week. :( Tomorrow and Thursday and then Roc will be off to Gadsden for the show there with 15 of the girls in it. I debated going to watch but I don't think I can do it with the kids in tow.

Did my cardio last night and no training in the AM made that easier. Now I wonder if I am pushing myself enough? Thinking of doubling up on that to make up for the one day less of training. I will definitely be doing some stuff on my own this weekend even if it is against the rules. I want this back, abs and legs right! I did some ab work after the sprints and did a few leg extensions as well but felt pretty crap and tired after a strong run. Those are getting easier which means that soon I will get something added to challenge me. Such is life and such is training. I can handle whatever it is and looking at how the shoulders and back are coming in is incentive. Waist was edging down yesterday. Woohoo!!! Now about these calves, I don't know how those will get smaller. Sigh.

The spring water is GREAT, I love that stuff... confession to Tic, I cheat with the coffee. I will give it up in a couple of weeks and have cut WAY down but I love it and it's hard to rationalize that my end result won't be good because I drank some zero calorie coffee. So there. I think for myself at times.

Portions will be cut and cardio will be upped... this is inevitable. I am going to get ready for this to happen NOW. Mentally and physically. I know that would be frowned upon but I have to do what's right for me. Cutting portions of the starch now. .25 less of the rice and oats. Upping veg a bit for transtition. MORE water than a lake. HA. Evian makes me feel more glamourous as I go hungry so I shall continue to shell out the big bucks for the H2O.
What is ROC? Totally agree about the high end water. I love Fiji. I was thrilled when they started delivering it. I hated filling my cart at the grocery store with it. You are so hard core! Thanks for the insperation
Roc is my trainer. :)

Monday and Tuesday SPRINTS, I did them. Ugh. It was so hot at the gym last night that I was soaked by the time I got done. I am down 2 lbs this AM probably due to dehydration even though I continue to drink water like a fish.

This AM I have training at 9, only 2 days this week and I DREAD how when I ramp it up to 4 next week how I will feel. Can't think about that I suppose. I can do this I have to remind myself. I have done it and this time I will do it better.

Diet is going well I suppose. I changed my night time veg to salad greens since that tiny bit of green beans is not satisfying AT ALL. Atleast salad green look big and filling. hahah. Roc is super strict about adhering to his EXACT menu but if I stay in the same macros and calories, I don't see how it can matter. I am nutrition savvy and I know what works for me.

I feel tired this AM. Emotionally and Physically. It is Wednesday and I have 4 more days until I rest. I need a full life so I keep positive and productive and don't let the wasteful "woe is me" bs seep in. That crap is so useless and yet easy to slip into. I shall reframe for the day and feel happy and upbeat! I am going to smile even when I don't feel like it AND I am going to enjoy a nice steaming cup of coffee. Right now. Woohoo!
Record the success! A personal best this morning for my training. On the days I wonder if I will see progress I can look on this and see what ground has been covered! How I MUST stick to my training and diet and revel in the fact that I have the blessing of utter disipline with this.

Tough workout but I was in the first pair of girls AND we did a whole bunch of heartpounding stuff but what i want to remember is this... my arch nemesis, that leg extension machine, I kicked A%#! 3 sets of 50 reps 90 lbs without stopping! Yes, I am getting stronger! It was gratifying and I didn't give up. I feel good. I was grumbly this morning but I have done my best and gotten through it as I will continue to do. We did lots of lunges, 3x50 with 25lb db Bent Over Rows,3x50 leg press loaded with 4x45's a side, etc. I am tired but feel great. Roc was proud, 2 of the girls commented that my legs were looking GREAT. All in ALL a kick butt day.

Toying with taking the kids to the Gadsden show this weeken, just prejudging and only a couple of hours from here... thinking about it. It would be a bit pricey but it would be good to see a show prior to mine to get an idea about NPC expectations. Hmmm. Thinking on that.

I feel happy.
Wow 3 sets of 50 reps at any weight is crazy. Nicely done. keep up the hard work, seems like you are in a cocoon atm; the butterfly is about to blossom!!
Training was SERIOUS today.

Lets see...
3x50 of bench squats with 55 lb db,
3x50 explosive jumps on a 30 inch stool,
3 sets of progressive 15, 12, 10 reps of bent over rows with a 45, 55, 65 lb dumbbell. Heck that weighs more than my children,
double bent over rows 3x50 with 25 lb dumbbells.
abs and tris- HIGH VOLUME low weight.

Tonight sprinting which I really wanted to skip. MY butt HURTS! I am tired and almost incoherent at this point. But I did what I was supposed to and tomorrow I only have to sprint! Hooray!

I thougth about doing extra in the morning before work but honestly I think SLEEP is going to help me most.

Good night.
Too tired to eat dinner. Did my sprints tonight like a good girl and NO TRAINING! Hooray. I slept in this morning and got up and stretched well and feel good. I thought I would be much more sore!

Ate OP today, did what I was supposed to do and drank so much water I think I will get up about 10 times tonight. Sure did fill we up though. :)

I am looking forward to my oatmeal in the morning. That is my true beautiful meal of the day. I shall dream of it and how wonderful it will be! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

I am getting more defined by the day.
Yesterday took completely off! Today a run in the evening outdoors for an hour. It was wonderful. Off to bed for 6AM training FAAAAAAARRRRR AWAY. In other words, I am up at 4 AM so I best hit the sack!

Good night! God is good. I feel wonderful. :D
That run on Sunday... probably a mistake. I feel unwell and have ditched cardio in the evening last night and tonight. I hurt. Badly. Training he seems to think that 9.0 for 2 minutes a go is a good idea. Oh and add .5% incline. I can hardly stay on that treadmill at that speed. I feel guilty but last night I went to bed at 8:30 AND tonight I took a nap for 20 minutes at 6:30 when I got home. I feel bad for being a slacker but not compelled to get in my workout gear and go to the gym. The thought of going to the store to pick up oatmeal seems too much right now. Clothes hurt for some weird reason- loose ones even.

Real life gets in the way of all this too. How can I work deals and stay focused on making money when I feel like a steaming pile? So I am just going to forgive myself for these last couple of days of not doing those sprints because honestly each foot fall on the treadmill hurts. I am being extra careful with the diet- which isn't hard since I am so sore and achy and fatigued I don't have much appetite.

Last week I felt stronger. I guess this happens from time to time. I have to remember my goal and know that girls are going to be on that stage who moved past this fatigue and kept at it. Well that may be but if my mind has a big red alarm going off I can't ignore it. I just need to take it easy tonight, get through training in the morning and make up for it the rest of the week. I believe it's possible. I am going to drink lots of water tonight, rest, regroup and I already stretched. I should take a bath but I feel too bad to go through all of that.

I am going to collect some strong thoughts and positive energy and push through this rough patch. I will prepare for tomorrow and do my level best to give my all.
With highs, comes the low later. Ying vs yang. It is during this difficult times that your characters are tested. Stay strong, stay focused, and keep your eye on the prize while bringing home the bacon!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
This week...pretty much a cyclone of emotional and physical stress. I have gone and done my sprints for the last couple of nights and did some extra both nights to make up for the slacking. Felt strong last night and definitely did the work but tonight my hamstring hurts as it has for the last couple of days and just left work so not feeling like working out at all.

Work is a true test to my patience. I won't even talk about it but not good. I am sleepy and delirious.