I am curious, why are you cutting out coffee and are you on a muscle gain diet atm or weight lost? Also, why no cardio training as well beside intervals?
The answer got about the coffee was that it takes the water out of the muscle( makes sense, it is a diuretic). Hmmm. I am MOSTLY compliant on that and will get more so. I have a date for contest- so it is do or die now! AUGUST 1st... more details to follow.
I am on a diet but I don't know what you would call it. I am not losing weight given I cut out my HUGE amounts of cardio I LOVED to do. But that is going to get added in soon but how much and how many days remain to be seen. I have gained muscle in my back and legs, even through the layer of fat I can see the cut and the waist is shrinking. I stopped getting on the scale for now but will again soon. I am working out at a much higher intensity that ever before and handling weight I have never attempted or believed I could be capable of handling. It takes a trainer to push to that level and the faces in the session on the girls I train with... well you should see the despair and agony . Ha. This ain't for sissies, that is for sure.
Today I had to really make myself go to training. I thought about what excuse I could give and none held up under any sort of questioning ( I am the WORST liar, ever) so I went. Glad I did but it was grueling.
I forgot how WONDERFUL a epsom salt bath can make me feel . Tonight I stretched and foam rolled and stretched some more but I still felt like I was 85. Into the bath and I feel like new! Hooray. Make note to self to take these more often. When I am so sore I feel so yuck. I hunch around and my body doesn't look right because of it.
Training again on Sunday and I am focused on my goal. I just have to make it one more step and then another and that is the thinking to get me there.
I can do this for the next few weeks and have to constantly reinforce WHY and reassure myself that i CAN. The hormonal triggers of dieting and training hard are excellent preparation for life and the curves and dips it throws. I am tough and I plan on showing this. Roc reminds me that I don't want to be outworked and I DON'T. I can't lose site of the journey as a whole or forget that ultimately my opinion of how I come into this show is the most important. A lesson in self confidence and recognition of self.
If I can get what I need inside, I can handle anything. I want to feel the beauty that others say I have inside me.
So I go about the planning of the other factors now, the suit, the tan, the makeup, the hair, the skin, all the things that make the feeling of beauty come alive because dieting and training generally make me take the shortcut on the beauty track. hehe. Who wants to primp when you feel sore, bruised, sweaty and exhausted? I will make a valiant effort to do what I need to so the other factors are right too.
I will update on Sunday when I get m show details! I am excited to have a DATE!!!!!