Marsia's Diary

Thanks Vic and Llama!!
The long bike ride followed by the hot tub sounds wonderful. I'm so glad that you are coping so much better with J when you have to talk to him because you are happier. That is SO good!
Thanks all! Today was nice and mellow. We'll do the lunch downtown another day because today was rainy and cold, so we mostly stayed in and puttered around and got school done and I opened presents. K got me a hand made cap that is dark green and purple striped and makes cat ears in the hat by the way it folds. It's very cute and warm. She also made me a Sculpy ring of Lumi's face, which is lovely. It looks like her when she'd done something she shouldn't have and was smiling in a pleased way, like when she drank your tea when you weren't looking. We got out to get nice trout, tomatoes for a salad, blueberry pie, and ice cream for dinner. I only had a little pie and ice cream and K will get the rest. So nice mellow birthday that we'll keep celebrating another day. We also stopped under this intriguing little bridge and got nice sunset pics. We did good yoga today, and I think I'll do some treadmill tonight to make up for it raining and us not getting out. It rained so hard last night it sounded like someone dumping a massive bucket of water over the house - it must have rained like that over an hour. Lots of massive puddles everywhere today. It is really good we are both getting happier!!
That sounds like a really lovely birthday! So great you have that treadmill to get some movement in when it's just too wet for walking!
Thanks everyone! Treadmill is really nice, and we're glad we got it. We had a really productive day. We got outside to clear the downed branches away on the marsh trail and did nice yoga. We also did some voice exercises and got schoolwork done, did a big load of dishes and sweeping the house, and generally had a good, productive day. It was sunny and not too cold, so got the house aired out a little, too. We also had a good talk about how to get everything accomplished we want to before we move. I bought juggling balls with our last online order because K has been a little uncoordinated, and she is loving learning to juggle. I am a little behind her because I can't throw with my good arm yet, but it's fun practicing!
Oh juggling--fun! I am absolutely hopeless at that--tried it years ago...
I think i got a little better with some practice, but not enough to keep me going...
Sounds like another really lovely day!
Thanks Liza and Cate! Another good day. We had to get K's blood drawn for the psychiatrist, so studied at a cafe afterwards. I went over some developmental psychology today so K could get a feel for stages of development and we did some HTML and went grocery shopping and ran errands. Tomorrow we'll get a lot of exercise in to make up for running around in the car today. I hope it's nice and sunny and still on the slightly warm side like it was today. The pinched nerve in my arm is a little uncomfortable. I need to do more of the pt exercises tonight. If it doesn't get better, I'll have to pester J that I need to go in again. The new yoga routine really helps with getting the mobility back.
I hope that each day your arm gets a little better, M. I love hearing about your days. You & K have such a lovely relationship xo
I hate that you have to deal with J in order to get the care you need. Exes shouldn't have that kind of leverage :grouphug:
I hope that each day your arm gets a little better, M. I love hearing about your days. You & K have such a lovely relationship xo
Thanks, Cate! It's definitely getting better in some ways. I have more mobility to get the arm behind my head, but not for reaching straight up. I may have to go back, and emailed J to negotiate this. He said ok, so if I am not able to get more vertical mobility soon, I will make another few appointments. It's way, way better than it was. I love all the fun adventures and fun things K and I learn together. I am beyond lucky to have such a great relationship with her!
I hate that you have to deal with J in order to get the care you need. Exes shouldn't have that kind of leverage :grouphug:
It's maddening. He signed something legally that he needs to take care of this stuff, but if you feign not having money, the lawyers can only complain on your behalf. It does look bad in family court though.
Good for you with another good day. So good you have found a yoga routine that is helping with mobility!
I am really happy I found a yoga teacher who reminds me of my first and favorite teacher. She goes slowly and explains when to breathe in and out (which almost no yoga teachers remember to do in my experience) and she really helps you get the most out of each pose, but not in a way where you are straining.
Sorry I missed wishing you happy birthday Marsia, it sounds like you had a lovely day. x
Thanks Em! It was a nice mellow birthday and I loved how happy K was getting me presents and making me the kitty ring.

Not much new. I did the penny test on the car tire treads and the tires desperately need replacing, so I took a pic and sent it to J. He is being better about the money now, so I can take the car in. K wants to get a job, so we'll practice parallel parking and making 3 point turns this weekend so she can take her driving test. I told her she can apply for jobs once she is caught up on school, so that should help us stay on schedule for school. The government screwed up with their federal financial aid program and won't be sending out the forms we filled out to the colleges until late spring, so that will be a mess. The state and federal governments are getting rather third world here. Every time I need to deal with them, the experience is just awful. I need a form that would normally take a day or two if I went in person to get it from my mom's home state, and they project they will get back to me in 3/4 of a year, hopefully before I move and they send my stuff to the wrong address.

Yesterday just zipped by, but today we're home and will test out our new paint samples for the dining room. It's an ok teal color now, but next to the gray-green of the great room looks off because it is a slightly bluer version of the other color and is too close in hue so just looks unsettling. So we found some nice gray-violets that are neutral, but cheerful. The room is pretty big, but in the shade, and looks small painted in a cool color, so we want to warm it up, but keep it neutral. We love picking out colors.

I want to get lots of exercise today so will probably go out and spread some coffee chaff and wood chips around some palm trees. They really like it.
K having the prospect of making her own money would be great motivation!
Paperwork is the worst and that's all I have to say about that.
That's great you will be able to go back to the PT that you like. It does suck always having to go through J for all the things!
That's lovely you are having fun picking paint colors. Enjoy the gardening too--always one of my favorite forms of exercise!
Being able to apply for jobs & getting her licence sounds like a good incentive for K to get her work done. Would she apply for jobs near where you are now or wait until you move? It's all exciting.
I'm glad that J is being half reasonable. So he should.
K having the prospect of making her own money would be great motivation!
Paperwork is the worst and that's all I have to say about that.
I think so too, Llama.
Being able to apply for jobs & getting her licence sounds like a good incentive for K to get her work done. Would she apply for jobs near where you are now or wait until you move? It's all exciting.
I'm glad that J is being half reasonable. So he should.
She is thinking of applying for a job a typical high school student gets, so they know she won't be staying long term and will be ok with that. The economy here is really good, and there is a shortage of workers, so employers are really understanding. She did well with her practice parallel parking yesterday, so is ready to take her driver's test and go out into the world. It's really exciting! I think J knows he has to be somewhat reasonable before the mediation thing, so I am trying to get the major things done before then.
That's great you will be able to go back to the PT that you like. It does suck always having to go through J for all the things!
That's lovely you are having fun picking paint colors. Enjoy the gardening too--always one of my favorite forms of exercise!
Thanks Liza, I am trying to see if I can heal the shoulder as much as possible first and then go back to the pt when I get stuck at some point. We are putting the electrode thing on us and the massager alternately the whole time we are sitting and studying, and it seems to really help with everything except my arm being able to reach straight up, so I'll probably end up going back to have him help with that. This whole separation thing is not any fun to go through. I have new respect for people who have had to fight an ex in a divorce. We're hoping to try out the paint colors today. That's always really satifsying. And we've been doing more gardening and getting sore and pleasantly tired. K likes it, too, which is nice that I'll have company mulching all the huge beds of flowering shrubs and things. The ones I've mulched last year flower profusely now, and the fig tree produces way more fruit. It's such a nice yard, and satisfying we get to leave it even nicer than we found it!
A job for K sounds like a good idea! But it is important for her to get her school stuff done too.
I'm a little worried about K getting her school work done, but also she is very conscientious, so if she doesn't finish in time, we'll finish up over the summer. It's all classes that we both want to learn more about anyway. But I will do my darnedest to make sure she finishes because I want her to do well in college and learn to work more quickly.

We've been doing our usual marsh walk and took really nice post-sunset pictures of the stars and the last reflected light over the channels in the marshes. That was really peaceful. I noticed how completely rock hard my neck was, and used the massager and zapper to get a lot more mobility in it. I am experiencing to see if that helps my shoulder, too. Even if it doesn't, having a happier neck will be really nice. We'll make some seafood chowder today and have a lighter school day and probably go for a nice long walk somewhere.
I love the sound of your days--the 2 of you working so harmoniously together on the garden, with your yoga, your beautiful walks, healthy foods...
I'm a little tempted to get into my garden when we have some warmer days but I think I should just leave it all for now...maybe just put some plans on paper or work on more structural ideas--i really have been wanting to make a rough bench of some sort for it...and then consider some plans for how to do a simple pond type area that is protected from neighborhood that's stuff I could do now before I get busy in the spring with the ongoing demands with planting and weeding and stuff...yes--you've inspired me!