Marsia's Diary

Sounds like the new stuff is really going to round things out and up the schmickness factor by a mile!
The schmickness is exponential!
The new stuff sounds lovely, Marsia. A navy blue dresser? I like the sound of that! Flying Kickapows sound good too.
Boom, splat, kick-a-pow!
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Thanks Cate‼️. The flying kickapows were not quite enough. J is pretending not to have any money as per usual, and I called about scheduling a contractor where we have to pay a little more, but got on the topic of how him shorting me means he is stealing from K who won't be able to attend a good college. I wound up telling him off and calling him an embezzler and other worse things. I think the term "rot in hell" was in there, too. I think what is happening is that it's near the end and I feel the need to defend my kid and let him know why she is going to distance from him, that he can't hide in fantasy land after all the crap he did that effects her. That was probably a super bad idea, but he is pretending to be wonderful, and sneaks in how "we" can go visit California again, and gross crap like that. So I did my angry push back and now I think I'll just go gray rock and only talk with him about business stuff from now on. I think my therapist said to get angry once in a while and confuse him, so maybe it's ok that I kind of verbally exploded somewhat.
haha i want that image on a shirt @Cate -maybe we could all get one made and it could be our secret team shirts!
Your day sounds great Marsia--sounds like you got plenty done. And congrats to another surprise pound down!!
I would love secret team Kickapow shirts! It feels nice losing weight even though I am not paying much attention to diet. I think I am forgetting to eat a meal here and there, and that might be doing it.
Secret forum shirts to wear on days you need a bit of moral(e) support would be so fun!
Moral(e) support shirts would be, too!
I love that idea @liza3.

Sounds like you did loads yesterday and you 100% deserve to be another pound down.
Thanks Emily, it feels good knowing I'll be out of the 190s very soon!

The animals decided that my garage is a nice Noah's ark and I found 2 toads and a little black snake in there escaping from all the rain. I hope they find their way back out again soon! I think the black snake was a little black racer harmless one. We moved the humungously heavy furniture we are going to sell out of the middle of the garage and put it against the walls and my friend's husband stopped by for some big heavy cabinets, but they didn't fit in his van. So that was it for lifting for the day. I put together more of the navy blue dresser - almost done and it's looking very nice. I helped K pack up the last of her room and I puttered around getting little things done. The other day I noticed that the cat tails are out, so I think I'll bring a pair of snippers and make a nice bouquet of them for staging. I'm so tired from all the lifting. So glad we're nearly done!!
So I did my angry push back and now I think I'll just go gray rock and only talk with him about business stuff from now on. I think my therapist said to get angry once in a while and confuse him, so maybe it's ok that I kind of verbally exploded somewhat.
:grouphug: Oh Marsia, I'm sorry you're having to deal with him still :grouphug: Remember that whatever you may or may not have said is not the reason he is this way. He's just trying to weasel his way out of responsibility, like he's been able to so often before, and no amount of being nice will turn him into a decent person so I'm with your therapist on this one.
So nice to hear you getting closer and closer to the end. Will be so good when you don't have to deal with J anymore!
:grouphug: Oh Marsia, I'm sorry you're having to deal with him still :grouphug: Remember that whatever you may or may not have said is not the reason he is this way. He's just trying to weasel his way out of responsibility, like he's been able to so often before, and no amount of being nice will turn him into a decent person so I'm with your therapist on this one.
Thanks Cate! I really needed to hear that. I really worry about retaliation, but he retaliates even when we are nice to him, so I probably shouldn't worry any more than usual.
So nice to hear you getting closer and closer to the end. Will be so good when you don't have to deal with J anymore!
I can't wait on both counts!
I am also glad you are nearly done! Phew!
Me, too! My arms feel like they are longer than they were a few days ago!! Got a bunch of good stuff done today including going to pick free bouquets of dried flowers. We got cat tails and pampas grass flowers and they look lovely in this big blue vase I used as an umbrella rack before this. K's closet, bathroom, and room are nice now, and my room, bathroom, and closet just needs about an hour or so of work. We got the master bedroom staged and a bunch of other little things done like the last of the outdoor cushions scrubbed up. I am so tired! Time for bed!!
Thanks so much everyone!! It's really coming together, but I only have a couple of days left and soooo much to do! Here is what Tru said about making diaries on the new forum, "Marsia couldn't see the diaries as a guest untill I approved membership, she should be able to now""untill members are approved they won't be able to see the diaries". They are under the "Motivation" header once Tru approves you as a member. Hope to see everyone there!!!!!
Thanks for the extra info. I'm still just a guest as well but I'll join you as soon as I can. For now it was kind of nice to have that last post in my old diary so I don't start out with a negative on the other side.
Maybe see you in the other forum Marsia. Either way, I hope all the house sale stuff goes well and that the move to your next stage of life goes smoothly. Wishing you the very best!
Maybe see you in the other forum Marsia. Either way, I hope all the house sale stuff goes well and that the move to your next stage of life goes smoothly. Wishing you the very best!
Thanks so much for the well-wishes, and I'll miss you very much if you do decide not to join us! I'd love it if you did visit occasionally even, but understand if you don't, too. I love how positive and great at thinking things through you are, and love hearing about your adventures. Take good care!!!
Marsia, thank you for your post on my diary. I am heading to the other side now. x
Yay! That made me laugh. I feel like I'm luring you over to the dark side or something!! See ya soon :) !!