Marsia's Diary

That walk sounds fascinating, M. I love your descriptions. You would wonder at J's logic for adding you to a neighbourhood chat group & giving out your number but then not giving it much thought is probably a better idea. That is so weird. You do well dealing with him at all.
I'm glad that K's meds seem to be helping & I hope you get that arm looked at very soon. You need to look after yourself too, M xoxo
I'm really glad you have more energy now and you made the call to the physical therapist.
well that sure sounds familiar! ( I am terrible for that as well. )I hope you do call though--shooting pains in the night sounds really bad.

I'm glad the new medicine for K is working better already.
And so nice to hear you guys continuing to enjoy your beautiful walks and good healing yoga as well.
Yes, I called this morning, and got an appointment for next week - can't wait! I am amazed at the night and day difference with the new medicine. I may have a kid who can concentrate again! Yes, the walks have been great, and we took a long one through downtown this evening in the rain and it was so relaxing. The old cobblestone streets have a lot of gorgeous old French Colonial houses with wrought iron accents and sometimes gas porch lights and ferns growing out of their brick facades and lovely old walls. We stopped in a few of our favorite shops and peeked in galleries, and rested in a fancy hotel where we flopped on a comfy couch and listened to a harpist play.
:seeya:Another member of the "hates making medical appointments" club here :D

Also: while I admire your energy in contacting J about the chat group right away I think I would've just taken myself of the list without comment. Some people don't deserve my attention.
It turned out the woman J gave my number to forwarded me the messages from the group and that was why I could not figure out how to take myself off the list. She won't contact me anymore. I was happy that the receptionist was so friendly when I called the physical therapist, so I am not dreading going now!
That walk sounds fascinating, M. I love your descriptions. You would wonder at J's logic for adding you to a neighbourhood chat group & giving out your number but then not giving it much thought is probably a better idea. That is so weird. You do well dealing with him at all.
I'm glad that K's meds seem to be helping & I hope you get that arm looked at very soon. You need to look after yourself too, M xoxo
Yes, J doesn't understand that other people have boundaries, not just him. It is so good to see that other people find this really rude, too! Thanks for the compliment - I am really relieved I am so much better at dealing with J now that I don't have to live with him. I am happy I am finally taking care of my arm. That feels good to do.
I'm really glad you have more energy now and you made the call to the physical therapist.
Thanks Em! It's so nice getting more exercise and feeling like tackling things again!

So guess what?! K got into her top school! We went and celebrated by going out to our favorite Asian market where we got nice groceries like my favorite Japanese kabasha squash, fresh shiitake mushrooms and edible pea pods to make an Asian chicken soup with, and some inexpensive bowls that are beautiful. K got a few groceries for a homeless lady who was begging outside of the store because one of the things on K's vision board was to use some of J's money to do nice things for homeless people because J was stingy and would never do that himself. She was really happy and so was the homeless lady. Then out for poke bowls and then for the walk in downtown Charleston. K is glowingly happy! She's currently making a clock out of an old, broken violin, a clock mechanism, and some Sculpy for decoration. Such a nice day!!
Wow! A big congrats to K and her teacher getting into her top pick!!
What a lovely thing to have on K's vision board to help people out, and then to proceed on making it happen. She sounds lovely❤️
And good for you making that appt with the physio!
Thanks so much everyone! K is doing so well. The new medicine is definitely a big improvement!! We are nearly caught up on last semester's work and will take a couple days off to celebrate catching up once she finishes in a few days. I am realizing a lot about being the scapegoat in my family and always feeling ashamed of myself, and that is how I wound up with such a horrid partner. I emailed an old friend who I had heard had broken up with his wife, and he is a rather intimidating person, so all my shame over having to get a divorce yet again came up, and I realized how my social anxiety is also linked to a feeling of perpetual shame. I am not believing these old messages now, but letting all of that go takes a while and is very tiring.
I emailed an old friend who I had heard had broken up with his wife, and he is a rather intimidating person, so all my shame over having to get a divorce yet again came up, and I realized how my social anxiety is also linked to a feeling of perpetual shame.
Interesting difference between "had broken up with his wife" and "having to get a divorce". The first is so much less loaded even though the two seem morally equal to me.
Interesting difference between "had broken up with his wife" and "having to get a divorce". The first is so much less loaded even though the two seem morally equal to me.
Yes, "everything is always my fault" sneaks in everywhere!
I'm glad that you are learning not to believe that everything is always your fault. It must be exhausting unpacking all of that & dealing with it. :grouphug:
Thanks Cate! I think it's an old worn out refrain by now, and I am believing it less and less, which is a nice surprise. I think I am really getting the hang of self compassion finally. We had such a productive school day and only have one paper and a few more hours of economics and we're done with last semester! So relieved!! I am having trouble relaxing. So many stressful things happened last month and I think also that I am finally unclenching and seeing how stressed that I didn't even know that I was. So I really need to meditate and be sure to do yoga every day at the very least. I think I'll meditate next.
Thanks Em and Cate! K keeps recommending I yell, but I feel like rolling up in a ball and hibernating instead of being loud. K had a nice group tonight and we had a nice evening folding clothes and watching our show together. I forgot about exercise today, but yesterday was a good marsh walk and yoga. I did meditate though. I've been having the most wonderful time tucked in bed when I'm not asleep just appreciating the soft pillows and blankets. I think I'll do that now before bed and get some relaxation in. It seems like I just need to focus really hard on relaxing, if that's not a contradiction.
Yay for self compassion and remembering to relax! Is "letting it out" still recommended for aggression these days? I thought we were supposed to acknowledge it, use the energy for something productive, and let it evaporate or something now. But maybe that's for people with chronic anger or aggression. My mom used to send me out into the garden to scream when I was having trouble as a little kid and I think it felt good the first time but then it was kind of... empty? Like it powered me out but didn't change anything about what I was upset about so it felt futile.
Letting it all out & screaming would not do me any good.
I love hearing about you feeling relaxed. I love my bed & my pillow! I hope you are sound asleep & dreaming sweet dreams xo
You would think that I would be angry about all this weird stuff happening, but when I tuck into the covers and relax, I get in touch with what I am feeling, and it's different than anger. On the surface, there is this neurotic need to stay in my usual role of person who puts out all the fires and stays on top of everything. I was a little parent when I was a kid and took care of all the stuff the my mom didn't do like keeping us physically safe - she was just terrible at that especially, but I was pretty good at it. This frenetic running around I've been doing is an attempt at feeling in control, only now things are calmer, so this just looks like me not being able to switch out of anxiety mode.

Now that I am relaxing, I see that on a deeper level, I am feeling disappointed. I feel like I squashed my natural ability to accept myself and to be nurturing to myself because the people "in charge" when I was little wanted that, but now I see that people who want you to do that are just troubled, immature children in adult bodies. I feel like Dorothy looking at the man behind the curtain, but I am not really angry, there is just an acknowledgement that I don't need to give away my power anymore to people who don't know what they are doing. What's weird is how right now there are so many irresponsible leaders who are like J - not having people's best interests in mind and being power hungry. So my little mini-drama is also something I am watching the world do, and that does make me mad, but not in a way where I need to yell, but in a way where I want to combat this and figure out how I can contribute to a world where everyone cares about each other and looks out for each other. It seems like where we are moving, people do that, so I am hoping that we'll be in a community where we can do our little parts to make the world a place where people can be in a nurturing community.

I think some people do need to go off and yell though. K was not allowed by J to be angry, so she needs that. I got angry a lot, but it didn't help the situation because it was just reactive anger, so I don't really have pent up aggression, but I do have pent up self compassion and a will to make my small difference in the world.

I didn't like where psychology was going when I studied it. There were all these competing camps with their untested theories telling people how to process each kind of experience. But now there is a ton of actual research as to what's effective, when, and with what populations, and a lot more emphasis on deeply listening to clients instead of imposing one's untested theory on someone's life. So I don't think that thing about screaming into a pillow is universally accepted anymore. It never did anything for me, but I know it does help some people. One really nice thing I like about K's therapist is how she has K work on the little issues around her trauma instead of trying to tackle the big, overwhelming core issues like they did when I was in school for psychology. I think the field has grown by leaps and bounds and can't wait to study it further.

As someone with a lot of nurturing energy that I am finally owning, I feel like I can make a difference in the world and not have it diminished as "just" working with children or "just" caretaking, etc. I think people are beginning to see what a non-nurturing world is like, and it isn't cool and futuristic like people envisioned - it's just lonely. So I think what I am naturally good at is needed now, and that I will be ok as far as career and finding my place out there in the world. I never really felt like that before. It feels much better.

I did get a really good night's sleep. We were both so tired from the intense school day. We both did get woken up by footfalls on the roof - probably animals, but I am going to get up outdoor cameras on the roof area so we can really sleep soundly and not worry.
We both did get woken up by footfalls on the roof - probably animals, but I am going to get up outdoor cameras on the roof area so we can really sleep soundly and not worry.
it might be fun too to see the activity if it is animals!

I used to feel a lot like needing a place to go and scream when I was young--I've definitely lost that urge nowadays!
So my little mini-drama is also something I am watching the world do, and that does make me mad, but not in a way where I need to yell, but in a way where I want to combat this and figure out how I can contribute to a world where everyone cares about each other and looks out for each other.
I hope you can find that place where you feel like you can do some effective work. I think for me I keep ending up in a place of anxiety and despair about the world situation. I would love to feel I could find a place where I felt able to work for the betterment of things.
I feel sure that you will be able to make such a difference, M. You have so much to give & so much knowledge. The world needs more compassion & you have it in bucketloads.
Psychology is such a fascinating subject and I'm sure you will be brilliant Marsia.