Marsia's Diary

I just made notes on what I want to say at this settlement meeting, and added what you wrote about making sure he realizes that I won't give in to him!
I think you are really dealing with this well, and that should make you feel a bit better or at ease with it all.
I was just concentrating on sounding neutral and rational, because this stuff is upsetting, and it would be easy to look a little hysterical if I let my emotions out too much over all of this.
Being neutral and rational is really important, kind of goes with the not giving in. I know it can be hard to fight back the instinct to react emotionally or be a bit hysterical, those are quite nature tendencies... However I suspect that is what he is trying to get you to do, he probably believes it would help him. Remember he knows you well and sounds manipulative. Just sit back and think about that, it may help.

I'd say good luck to you again, but I think you are making your own luck lady!
Thanks everyone! I am feeling better about having to go to a settlement meeting. I have been listening to a divorce lawyer on YouTube who deals with a lot of narcissists in her practice, and she gave lots of neutral ways to talk about conflictual things that show that I am not going to be baited. I have a good plan for presenting my views in as legal and rational light as possible, and that makes me feel a lot better. I do not want to engage in a fight. J is much better at those, and I don't want to be dragged through the mud, so this is really helping. I feel pretty confident now.

The last two days of our trip were really good. We stopped by an east coast university, and though it was in a small town, the town is near all sorts of great destinations and has a phenomenal program. K needs to put a portfolio together for this college, and we looked at what she could put in it, and there are all sorts of really good projects that really show off all the things she can do. There is a cool stop motion film, a computer programming game that she can tweak, digital photography, graphic design, animation sketches, I'll have her sketch from nature or do a landscape and help with drawing, and she can include the professionally shot videos from her band program and do some videos of her performing original songs. She was feeling bad that she is good at a lot of things, but not a master of any one of them, but when we looked at her work, it is all quite good and she doesn't feel so perfectionistic about her portfolio now. I think she found her perfect major and can add in psychology classes and have just the education she wants.

After visiting the college town, we decided to go to the Outer Banks in North Carolina on the way home. There are all these beach-y neighborhoods with beach houses raised up on stilts and the area looks like an amusement park plus a beach town and was interesting to drive through. Then we got to the pristine nature area, which was stunning, and there were beautiful little rivers all along the drive with windblown pines that looked like from a Japanese tea garden, and there were beautiful autumn leaves in dark red and beautiful bright yellows. Such a good ending to the trip!

I didn't gain any weight on the trip despite driving 10 hours a day at times, and feel really good from all the walking. We even ate nice comfort food and delicious Middle Eastern crepes when we went out. I am finding that if K eats a good serving of protein each morning, she feels way less shaky all day, so I now wake her up a half hour early, have her take her medicine and a little serving of meatballs, and let her go back to sleep a half hour while the medicine kicks in. She is doing a lot better with this.
Thanks everyone! I am feeling better about having to go to a settlement meeting. I have been listening to a divorce lawyer on YouTube who deals with a lot of narcissists in her practice, and she gave lots of neutral ways to talk about conflictual things that show that I am not going to be baited. I have a good plan for presenting my views in as legal and rational light as possible, and that makes me feel a lot better. I do not want to engage in a fight. J is much better at those, and I don't want to be dragged through the mud, so this is really helping. I feel pretty confident now.
Good for you! When baited I try to smile or laugh, and then move on ignoring the bait. I am sure you will do fine!
After visiting the college town, we decided to go to the Outer Banks in North Carolina on the way home. There are all these beach-y neighborhoods with beach houses raised up on stilts and the area looks like an amusement park plus a beach town and was interesting to drive through. Then we got to the pristine nature area, which was stunning, and there were beautiful little rivers all along the drive with windblown pines that looked like from a Japanese tea garden, and there were beautiful autumn leaves in dark red and beautiful bright yellows. Such a good ending to the trip!
Sounds like a great trip. I drove the Otter Banks once, just a quick drive on the way from Norfolk to Charleston. It is an amazing place!
I didn't gain any weight on the trip despite driving 10 hours a day at times, and feel really good from all the walking.
Good for you, not gaining on vacation and getting in some exercise is an accomplishment.
She was feeling bad that she is good at a lot of things, but not a master of any one of them, but when we looked at her work, it is all quite good and she doesn't feel so perfectionistic about her portfolio now.
Hardly anyone is a master at anything in their teens. And many subjects are so complex and specialized that we need both people who take years to dig deeply into specific topics and people who can build bridges between topics so we can keep track of the big picture.

I'm glad you're feeling better-equipped to deal with the meeting with J. You can do this!
Nice job on maintaining while on your trip and driving so much.
The whole trip sounds like a really good success in narrowing down where you might want to go next.
She was feeling bad that she is good at a lot of things, but not a master of any one of them, but when we looked at her work, it is all quite good and she doesn't feel so perfectionistic about her portfolio now.
I'm glad she's feeling better about her portfolio now. I think we can all be a bit overly critical of ourselves and I can imagine even more so when we are being asked to present our work somewhere.
I am finding that if K eats a good serving of protein each morning, she feels way less shaky all day, so I now wake her up a half hour early, have her take her medicine and a little serving of meatballs, and let her go back to sleep a half hour while the medicine kicks in. She is doing a lot better with this.
That's great you are finding a good way to begin the day. I also believe protein can help ground things a bit.
Your trip does sound wonderful & will give you strength & courage for the settlement meeting. You are such a great Mum, Marsia xoxo
Good for you! When baited I try to smile or laugh, and then move on ignoring the bait. I am sure you will do fine!

Sounds like a great trip. I drove the Otter Banks once, just a quick drive on the way from Norfolk to Charleston. It is an amazing place!

Good for you, not gaining on vacation and getting in some exercise is an accomplishment.
I like the idea of smiling when baited. It's a little polite "bless your heart!" I wish we had more time to explore the Outer Banks - definitely a magical place. I always see pictures of the wild horses running on the beaches and feel called there!
Hardly anyone is a master at anything in their teens. And many subjects are so complex and specialized that we need both people who take years to dig deeply into specific topics and people who can build bridges between topics so we can keep track of the big picture.

I'm glad you're feeling better-equipped to deal with the meeting with J. You can do this!
I agree, but K tends toward perfectionism and comparing herself to people with a lot more life experience under their belts. I was the same way as an only child who spent a good deal of time around artistic adults in my community, except my thing was art, and hers is more music. I read her what you wrote, and she agreed though! She is one of those big picture people. I even wrote that in the teacher letter of recommendation I submitted to colleges. Thanks for the nice encouragement! I feel much more ready, but not looking forward to it, for sure!
Nice job on maintaining while on your trip and driving so much.
The whole trip sounds like a really good success in narrowing down where you might want to go next.

I'm glad she's feeling better about her portfolio now. I think we can all be a bit overly critical of ourselves and I can imagine even more so when we are being asked to present our work somewhere.

That's great you are finding a good way to begin the day. I also believe protein can help ground things a bit.
Thanks Liza! The trip helped on so many levels. We feel like we have so many more options now. The protein thing in the morning has been nice.
That's interesting about the protein!

I'm glad you had such a great trip.
Thanks Em!
Your trip does sound wonderful & will give you strength & courage for the settlement meeting. You are such a great Mum, Marsia xoxo
Aw, thanks. I think you're right, Cate, the trip really gave us nice perspective, and it helps for seeing what to aim towards!

We had one of those driving around days - psychiatrist, writing group, group therapy, with library in-between to try to get homework done. It's really nice to be home eating Thanksgiving leftovers. I just made a roast duck, garlic almond string beans, quinoa, and hollandaise sauce. Didn't feel like fussing, and it came out nice.
Thanks all! I usually have 1or 2 days of food prep before Thanksgiving and make the desserts the day before. It was nice making simple dishes with not very many ingredients, and the duck was great - not fatty, and very tender. The scales think so, too. Down a pound.

We're working on K's portfolio and getting back to school stuff more. We're very behind on school, so K got her dosage of anxiety medicine increased a little, and that will help immensely. We're reading Siddhartha and doing a literary analysis type paper comparing his journey to Keroac's On The Road, both of which are these very experiential journeys, but one is way more successful than the other, and I want K to see how the books are written stylistically differently to get across the vastly different experiences in very similar quests. It's so fun making our own assignments as we go.

I found massage techniques for my jaw, as it is for sure the cause of all this pain I've been having, and the massaging is really helping. I did a bedtime gentle yoga routine just before going to sleep, and am hoping that relaxing before bedtime helps me not clench and grind my teeth so much. I woke up not in pain this morning, so, so far, so good. Made another cheat sheet for my lawyers which will help me when we meet Joe and his lawyers, too. It feels really good listening to the lawyer who helps people not be reactionary when dealing legally with narcissists. I am feeling so much less anxious and so much more prepared. It's getting pretty nippy outside. I may go rescue a few perpetual spinach plants and pot them up and bring them in so they don't freeze.
Do K's meds take a while to take full effect? With mine you can expect to wait about 6 weeks before you get the full benefit...and in the first two weeks it's mostly just annoying side effects!
I love the sound of that assignment with Siddhartha and On the Road.
Makes me want to read On the Road which I don't think i ever did...

Very nice on another pound down!
Down a pound.
We're working on K's portfolio and getting back to school stuff more. We're very behind on school, so K got her dosage of anxiety medicine increased a little, and that will help immensely. We're reading Siddhartha and doing a literary analysis type paper comparing his journey to Keroac's On The Road, both of which are these very experiential journeys, but one is way more successful than the other, and I want K to see how the books are written stylistically differently to get across the vastly different experiences in very similar quests. It's so fun making our own assignments as we go.
I just ordered On The Road from the library. I don't think I have read it!
I found massage techniques for my jaw, as it is for sure the cause of all this pain I've been having, and the massaging is really helping. I did a bedtime gentle yoga routine just before going to sleep, and am hoping that relaxing before bedtime helps me not clench and grind my teeth so much. I woke up not in pain this morning, so, so far, so good.
I should try doing something too. My chin gets so tense.
Made another cheat sheet for my lawyers which will help me when we meet Joe and his lawyers, too. It feels really good listening to the lawyer who helps people not be reactionary when dealing legally with narcissists. I am feeling so much less anxious and so much more prepared.
Good for you, M!
It's getting pretty nippy outside. I may go rescue a few perpetual spinach plants and pot them up and bring them in so they don't freeze.
I love perpetual spinach. I must go spread some more seed around. I can see one of my plants from where I'm sitting now. It is going to seed. I love this stuff!
Thanks all! I would not really recommend On The Road to adults. I had K read it because she idolized the old hippies in our community, so I had her see how interesting and creative the founders of the movement were, but also how debauched and aimless in their pursuit of enlightenment without wanting to lift a finger or take responsibility for their lives. They read Eastern philosophy, but most used it as escapism, so I had her read Kerouac because he is a mad genius at writing, but also a prototypical lazy, irresponsible hippie. He was also insanely sexist, which K found so offensive reading the book. I am also having her read it because stylistically it is basically a 300+ page run-on poem and is this incredible stream of consciousness achievement. Also I was raised by hippies, so it's interesting talking about my childhood with her while reading this together. It's a good contrast to Siddhartha where the main character is really in search of truth and freedom from suffering, and is written in this utterly serene way, as opposed to Kerouac's crazy, frenetic writing. We are working on literary analysis this year.

Yesterday was one of those days where you blink and it's gone. I had to find a death date for my step-father for some estate stuff, and found that J did not steal all my important paperwork that I had to leave in the house when we fled. I did find the death date and a bunch of good stuff in one of the boxes in storage. We worked on K's portfolio which is due at the end of Dec. She can only submit 6 pieces, so will combine a bunch of work in one long music video that she'll create from her artwork and from filming her playing and singing an original song. I also want her to tweak a python game that she created to have her original artwork in it. She loves drawing, and it calms her, so I think this portfolio is going to be a really good thing. Plus one English assignment is to create a book of memories or a similar keepsake (webpage or whatever) and write about the memories in it in an engaging way, so that could be one of the portfolio pieces, as well.

I have actually been eating well and getting a nice amount of yoga in. K didn't want to do yoga with me, but her lower back really needed it, and she did really like doing it in the end. The stretches help uncover that she is storing stress in her body, and she doesn't like to feel all the stress, so we have her just do minimal time for the poses that feel a little overwhelming, and I think this will help in the long run with her anxiety.

Cate, I am really loving the face and neck massage that I am doing every night for my jaw. I had no idea how many ways I clench my jaw. I'll relax some muscles and find that others are still tight. So weird! Also the deer beat me to the perpetual spinach. I had a few cabbage, cilantro, parsley, and things in the garden still, and a deer broke the top of the fence and got in and had a nice little smorgasbord. I have seen her in the yard, and she is nice and fat! Little bugger!!
Now you talk more about On the Road I feel like I did pick it up years ago and it didn't appeal...
Too bad about the deer eating all your veggies but she was probably grateful for a nice dinner!
I love hearing about K's projects. I'm glad J didn't snaffle all your important stuff! It will be interesting to see if maybe I tried reading On The Road & abandoned it. I have a feeling I did.
I must look up jaw relaxation exercises.
Boo to the deer :( My first thought, I must admit was that the deer would be good for eating :blush5: I love Venison.
Thanks all! I can't feel too bad about my garden when such a lovely animal was being fed by it. 🥗🦌 Cate, this is the jaw massage I've been doing. I don't do the inside of the mouth, but just massage other tight places on my face while she does that part. I don't know if it would help for the chin though:

Also, so funny thinking about having the deer over "for dinner"! I love designing our curriculum as we go along. It's such a good amount of freedom trying things and seeing what works and getting to be spontaneous after we master the basics. I really love being a homeschool teacher!

K is doing so much better now that she is drawing and doing creative things again. We got so much accomplished today for school and for college applications. I steamed a big pumpkin and made pumpkin pie tonight, too, and it made the whole house smell festive, plus now I have lots of pumpkin for curry pumpkin soup, and some left over for the freezer. I am feeling more positive about things and though I am still pretty stressed can calm myself down at times and enjoy things more. Yoga is really helping.
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