Marsia's Diary

Thanks all! I agree Cate, this year was so stressful, and I hope we can all relax and lose weight next year. I am feeling optimistic about the new year. I think I need to make a long term de-stressing and gentle exercise plan.

This morning I woke up down on myself for having so many difficult romantic relationships in a row. It felt like most of my adult life was wasted in them, but then I thought about my wonderful daughter and about my close friends and about how I am assuming that life is supposed to be easy. I don't think it is easy for most people though, and I realized that despite not having good luck with romantic partners, I've done such wonderful things in my life. I think I am getting stronger and will not be likely to step into another awful relationship again, and this lifted my mood. Well, also I came on the forum, which always helps me feel better!!

We have a nice day at home with no distractions, so I am hoping to get a lot done and a nice bike ride in if it warms up.
Sorry to hear you woke feeling a bit down about some of your past choices, but nice you could switch your attention to all the incredible positives in your life. I think you're right about life not being easy for most (probably all!) people and a lot of us can get stuck thinking that life could have been better if we had made different choices, but I do really think that yes, life is difficult and so many of our 'bad choices' are really just learning opportunities and hopefully we just keep growing and learning from it all.

I hope you can get that nice bike ride in!
Back in 1971, the Australian Prime Minister said "Life wasn't meant to be easy" & I think, for once, he was correct. I'm glad you switched your thinking around, M. You have a lovely daughter & you have learned so much about relationships. Maybe run the next one by us before getting in too deep. (This is me being silly, by the way. I must be feeling a bit better.) You seem very open & trusting & I think they are good qualities. You'll be so much more aware next time someone comes along.
It's better to have loved and lost... or so the saying goes.

You took risks and it didn't always pan out, but you do have a wonderful daughter and I think you can find love again. xx
Sorry to hear you woke feeling a bit down about some of your past choices, but nice you could switch your attention to all the incredible positives in your life. I think you're right about life not being easy for most (probably all!) people and a lot of us can get stuck thinking that life could have been better if we had made different choices, but I do really think that yes, life is difficult and so many of our 'bad choices' are really just learning opportunities and hopefully we just keep growing and learning from it all.

I hope you can get that nice bike ride in!
Hi Liza! I really agree. Wow, have I had learning opportunities! I hope I can slow down with those soon though!! The bike ride didn't happen, but we did do nice yoga and I did meditation, which I had been skipping, and am happy to start up again. I really needed it and it was lovely.
If I had to base my self worth on my past romantic relationships I'd probably be... weeeell...
This made me laugh! I pictured myself as a happy cat lady after thinking about my romantic track record, and that really cheered me up!
Back in 1971, the Australian Prime Minister said "Life wasn't meant to be easy" & I think, for once, he was correct. I'm glad you switched your thinking around, M. You have a lovely daughter & you have learned so much about relationships. Maybe run the next one by us before getting in too deep. (This is me being silly, by the way. I must be feeling a bit better.) You seem very open & trusting & I think they are good qualities. You'll be so much more aware next time someone comes along.
Hi Cate, I actually thought you were serious, and I agreed happily. If I ever think of dating again, I will fly the prospect out to my friends in San Francisco and get the thumbs up from them, after screening them on the forum here!! Thank you for the nice compliments, and glad you are starting to feel better!
It's better to have loved and lost... or so the saying goes.

You took risks and it didn't always pan out, but you do have a wonderful daughter and I think you can find love again. xx
Thanks Em! I don't think I'll be looking for love for a long while. I've been in 2 back to back relationships for 33 years and need a break, but I agree with you. I wouldn't have my amazing daughter if I hadn't had this relationship, so I did really luck out in that way. I really learned to value myself and not get influenced by people who don't get who I am, that's for sure!

I just got back from therapy, and the therapist is so amazing and supportive. She really validates all that I am going through and I have someone who understands narcissists and who I can ask how to negotiate with J. He is going to be in a bad position with the negotiations and could be angry and weird.

K is working on her clickable, interactive collage today. It's so nice seeing her so engaged. I just wrote up a second essay assignment on critiquing a movie, and wrote about many different techniques to go about doing that in a rhetorical essay format. It's so nice I can teach some of the basics she will get in communications classes because I had communications friends in college and also took a film studies class and things like that. I think this major of hers will be so fun and engaging - such a good mix of different disciplines!

Nothing much new. I cooked up the last of the little butternut squash from the garden in a nice succotash over brown rice for dinner. The deer didn't eat my green onion tops, so I added a lot of them and it was nice and fresh and delicious!
Hi Cate, I actually thought you were serious, and I agreed happily. If I ever think of dating again, I will fly the prospect out to my friends in San Francisco and get the thumbs up from them, after screening them on the forum here!!
I was serious & then thought it was a bit presumptuous of me so pretended I was joking. You'll be better prepared next time & more aware of the danger signals.
I just got back from therapy, and the therapist is so amazing and supportive. She really validates all that I am going through and I have someone who understands narcissists and who I can ask how to negotiate with J. He is going to be in a bad position with the negotiations and could be angry and weird.
Your therapist sounds great. I'm glad you found her.
I thought Succotash was a made-up word for Sylvester the cat. I just looked it up. It sounds delicious.
If I ever think of dating again, I will fly the prospect out to my friends in San Francisco and get the thumbs up from them, after screening them on the forum here!! ...
Sounds reasonable, but don't rely too much on advice from folks who have never met you or your friends face to face. I am always happy to give such advice, but hope its not really relied on. On the other hand some times just talking things through can help you think them through.
I wouldn't have my amazing daughter if I hadn't had this relationship, so I did really luck out in that way.
Makes all the grief well worth while, doesn't it!

You are really approaching this thing rationally, I have no doubt it will turn out well for you!
He is going to be in a bad position with the negotiations and could be angry and weird.
His being angry and weird should be to your advantage. Your calm rational approach is much better.
The deer didn't eat my green onion tops, so I added a lot of them and it was nice and fresh and delicious!

I'm glad the deer at least left you something! haha

So great you have such a good therapist. I love that you have that sort of support in your life right now!
And lovely about getting some good meditation and yoga time as well!
Dinner sounds great and I'm really glad you have a good therapist and got something out of the session.
Thanks Em! It really helps having someone who not only understands, but who, from helping a lot of clients who have gone through this, actually tells me to be more on the lookout for weirdness. She also talks about what I am doing well, which is so nice. Being on this forum has helped me so much to see that I am a normal person with a normal amount of intelligence. Living with my mom and J really had me feeling like I am not smart enough to navigate the world on my own, and you all and my therapist really give me a confidence boost that I will be fine.
I was serious & then thought it was a bit presumptuous of me so pretended I was joking. You'll be better prepared next time & more aware of the danger signals.

Your therapist sounds great. I'm glad you found her.
I thought Succotash was a made-up word for Sylvester the cat. I just looked it up. It sounds delicious.
Thanks Cate! I do think that narcissists are very sneaky and will present as so wonderful, and it does take quite a few people at times to see if someone is genuine and authentic. I think there were many signs, but every single person including therapists around me told me I was imagining things. I won't let my instincts get overridden like that again, that's for sure! Southern succotash is the most delicious dish ever. I made mine more flavored with sage and parmesan, not southern, but it was almost as good! And it was nice to discover that you can cook unripe winter squash up and it has the texture half way between winter and summer squash.
Sounds reasonable, but don't rely too much on advice from folks who have never met you or your friends face to face. I am always happy to give such advice, but hope its not really relied on. On the other hand some times just talking things through can help you think them through.

Makes all the grief well worth while, doesn't it!

You are really approaching this thing rationally, I have no doubt it will turn out well for you!

His being angry and weird should be to your advantage. Your calm rational approach is much better.
Thanks Rob. I really appreciate having different perspectives, and I like when those help me to see clearer or from a different perspective or paradigm. The older I get, the more I see how much I don't know, and that's good, because it means I'll never be bored. There are so many things to contemplate and explore! I won't let other people's perspectives override my own as I did with how everyone thought that J was the most amazing partner, when I really knew better. I really learned that lesson!! I think you have a great point about being angry making you careless and not think things through vs being rational and seeing what really could be possible.
I'm glad the deer at least left you something! haha

So great you have such a good therapist. I love that you have that sort of support in your life right now!
And lovely about getting some good meditation and yoga time as well!
Thanks Liza! The deer even ate the tops off my horseradish, but I am really glad they don't like my green onions! I need to harvest herbs for tea, too. I have really nice lavender, mint, ginger, lemon grass, and maybe even turmeric that should be harvested before it freezes here. I'm really excited to see if I have 2 kinds of ginger or if some of the turmeric made it. The meditation and yoga have been life savers. I don't think I've ever been this stressed out, and they are really helping to keep it manageable.

There is a flash flood warning for our area this morning, and I am watching it pour down rain and then let up all morning. There's sporadic thunder and lightening and a big strong gust of wind will come and move all the trees around once in a while. It's quite beautiful to watch and listen to. There is also a lovely white egret who keeps flying back and forth over the marsh. I wonder if it's building a nest. I decided to have a more mellow week where I let K sleep in as much as she wants and stay up as late as she wants. She's been working on her portfolio with interruptions from me to do a little other work.

This has really helped, and I have way more energy because I am not fighting her to get up or to go to bed and I got a lot of house work done. I also brought in some sweet potatoes that were in tubs that didn't get planted out this year. I put more dirt in the tubs and will plant them in the spring after it warms up. They are special kinds from the Asian market that I really love. I want to take some slips with me to plant at the next place. I have a weird attachment to my plants and would take samples of everything with me if I could afford to!!

Our little treadmill came in and it works great! We are both so sore from being stressed, so are walking on it instead of running. We may have a touch of something and maybe this isn't just stress - hard to tell, but the treadmill is going to work great! It has big ball bearing wheels where if you tilt it up, one person can move it around easily. Anyway, I am so enjoying the rain and am so happy that K is engaged in schoolwork now. We are studying macroeconomics now, which is more like sociology and less like business, so we are finding this interesting. I am listening to a video on someone who studied both economics and ecology, and he says that cheap energy will be on the decline in Ks lifetime, and that he hopes we'll all learn to live with less for the environment's sake. He says all this in fascinating ways as he has such a beautiful wholistic vision of nature as a massive system that the human economic system relies on. I like wholistic thinkers.
I am listening to a video on someone who studied both economics and ecology, and he says that cheap energy will be on the decline in Ks lifetime, and that he hopes we'll all learn to live with less for the environment's sake.
Yes! i think those of us in richer countries def need to learn how to live with less rather than solely looking at alternative energy sources. I mean of course the alternative sources are so important too but I do think it's too bad that our society seems to be built on consuming a lot of junk to keep the economy going!

Our little treadmill came in and it works great! We are both so sore from being stressed, so are walking on it instead of running
That's great! I hope you continue to enjoy it.
There is a flash flood warning for our area this morning, and I am watching it pour down rain and then let up all morning. There's sporadic thunder and lightening and a big strong gust of wind will come and move all the trees around once in a while. It's quite beautiful to watch and listen to. There is also a lovely white egret who keeps flying back and forth over the marsh. I wonder if it's building a nest.
Oh that does sound really beautiful, but I do hope the flash flood doesn't happen! Stay safe Marsia
Living with my mom and J really had me feeling like I am not smart enough to navigate the world on my own,
That's one of the worst things about abusive relationships. They have to take away your confidence, both to make you think you deserve their bad days and to make you believe you could never get through the complications of life without their benevolent guidance.
Yes! i think those of us in richer countries def need to learn how to live with less rather than solely looking at alternative energy sources. I mean of course the alternative sources are so important too but I do think it's too bad that our society seems to be built on consuming a lot of junk to keep the economy going!

That's great! I hope you continue to enjoy it.

Oh that does sound really beautiful, but I do hope the flash flood doesn't happen! Stay safe Marsia
Thanks Liza! It flooded on the nearby islands, but we're up a little higher, and everything was fine. There was one spot we passed where there is a road between a big river and a march, and it had about a foot of water over the whole road, but otherwise our island did ok in the storm. I collected downed pine boughs and took the needles and made pine needle tea, as it smells so nice and is high in vitamin C.
That's one of the worst things about abusive relationships. They have to take away your confidence, both to make you think you deserve their bad days and to make you believe you could never get through the complications of life without their benevolent guidance.
It's so weird that I knew all this from seeing my mom go through it, but I didn't see it in my own relationship. It wasn't so overt, but wow, did this blind side me. I just thought that J and I were so different that I ticked him off all the time because he didn't accept our differences. But so much of this was planned. So incredibly awful.

K and I have been taking it easy. We both feel on the verge of getting sick, and are just trying to get some schoolwork done each day and some housework. It was beautiful out today, so I went into the yard and picked up all the downed branches from the storm and loved being out in the sun. I feel my energy coming back to get organized and to get the house ready for sale in the summer, but my immune system is not cooperating yet. Going slow and steady.
I'm glad you're going slow & steady. I hope you & K can build up your immune systems and not get sick. Stress leaves our bodies so vulnerable. Take care, M xoxo
I collected downed pine boughs and took the needles and made pine needle tea, as it smells so nice and is high in vitamin C.
Oh I must try that sometime. Tea from a tree sounds so wonderful!! Do you have to boil the needles for a while to get the flavor or do you just pour hot water over and let it steep?
Taking it easy sounds like a good idea. Good to avoid getting sick if possible!
I'm glad the flood didn't affect you much and that you were just able to enjoy the beauty of the storm. It's lovely how much you enjoy the nature around you!
I'm glad you're going slow & steady. I hope you & K can build up your immune systems and not get sick. Stress leaves our bodies so vulnerable. Take care, M xoxo
Thanks Cate! We are still taking it easy and it's really nice to just do what we can and not stress about the rest.
Slow and steady seems the way to do it.

Glad you enjoyed clearing the yard, sounds therapeutic.
Thanks Em! I love sunshine when it's a nice temperature out. It feels like it heals the body, and it definitely makes me relax like a cat sitting out in the sun. I have even dragged a futon bed outside to lie in the sun when I was sick, and it helped so much.
Oh I must try that sometime. Tea from a tree sounds so wonderful!! Do you have to boil the needles for a while to get the flavor or do you just pour hot water over and let it steep?
Taking it easy sounds like a good idea. Good to avoid getting sick if possible!
I'm glad the flood didn't affect you much and that you were just able to enjoy the beauty of the storm. It's lovely how much you enjoy the nature around you!
Thanks Liza! With the pine needle tea, I make sure I get fresh green needles and simmer them in water just until they turn a dull olive color, but I turn the water off before it boils and just let them steep. If the water boils, it is supposed to cook out the vitamin C. I have it with a little honey. It's surprisingly fruity and delicious. I was careful to research elevation before we bought a house here. It's known as the "low country" and is very prone to flooding and tropical storms. It's so dramatic when it storms - the trees sway wildly!
Hi Llama!
So things are slowly progressing. The lawyers are meeting together soon so my lawyers can explain the ramifications of the financial analysis in person. I sent very sweet Christmas cards for our friends we stayed with while in the RV and for my best friends in California who has been so emotionally supportive. I think that is the extent of my Christmas-y-ness this year. We have a fake twinkly birch tree with built in lights we'll put up and will put a few little happy Christmas presents we got each other while on vacation under the tree, and I think we'll go get some crab or lobster for Christmas dinner this year. I'll make a cornbread stuffing and gravy and veggies, and call it good enough! It is so nice to just relax and not stress about the holiday. I am like Liza and love just being still and contemplative this time of year. J emailed to say that he got us presents. I asked only for fuzzy socks for Christmas every year for 20 years, and he never got me any presents himself, but had me buy my own, but now that we are divorcing, he finally sends me some. Ugh! I won't be prejudiced against the fuzzy socks though. I love them and nearly all of mine are threadbare, so it'll be nice to get some.
J emailed to say that he got us presents. I asked only for fuzzy socks for Christmas every year for 20 years, and he never got me any presents himself, but had me buy my own, but now that we are divorcing, he finally sends me some. Ugh! I won't be prejudiced against the fuzzy socks though. I love them and nearly all of mine are threadbare, so it'll be nice to get some.
Funny how some people's memory can suddenly improve, isn't it? One of the strangest things my ex did after I left him was call me the day before my birthday to invite me on a nice day trip. First time he ever let on he even knew when my birthday was :rofl:
The present thing is so typical. I just don't understand people sometimes. Anyway, new fuzzy socks will be nice.

Glad you are enjoying the rest time.