Marsia's Diary

I won't be prejudiced against the fuzzy socks though. I love them and nearly all of mine are threadbare, so it'll be nice to get some.
I am so happy the fuzzy socks will be welcomed in! They are so cozy aren't they.
Your Christmas plan sounds perfect.
Thanks for the instructions on the pine needle tea. I really want to give that a go!
Funny how some people's memory can suddenly improve, isn't it? One of the strangest things my ex did after I left him was call me the day before my birthday to invite me on a nice day trip. First time he ever let on he even knew when my birthday was :rofl:
This made me laugh at the irony! J is now obsessing over all the presents getting here on time. So weird - he never liked participating in Christmas when we were together :rolleyes:. I guess he's sweating what will happen with the finances.
The present thing is so typical. I just don't understand people sometimes. Anyway, new fuzzy socks will be nice.

Glad you are enjoying the rest time.
Thanks Em! We are really enjoying having a mellow Christmastime a lot. We went out today to get a nice bowl for me and a coffee mug for K for Christmas (because J broke a lot of our dishes when he occasionally did dishes) - she got a cup in the shape of an acorn with an acorn top for brewing tea, and I found the exact replacement for one of my favorite bowls that got broken. We ran lots of errands while out and ate at our favorite bagel place where we had lox, tomato, lettuce, caper, and pickled onion sandwiches. So good when the bagels are so authentic. Anyway, it was a nice relaxing day and we picked up such delicious things for Christmas dinner - lobster tails, strip steak for Korean BBQ steak, and mushrooms to stuff.
Your Christmas with just K sounds nice & relaxing. :grouphug:
Thanks Cate! I really like it being so casual!!
I am so happy the fuzzy socks will be welcomed in! They are so cozy aren't they.
Your Christmas plan sounds perfect.
Thanks for the instructions on the pine needle tea. I really want to give that a go!
Fuzzy socks in winter are my favorite! I hope you like the pine needle tea!!

We ran so many errands today, and traffic was so bizarre - every single absent minded person on the planet was out and driving in random weird ways, so it was good practice for K in defensive driving, and we laughed a lot at the most bizarre driving stunts. We got to the big box grocery store fairly early, which was really good - it was almost impossible to find parking. We studied at a nice cafe we don't get to very often, and it was festive and nice, and K's clickable collage looks so good and has lots of fun interactivity. We felt all Christmasy and happy today. My weight is up again. I will try to get it back down to the old high weight and then start calorie counting seriously after Christmas. We're doing a lot of short meditations and yoga together and some nice treadmill.
I love hearing about you & K wandering about together & sounding so happy & chilled. I'll get back to serious calorie counting after Christmas too. I think our Christmas is going to be very casual too, but I also think that's how I want it to be every year from now on.
Thanks Cate! K is having a really good time thinking about music she wants to compose for her clickable image collage. So we are listening to different music and thinking about rhythms and different vibes of music. She is really loving how you can do all the interactive media together to create a whole world! Casual for the holidays is so good, and it's so nice to hear you'll get to see everyone for Christmas!
Nice you are enjoying Christmas in a light unstressed out way.
K is having a really good time thinking about music she wants to compose for her clickable image collage. So we are listening to different music and thinking about rhythms and different vibes of music. She is really loving how you can do all the interactive media together to create a whole world!
That sounds like a really fun project!
I have been listening to music again the last couple of days. I know how sick I must be if I'm too sick to listen to music. It's so good for our spirits. It must be so good to hear & see K being so creative xo
Christmas traffic sure is something! Glad you are getting into the spirit of things and K is enjoying working on her collage. I love how accessible all this really cool tech is for availble for everyone now, whereas when I was younger, you'd only be able to use it in college really. It's a truly wonderful world.
Nice you are enjoying Christmas in a light unstressed out way.

That sounds like a really fun project!
Thanks Liza, her project is so fun and practical, as the portfolio only allowed 6 pieces, and K had about 25 she wanted to show, so she collaged them together.
I have been listening to music again the last couple of days. I know how sick I must be if I'm too sick to listen to music. It's so good for our spirits. It must be so good to hear & see K being so creative xo
So glad you are enjoying music again! It's so wonderful seeing K enthused and working on fun things again, and I am so impressed with her figuring out how to code all this on her own. Object-oriented programming in a full-fledged programming language is a good accomplishment, and it makes me feel really confident that she'll be fine in college!!
Christmas traffic sure is something! Glad you are getting into the spirit of things and K is enjoying working on her collage. I love how accessible all this really cool tech is for availble for everyone now, whereas when I was younger, you'd only be able to use it in college really. It's a truly wonderful world.
We braved the traffic again today - I wanted to get something in the mail, but it wasn't meant to be - they'd already closed for the Eve of Christmas Eve, which I had no idea about. So we went and studied a bit since we were out anyway. It's amazing how much technology is out there now. We got this fantastic deal on the Adobe Suite, and Photoshop does AI stuff now!

Another good mellow day. I've been getting the syllabi written for each class for the semester in case any schools ask for them with mid-year grades. That takes me forever listing all the resources we use and doing detailed write ups of what we cover in each class, how I determine grades, etc. Got a nice email from a friend and packages arrived. The socks from J are so ugly and too big - so funny! I'll wear them anyway. Fuzzy socks are wonderful even if not aesthetic and a bit too big! We are soooo behind in school, but hopefully they won't ask for mid-year grades for a while and we can catch up!! It was warm and beautiful out today. I hope it stays that way and we can start taking nice walks in the sun again!
her project is so fun and practical, as the portfolio only allowed 6 pieces, and K had about 25 she wanted to show, so she collaged them together.
I don’t know know anything at all about college submission requirements but wouldn't attempts to circumvent the rules annoy them?

It's lovely that K is being creative again though, and overly large fuzzy socks are ideal for me because I can put them over my normal cotton socks for skin-friendliness.
I don’t know know anything at all about college submission requirements but wouldn't attempts to circumvent the rules annoy them?

It's lovely that K is being creative again though, and overly large fuzzy socks are ideal for me because I can put them over my normal cotton socks for skin-friendliness.
Good point about the socks, Llama. We'll be moving to where it's cold, and double socks will be nice. With the portfolio, I think we can get around some of this because digital media is multimedia, so she can do a scene with artwork on the walls and music that she creates in the background. I think you are right about sticking to the rules though, and I'll have her only include one item where she has done things like put all her commissioned graphic work on one page for a submission. We'll just put the best one instead. Thanks!
I've been getting the syllabi written for each class for the semester in case any schools ask for them with mid-year grades. That takes me forever listing all the resources we use and doing detailed write ups of what we cover in each class, how I determine grades, etc.

It sure sounds like so much work teaching homeschool. Good for you figuring all that out!

Hope you can get some nice walks in with that nice weather!
K has the best home-schooling teacher! Lucky girl.
It's Christmas morning here, M & I just want to wish you & K a very happy Christmas. 2024 is going to be the best year of our lives. It's full of possibilities. xoxo
It sure sounds like so much work teaching homeschool. Good for you figuring all that out!

Hope you can get some nice walks in with that nice weather!
Thanks Liza! It's fun work teaching homeschool, and since I made a syllabi last year, I can copy from myself. I read a good book on all this before I tried writing anything up last year, and handing everything in last spring and not having any corrections from my rigorous homeschool association really gave me confidence. I am so grateful for our lovely, super helpful homeschool association director, too. We had the best walk in the rain on Christmas Day. It was pristine and beautiful with some gorgeous conch shells and starfish washed up on the beach. We threw them all back because they all had somebody home in them. And the sand was either dark grey or light tan and made these half flame, half cheetah print patterns on the shore. The wind was blowing quite hard, so on the way back it was a little Marry Poppins-like with our big umbrellas blowing in the wind.
K has the best home-schooling teacher! Lucky girl.
It's Christmas morning here, M & I just want to wish you & K a very happy Christmas. 2024 is going to be the best year of our lives. It's full of possibilities. xoxo
Thanks Cate! I think 2024 is going to be really good, too! I think we all learned a lot from our struggles this year, and next year we'll put all we learned into practice and become unstoppable uber-healthy people!!
Glad you enjoyed your mellow day Marsia. I’m sure the home schooling will work out.
Thanks Em! Christmas Eve was really nice, too. We wrapped presents, made nice stuffing and lobster tails for dinner, and then opened presents. We got a scented candle that smelled natural and soothing, and it crackled, so it was like sitting by the fire relaxing and opening the fun presents we got each other on our travels, which brought back happy memories. K got me lots of really beautiful men's socks that are thick and nice and fit well, so the huge fuzzy socks will probably be donated. I decided not to torture myself thinking of J when I put on socks now that I have nice ones again.
Merry Christmas Marsia--I hope you're having a lovely peaceful day!
Thanks Liza! It was perfect and relaxing. We are happily making a new tradition!

I know it's not quite new year's yet, but I want to start thinking about my goals for next year. I think the main thing is learning to relax and to view challenges as learning opportunities so I don't feel so overwhelmed. And if I don't learn all I need to, there is always next time. I do need to eat way more veggies and get more sunshine and fresh air and be sure to do a little aerobic exercise every other day and start building up to a normal amount again.

I hope everyone had a really good Christmas!!!
That all sounds so lovely, M. I'm glad you're getting rid of those fluffy socks!
2024- I am really looking forward to being healthy again. It will be my focus, that's for sure.
That all sounds so lovely, M. I'm glad you're getting rid of those fluffy socks!
2024- I am really looking forward to being healthy again. It will be my focus, that's for sure.
Great! I know we can do this!!